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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:16 pm

I never really got into those though since I'm not a big Stephen King fan outside of Quantum Leap.

Today's Monster of the Day takes us to Northern Virginia, though whether he is man or monster nobody knows for certain...perhaps he is both.


The legend of an ax-wielding man in a rabbit suit haunting Fairfax County started in the 1970s and continues to this day, with one local overpass even dubbed "Bunny Man Bridge." What began as two minor incidents involving a man wearing bunny ears in 1970 has transformed into an epic urban legend of escaped convicts, disemboweled children, and half-eaten rabbits. While the details of the legend have changed over the years, with variations on the mysterious murderer’s history, motivation, and appearance, one thing remains the same: his terrifying bunny costume.


The first incident was reported the evening of October 19, 1970, by U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Robert Bennett and his fiancée, who were visiting relatives on Guinea Road in Burke. Around midnight, while returning from a football game, they reportedly parked their car in a field on Guinea Road to "visit an Uncle who lived across the street from where the car was parked". As they sat in the front seat with the motor running, they noticed something moving outside the rear window. Moments later, the front passenger window was smashed, and there was a white-clad figure standing near the broken window. Bennett turned the car around while the man screamed at them about trespassing, including: "You're on private property, and I have your tag number." As they drove down the road, the couple discovered a hatchet on the car floor. When the police requested a description of the man, Bennett insisted he was wearing a white suit with long bunny ears. However, Bennett's fiancée contested their assailant did not have bunny ears on his head but was wearing a white pointed hoodie of some sort. They both remembered seeing his face clearly, but in the darkness, they could not determine his race. The police returned the hatchet to Bennett after examination.

The second reported sighting occurred on the evening of October 29, 1970, when construction security guard Paul Phillips approached a man standing on the porch of an unfinished home, in Kings Park West on Guinea Road. Phillips said the man was wearing a gray, black, and white bunny costume, and was about 20 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, and weighed about 175 pounds. The man began chopping at a porch post with a long-handled axe, saying: "You are trespassing. If you come any closer, I'll chop off your head."


The legend tells of The Bunny Man Bridge, the overpass has become a favorite spot for teenagers and the superstitious to give themselves a bit of a scare. As the legend goes, a group of convicts were being transferred from a nearby insane asylum when their bus crashed, releasing the crazed criminals. While most were found dead or recovered, two managed to escape. For a time. Not long after the crash, the body of one of the convicts was found hanging from the Colchester Overpass, and according to some accounts had a note attached signed, “The Bunny Man.” The search continued for the second convict and a number of half-eaten rabbits were said to have been found hanging in the trees in the area. Finally the killer was cornered, but was hit by a passing train before he could be apprehended.

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:41 am

Well I'm a not a huge Stephen King fan like get his books for instance, that was My Grandma's thing but whenever there's a new movie of his it's a must see and something like The Night Flier definitely was I mean those scenes I provided of The Night Flier were astounding :blbat:

I've seen stuff of The Bunny Man but really never knew the story :o Good Scott Hall there ;)

So today is Halloween so it might be obvious to you who is My Monster of the day but then again it may not :? Like I did yesterday it will be a double will be Alien & Predator :batwink: However I'm not dealing with the species, that will be at a later time :batconfused: :wwhuh: :smhuh: What I'm doing is since there is many individual Xenomorphs & Yautjas, I'm picking one from each group :o First up is The PredAlien because she's My favorite all of Xenomorphs :!: I love her design that she's a hybrid between the two species, over 7 feet tall, that she's a queen and I love her characteristics & sounds as well.

AVP 1.jpg

She first appeared in 2004's Alien vs. Predator as a cliffhanger at the end of the film but in the second one, 2007's Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, her story was continued. The sequel is My favorite film of the whole franchise. Here is her birth in one of the most awesome scenes :blww:

One thing that I wasn't crazy about the film is how dark it was however, that was really it's only drawback as the film is darn near perfect. Here's a cool video of her scenes that is edited to be much brighter and she's fight The Wolf Predator whom is a cleaner :shock:

Now who is My favorite Predator :?: Well that category belongs to The Berserker Predator aka Mr. Black from 2010's Predator :blbat: I love his design and different style. He's part of a different breed, he's 8 feet tall, has such cool looking skin, has a bone mask and is one of baddest bad@$$3$ in horror :!:

AVP 2.jpg

Here's his first appearnce along with his two klan members with their Predator Dogs, this is so cool :!:

Now Predators are known to take trophies of their opponents, this is by far the the most gruesome of them all as Mr. Black takes Stan's head & spine while he's still alive but oh man I love this and I couldn't believe it when I first saw it :blmm:

So there you have it, have a very Happy & Safe Halloween :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blmm: :blhal: :blbaf: :blaq:

AVP 3.jpg
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:39 am

I never saw that. I stopped paying attention to Predator after the second movie, and Aliens after the 3rd. Just didn't care for the previews of the newer ones to stick with the lore.

Today's Monster of the Day takes us back to California where a lot of horror reside, many of them getting rich in public office.


But we'll stick to scary things in the dark...

No matter where you’re from, you probably grew up daring other children to test the supernatural by doing some dare. Well, if you happen to be from the area around Ojai, California, you’ve probably shouted the words “Help me!” off a bridge as a way to invite the legendary Char-Man to come attack you. While Ojai is home to many legends and tales from a blood-drenched ghost-bride to a headless motorcyclist, the most famous specter from this area is undoubtedly the Char-Man. No one is entirely sure whether he’s a ghost or a mortal man who’s been burned beyond recognition and driven to insanity by his past trauma.


