So before you see the awesome movie PB, here's a great trailer compilation to get you even more excited

I said before how much I love the IMAX screen and that I saw many blockbusters and even some horror films like Stephen King's IT. It's a huge screen...50 feet by 50 feet. I don't recall you saying to Me PB if you have seen films on the IMAX screen or not or if your local theater has one

So here's a special IMAX video. The guy with the big beard is Adam Wingard, the director of the film plus the director of Godzilla vs. Kong as well

Now if I would being going to the show, one of the major things I do is prepare Myself about the score if possible because they weren't always available before hand. If they were I'd listen to them multiple times and get that feeling going then I know what kind of sound personality the movie has. It was always a fun experience and it didn't matter what genre it was whether it was for a monster, horror, action, sci-fi, drama, comedy or animation film

Now once you see the film and collect yourself...talk all you want about the film HERE, I know a bit of the spoilers but that's ok but put spoilers anyway PB if you feel that is needed. Also let Me know your thoughts of the movie as well as your son of what he thinks too