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Re: Animals: The Cicadas are Coming!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon May 20, 2024 7:46 am

Oh that's good. As you saw in the video their going to be strong in numbers so their gonna be singin' pretty :) Oh now Stink Bugs or Shield Bugs...oh now there is no comparison there. I wouldn't say kill them but if you squash them they leave a bad odor hence their name but I would avoid them as much as possible. They sometimes bite and can irritate your pets if you allow them outside. Their also a terrible pest to gardens :!:

Now since you and family live near woods, try to keep an eye & listen for stuff often day & night if you ever seen and/heard heard anything unknown post it or even just animals or whatever post it here :)
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Re: Animals: The Cicadas are Coming!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue May 21, 2024 1:20 pm

Funny you mentioned sharing because Sunday evening my wife was leaving for work when she called me into the garage. No idea how this little guy got about four feet up our garage door, but my daughter relocated him to a little nook on the side of the house.

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Re: Animals: He Hatched!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed May 22, 2024 9:58 am

First I gotta say We were under sever Thunderstorm warnings last night and under a Tornado Watch till 12:00 AM. Thank goodness it was just like a good old fashion storm with some thunder & lightning but nothing major. It did hail a bit though when it first started. I loved the sky and I loved how the wind felt so good :) It was even on Bing :!:

Severe Thunderstorms 1.jpg

Ah, now that's what I'm talking about. I cannot be certain what specie of Frog that is but I know New York has been getting some new species they never had before. He looks like a possible Toad too. That's good that your daughter put him in a safe place :) I would have been a bit excited had he been in My garage. I wouldn't want to keep him but I'd try see him as much as possible :)

Okay, now check this. I was very excited about this. The Cicada that I took pics NOW HATCHED from his exoskeleton so that means I saved his little butt :) He went back to the opposite area to where I put him...look at this pic I took, he's no longer alive here because nobody's home...I'm sure he's an adult now and I hope he survives and mates and lives till his little body no longer supports him :)

Baby Cicada 3.jpg

THE NEXT DAY...I went back there and his Exoskeleton is still there but there was another Cicada in that same spot but this one was moving...he didn't shed his skin yet...I didn't have the Camera with Me this time to get a pic of him though. I'm glad We're finally getting these species of Cicadas, I find them really cool since their adult form is black & red. Also I noticed the first Lightning Bugs/Fireflies/Gloworms of the year are out as well. I loved those little cute docile guys :) I also saw a tiny Opossum in the alley, I never seen one so small before, he was only the size of a baseball if even that which is small. He was so adorable. I was dumping trash and he got right next to Me, he doesn't know fear yet :roll: Poor thing, he didn't have his Mom with him to go in her pouch and nobody cares about him except Me :( I hope he stays around by the backyard and grows up here :)

Well, that's all for now, I have a lot more to post here soon. I'm glad you posted that about your visiting Frog PB. Now keep this topic in mind. Whenever you see an animal like that or something you cannot confirm. You can talk anything weird here, animals & Cryptids, UFOs, Ghosts, whatever and this just doesn't go for you, it also goes for the rest of everybody that's a part of this board :)

EDIT: Last night I was waiting for My Mom to get back from Schnucks & Dirt Cheap. Down the alley toward the left I saw a real little baby Bunny Rabbit hopping around. We used to have Bunny Wabbits in big numbers but unfortunately throughout the years their numbers has really gone down :roll: I hope the little fella is careful :)
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Re: Animals: He Hatched!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu May 23, 2024 8:20 pm

Nice. We have a groundhog that pops up every now and then, and a red fox (not the comedian). Not counting all the deer in the back and the front yard late at night.

My wife shared this with me the other day which was strangely timely all things considered... ... of-course/
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Re: Animals: He Hatched!!!

Postby OneNineSix » Thu May 23, 2024 11:05 pm

These are some great wildlife adventures!
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Re: Animals: He Hatched!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri May 24, 2024 9:00 am

PB - thanks :) I'm very excited that finally the black & red ones are coming to be here :) Yes, We have Groundhogs but their quite rare here. My Mom saw one last year but gosh I didn't :roll: I seen them toward the highway and the Mississippi River a long time ago and We used to have Red Foxes too. Yes, We have Deer, once in a blue moon their in the backyard. That's some story there PB and yes what a coincidence :shock: That's incredible that he built that great Godzilla with nothing but Cicadas Skins :o Now that was very creative by a Japanese no less ;) Looks like his Godzilla is mixtures of 54 & Shin...really insanely cool and thanks for bringing that to My attention :)

