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Countdown to Christmas

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:13 am


Yes they are. Oh yeah, like I've said before, 1996 was the year of change and when I say that I just don't mean wrestling & entertainment and things that went on in My life, I mean life in general and what you said is just a tiny sample of what I'm talking about. An example was how they were in Scream...there wasn't that many characters that acted like that like that before till 96 then it was becoming the norm. Oh yeah, a major year of change was 2001 by time the late 2000s came oh gosh :roll: I know, the stuff is just updated with new features and this & that...that's one of the reasons why I'm happy with what I got before and stuff ;)

How about Danhausen Ruins Christmas Again :blbat: That was some SNL :scaq: Christmas in 1955, that was incredible there :scww: How about that, the narrator got that right about the Monkey world cause Baboons are actually monkeys, not Apes. Look at the train set :!: Toy Helicopters. They were still kind of relatively new vehicles compared to planes cause they were just invented by WWII only a short decade prior. That Santa was nice, looks like the kids really liked him. Oh Virginia, we can still believe :scsm: :schal: :scmm: :scbaf: :scaq: :blaq:

So here's a special big entry from Me :)

Is this Tales from the Crypt :? It's Danny Elfman yes but it's Scrooged...The Night the Reindeer Died + more :scbat:

Christmas Vacation with Bill Murray's Brother & Shopping :scsm: :scww: :schal:

And to cap this one off here's a special Holiday Promo from KSDK Channel 5 from 1989/1990. Listen to the song, it matches St. Louis & Baseball. Look at the Busch Clydesdales and so much and you can clearly see how things was then how enjoyable they were :scmm:

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:40 pm

That's kind of hilarious because all these years I thought that song was a channel 4 original, but not so much, I suppose.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:47 pm

Merry Christmas, one and all!!!!
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby OneNineSix » Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:52 pm

Hey everyone I want to wish all you people a great 2023 Christmas!!! Eat drink and be merry and be safe this holiday season! Peace!
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby Doctor Fate » Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:04 pm

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all. I hope everyone is doing well and best wishes to all my old friends. :scsm: :scbat: :scww: :scmm: :scaq: :scbaf: :schal:
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:36 pm

Holy cow, it's a Christmas Miracle!!!!!!

By Nabu, Doctor Fate was here! How you been?
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Dec 25, 2023 8:48 pm

That's quite unreal really. I don't know when they started that but like I said, Channel 5 one was from 1989/1990 :o

Great finale PB, can't be that Scrooged climax :scbat:

Holy crap Doctor Fate, I haven't talked to you since 2013, that 10 years ago this year :o Were have you been all of this time. Boy there's a ton of stuff to catch up because a lot has changed since you were last here because Me & PB has been provided a lot of topics that we contribute too and I have a ton of showcases filled with content within My own ones :)

have a safe & Happy MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody :scbat: :scww: :scsm: :scmm: :schal: :scbaf: :scaq: :blaq:
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:55 pm

Oh, Channel 4 around here has been playing that song since I was a kid. I just assumed it was something they did, but it looks like it was a CBS affiliate thing nationwide. That ruins it a little for me in all honesty, lol.
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:46 pm

I see but Channel 5 KSDK is not affiliated with CBS...they've always been NBC...Channel 4 KMOV is CBS.
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Re: Countdown to Christmas

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:59 pm

:lol: Hmm, well, whatever the reason it obviously isn't a local product, lol, which kind of ruins the magic of it.

364 days til Christmas!
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