I looked at the comments and only 6 comments...so pathetic, there should be hundreds there because that Macy Day Parade video of the 80s was awesome! First of all I would have loved to have been there during these times. That Fraggle Rock was really something. See, their Muppets and their really there...you cannot have anything like that in this modern era that CGI so I'll take Muppets, puppets or anything of the kind over that type any day
That Cabbage Patch Kids one was cool, I was never a big fan of it as I decided that when I was a youngster as I explained long ago but their icons of the 80s and should never ever be forgotten. Now that MOTU was the best one. That was truly creative and incredible. I loved how it was both He-Man & She-Ra. They all looked true to the comics & cartoons and acted really well. I was especially surprised how well She-Ra lip synced her cartoon line
I loved Skeletor & Hordak. I was really surprised to see Moss Man whom is really MOTU's version of Sasquatch. That entire performance was as stellar as they come
Thank goodness it didn't rain really hard there. That was a fantastic Marvel one. Amazing cast of characters there. I was really surprised about Emma Frost, Dr. Doom & Silver Silver. This is the best one you've posted for Thanksgiving thus far PB, show Me something that top this