ONS - Yes they are indeed. I believe this is your first participation within this topic of Mine. Look through here if you haven't already, I've taken some great pics of animals of many kinds like Opossums, Bunny Rabbits, a Tree Frog, many times of Insects and much more. A ton of news stuff, Cryptid movies and much more. There's a ton to check out ;) I've even posted My own sightings including the Skunk Ape and unknown Arthropod and a ton of UFO sightings. I have much more to post soon :shock: Now if you like nature and go outside to experience it like I do and is able to post your own own pics like Mine & PB's above of animals and stuff then don't hesitate to post'em here. Look at Mine for example and look at what Packer just did, now that's what I'm talking about there. Now DEFINITELY post if you have seen animals that you think is a Cryptid whether you have pics or not. Just let it be known. Also like My signature says, always watch the skies. I'm very serious about that as I don't make stuff up and I don't ridicule people...I see them a lot. I have another big sighting catalog coming soon. Also if you wanna talk about Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals, Mythology, Weather, Ghost & the Paranormal or anything strange, this Topic of Mine is where to talk about it and doesn't have to be Halloween Time cause this stuff goes one 24/7 ;)
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Re: Animals: I FOUND HIM!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:03 am

Holy Toledo, it was just a few days ago that I found him :shock: Now I had a little bit of mix up before which I'll get to that at the climax. I was in the Backyard looking around and watching the skies as usual. It was about 2:00 AM or so. I saw a large bug on one of the poles and I was like, oh My, could it be :? Sure enough it was HIM :o I really couldn't believe My eyes cause this is the first time I really ever tracked a Cicada and seen this Periodical specie in My area. Like I said before I only saw these on the parking lot area of the South County Wehrenberg Theater Show by the Red Antennae Towers in around 2013. Okay, now I took some great pics of him. He wasn't afraid of Me at all, he didn't even move :shock: He's really neat looking with his black & orange colors :)

Baby Cicada  (Grown) 1.jpg

Now I had to leave a bit then I went back outside and he had moved on top of the pole. I was able to get some great shots of him that way too and even his cute face :)

Baby Cicada  (Grown) 2.jpg

Okay, so I thought let's do a little comparison of stages. So i coauht My own mistake and really My mistake is this. The first one I saw was actually in a Nymph stage as he already hatched his exoskeleton skin really ready to become an adult. The skin I saw was actually a second one :shock: Next is the full grown adult that is possibly a third one :)

Baby Cicada  (Grown) 3.jpg

Now I haven't seen him since. I'm hoping he made a good little life and was able to find a mate before birds get'em particular "Screeching" Blue Jays :roll: I've been seeing more Cicada skins here and there but I haven't heard their songs yet. I expect to soon. I'd really love it if both species appear this year which the other in the Annual and I see them together...I have never ever seen that in person. I hope they'll all be in full force soon. I got some more pics of other little critters to show soon so be looking for more in time :)
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Re: Animals: I FOUND HIM!!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:38 pm

Great pics, really vibrant colors!
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Re: Animals: I FOUND HIM!!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:11 am

Thanks PB, I'm glad you like them, I really appreciate it :) The thing is it was very dark out there and I could barely see his colors but I could see his size so I knew he was HIM. I was very pleased when I saw him on the camera and I was like oh yeah, he's the kind I was after for so long and I was look at how colorful & beautiful he is :)
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Re: Animals: Various News P1!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:16 am

There's some little news stories to get to, here's some of'em ;)

Here's this about the first known Bird. It's at the Chicago Field Museum. It's an Archaeopteryx meaning "Ancient Wing". They think further study will help to know how Birds evolved. Every time i see & think of a Bird(s), I think that they are Dinosaurs and I hope others do too :)

First Known Bird 1.jpg

The Flathead Catfish is at it again, they have been a huge pest in the Ozarks for decades now :shock: What is the big thing now :? They've made their way to Canada now :o :batshock: :wwsmh: :smsmh:

Flathead Catfish 1.jpg

Now this is truly amazing. in the wild, there was an Orangutan spotted using medicinal plants to heal it's own wounds :o That is so remarking and sounds more human than animal to Me :)

Orangutan 1.jpg

More soon plus more pictures of little critters by Me as well. Don't forget to post about anything unusual that's you've seen outside or inside recently or otherwise :)
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