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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:55 am

I don't think I've ever not seen a film because of a song or music in general, it's the opposite with Me so i can hear that song or music score. Something like Ghostbusters for an example, you get the best of both worlds ;) I'm a not a big fan of the Three Musketeers story either but it's alright but the Candy Bar is pretty good, I craved them a long time ago. Yes, in the 90s there was a lot of trending of the same type of plots and stuff but it was still cool. I never seen that Willie Mays Documentary. That looked pretty good with a tons of good stuff :)

Here's this HBO Documentary of Andre the Giant :!:


We didn't have HBO in 2018 when it aired but dang I'm like I gotta see it so I was able to get a good copy elsewhere. It's a tremendous Documentary with a ton of great history, clips, interviews and's the Trailer :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:42 pm

That aired on Vice. I caught some of it.

Happy 72nd birthday, Mr. John Goodman.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:47 am

Well Happy B-Day to John Goodman. Goodman is from St. Louis. My Mom's boyfriend Jasper knew Goodman. he met him a few times over at Tower Grove Park in Our old neighborhood. I never got the chance, Jasper said he was a nice guy but that's all I recall, this was about the time when the movie Matinee came out in 93, possibly a while before it however :shock: We rented it over at either Star Video or at Schnucks on Iron Street, probably the former. The movie is pretty good, directed by Joe Dante who as you heard in the trailer did Gremlins. He uses his good friend the legend Jerry Goldmsith once more, the music played such a part in the film :)

On a sadder note, I found out that Donald Sutherland passed away at age 88 :shock: He was great actor, I've seen many of his movies. Ones that come to mind is The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Backdraft 1 & 2, The Puppet Masters & Outbreak. May he Rest in Peace :roll:

Donald Sutherland RIP 1.jpg
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:49 am

Oh, that's a shame. His performances were always terrific. He had such gravitas. Rest in peace.

I never saw this movie he was in, but I read the novel when I was younger. Probably should try to see it eventually.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:50 am

Yes it is, he was one of those guys that was in so much. I've only heard of The Day of the Locusts, I knew nothing about it, book nor movie. Seeing the trailer, the title is very deceiving as the people are the Locust, not actual insects :shock: Sutherland looked pretty young there, as young as he was in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Karen Black looked pretty young and good. I wonder how many people besides you and NOW Me put 2 & 2 together that his name is Homer Simpson :o

Okay, I mentioned one of his movies called Outbreak, it came out in 1995. It's a real good one :)


It has a big cast. Sutherland isn't the only one in this movie that was in Backdraft, the late great J.T. Walsh was as well. I remember Us renting this from Star Video in their new releases. This was such a time for movies. It's not a pleasant movie mind you much like the one you posted above but it's really good to watch once in a while :)

I absolutely adore the music score by James Newton Howard. It was truly the music when I noticed him despite he won best score for The Fugitive in 93. I was stunned at how wonderful the Main Title is. I bought the CD long ago and listened to it a ton of times. You can just hear the wonders of Africa and close you eyes, you can see it the beautiful & dark nature of the Country too. Listen to how magical this is :)

Here's these two as well which are so good. I really like his style as he can write such great themes :)

Now I also mentioned The Puppet Masters, that movie has nothing to do with Dolls, it's Aliens :shock: I already did Donald Sutherland's Invasion of the Body Snatchers in My Horror Topic a long while back so soon I might do The Puppet Masters too plus it's 30th anniversary is this year because it came out in 94 :o It's really one of My fave alien films and it has one heck of a fun musical score. I'll about doing that one soon :)
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:35 pm

Outbreak was pretty good. Sutherland was in a ton of movies.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:36 am

Yes to all what you said :) Oh A Time to Kill. That was really a great one. Me, My Mom and her old friend Don that she worked with at Sears saw that at the show when it came out in 96 (We all three saw a ton of movies that year). This was the first time I saw or at least noticed Mathew McConaughey. This is the first film that I really saw about the KKK. Let Me tell you this. Remember Chris, the only friend I had in school back in the day that liked Wrestling besides Me :?: He loved The Undertaker by the way. He lived right next to the school, he could just walk there in literately about a minute, he was that close. There's a Dead End there on his little street, I saw it all the time from the recess playground. On the concrete wall to block the end, there was a big carving of KKK on it :shock: Back then when I first saw that I didn't know what KKK was. I told My Grandma about it and she explained it all to Me. I really didn't get it nor was it big to Me. Well, fast forward to 1996, I see A Time to Kill and then I knew what KKK is and ever since I've been kinda intrigued by it and any film that has to do with it I'm a bit interested. I find the subject a bit spooky. I'm sure those carvings are still on that wall as I type what this means there was/is KKK in that neighborhood :o

Joel Schumacher directed the film. He done many great ones. He did 95's Batman Forever & 97's Batman & Robin. He used his frequent composer Elliot Goldenthal who wrote glorious themes for those Batman films for A Time to Kill. This is really My least fave of his score but it's still good :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:36 pm

Probably more likely just dumb kids spray-painting things they thought would shock people. Or maybe not?

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:20 am

Maybe not is more like it, it wasn't spray paint, it was carved into the wall :shock: It was scary and I'm sure it meant something and wasn't a joke :shock: I never got involved with M.A.S.H. My Grandpa hated medical stuff and going through as much as I have, you don't like to watch medic stuff. I've mentioned this before. Now when I was in recovery back in 2013 at the hospital, the only thing on TV I wanted to see was sitcoms. I had the option to watch M.A.S.H. and I opted out on that very quickly. Only The Exes, Kirstie, King of Queens & Everybody Loves Raymond was to My liking. Believe Me, when you go thru trauma & and have PTSD and bad depression you change. I even told My physical therapist that I'd be hitting on her now but the Brandon that she's taking care of is not the same Brandon now :roll: Well it's over a decade and I've been Myself thank goodness though I have noticed society has changed a lot since then :roll: Now, by watching that trailer it doesn't bother Me but I'm still not interested in it or at least not at the moment. It's looks decently made with some good scenes and Donald Sutherland is in it yes but may sometime later :)

Okay, now here' this film. I saw this in 2016 at the show. It's called NERVE :!:


It stars the good looking Emma Roberts whom I find better than her Aunt Julia and Dave Franco, James' little brother.


Now usually I wouldn't see a movie like this at the show but it looked promising and I thought I would give it a chance and I wasn't disappointed. It's still a surprise to Me whenever I think about it. It's a real world game of truth or dare that's a love story as well. It's a feel good film and its cool how Emma is. Machine Gun Kelly plays the cop. The tagline of the film is "Are you A Player or Are you Watcher :?:" I've always been a Player in My life but there's a lot stuff in this movie that I wouldn't do. Here's the really cool trailer :)

I love the score by Rob Simonsen. Here's the excellent Main Title :)

This cue is so adorable, I just love this one. It has such a great tune & melody. The female choir is really nice, they sound so good. I've listened to this sweet one a ton of times :)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:39 pm

I was never into MASH either. I never saw the movie nor really can recall ever watching an entire episode. I never seen that movie preview for Nerve either, though I did like Dave Franco when he was on the later seasons of Scrubs.

Let's do what's on TV right now, on currently on FX Movies...

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