As is the case with nearly every legend that’s ever been told, there are differing versions of the story of the Char-Man. However, almost all of the versions involve someone being badly burned. One version of this legend is said to have occurred in 1948. As it goes, there was once a horrible fire in Ojai that burned up a good portion of the town. The fire eventually reached a house that was far outside of town where a father and son lived. However, no one in the town remembered to help the father and son until it was too late. The father was burned to death and the son was horribly burned but remained alive. However, the trauma of seeing his father die and the excruciating pain of the burns caused the son to go insane. By the time the authorities arrived, the son had skin his father’s body and hung it from a tree. As the officers looked upon the horrible scene, the son burst out of a bush and attacked them, and then ran off into the woods to become the Char-Man.

The second version of the story also takes place in 1948. Again, there was a massive fire that consumed a good portion of the town of Ojai. In one specific household, a man and a woman were both caught in the fire. The man was able to escape the fire, but he was so badly injured from his burns that he could not move. As the man lay in his yard outside the reach of the fire, he could hear his wife screaming “Help me!” from inside the burning house, yet he could do nothing to save her. The experience of hearing his wife burn to death and the pain of the burns led the man to become the terrible monster now known as the Char-Man.

Regardless of where exactly the Char-Man came from, his legacy is pretty uniform among Ojai residents today: he is said to attack motorists traveling through Camp Comfort County Park. The park sits just south of Ojai, and one particular bridge within the park has now earned the name “Char-Man Bridge” among local residents.
It has become a local sport among Ojai residents to stop their cars on the bridge at night and start screaming “Help me!” into the surrounding darkness. And, if you consider the origin story in which the Char-Man heard his wife screaming “Help me!” while being burned to death, that’s not a very nice thing to do. Anyway, some have claimed that, after screaming into the wilderness, they will see a figure coming running at them out of the woods. In reported encounters, he’s a badly burned man with horrible scars. In other reports, the man is still actively on fire, so his orange glow can be seen deep in the woods before he gets closer. As the legend goes, if you aren’t able to get out of there quick enough, the Char-Man will come beating and scratching on the windows of your car. If he’s able to successfully break through the window, he’ll drag you out of the car and skin you alive. Personally, I like my skin where it is, so I won’t be yelling anything off of any bridges in California anytime soon.


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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:11 pm

Well the movies were pretty good after those. Even as nuts as Alien Resurrection is it to has has it moments. Promentheous is such dark deep film that is the prequel to alien but the ones that these two monstrosities are like I said, really are My favorite. I never new that Char-Man before, that was interesting :o

I hope everybody that seen this topic was was intrigued, surprised and more about everything that Me & PB entered here, there's still a ton do for next time and again Happy Halloween :blbat:
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:50 pm

Damn, you just reminded me that I missed AvP as a watch on my daily movie marathon. I don't know how I forgot to add it. I guess it's going on the list for next year!
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:31 am

Well gosh Acid, the Alien & Predator movies have never been strictly for Halloween for Me, I just put them there because their scary & My two favs. You could just watch it now. It's My fav franchise. When I watch them I watch all of them in chronological order by story. I don't know if you seen Prey or not, it is the new prequel to the films. Soon I plan to resurrect My Alien, Predator & Terminator topic that has been lacking for content for ages now. My plan is to start with Prey and detail it like I do many of My spotlights :blmm:
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:22 am

Not all monsters are drooling, sharp-toothed, slimy creatures from the nether regions of Hell. Some of the worst monsters are made of nothing more than human flesh and bone.

Now, cower in fear!!!!!


Move over Jack the Ripper, you may just have a pâtissier predecessor. According to legend, between 1589 and 1598 Frederick Thomas Lynwood was England's first documented serial killer, and he lived on Drury Lane.

The moniker people came to know him by? You guessed it, the 'Muffin Man'.

Also known as the ‘Drury Lane Dicer’, Lynwood was believed to have killed 15 children by luring them into dark alleys with muffins on strings. He is also said to have murdered seven rival pastry chefs during his reign of terror on the famous neighborhood, using a sharpened wooden spoon as his weapon of choice.

Urban myth? Perhaps.


Perhaps not!

Maybe it was just a silly kids nursery rhyme...or maybe it was a warning!

Do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Do you know the muffin man,
Who lives in Drury Lane?

Oh Yes, I know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Yes, I know the muffin man,
Who lives in Drury Lane.

Stay away from Drury Lane, kiddies, or you may just find yourself on the menu!

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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:44 am

Wow, what an entry. The Muffin Man is something else. That's cool you picked this one Packer :)
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:54 pm

Whoa. Is this Muffin Man an actual thing? Or is it a recent urban legend like the clowns with knives thing?
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Re: Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:43 am

Acid, PB said it. The Muffin Man is based on a 16th Century Nursery Rhyme turned Urban Legend. All myths & legends has some truths within them.

Okay, here's My entry for today. I posted about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies in The Movie Trailers Topic...well continue that here's one of My fave episodes of the originals series...The Case of the Killer Pizzas :!: It was the sixth episode of season 2 which was in 1988 that originally aired on November 5, 1988. Here's this iconic picture :)


So the story goes, Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady send eggs from Dimension X to Shredder and Baxter Stockman.
These eggs resemble meatballs and the plan is to sprinkle the eggs on pizzas :shock: They hatch via engery and being microwaved hatches them :o


These alien babies devours anything specifically pizza and love to terrorize kids :!:


When they grow up they strongly resemble Xenomorphs which this was huge for a young Alien fan such as Myself :)


Here's this spoiling clip from Paramount+ with SPOILERS :!:

Now, these Pizzamorphs had appearances in TMNT Video Games too, here's this clip :)

As a bonus, NECA has been making Alien & Predator figures for a long time now. They made an Alien Xenomorph figure to look like the Pizza Monsters :o

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