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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:57 am

Well that's good that you didn't know the Nandi Bear :) Oh yeah, I'm extremely familiar with the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp. Very good PB ;) That happen 35 years ago this year :o I have always wondered could these lizard people actually be the Troodon Sapiens :?: If you don't know this, Troodons were a specie of Raptor Dinosaur that lived in the later part of the Cretaceous and was thought to be the smartest of all theropod dinosaurs. Had it not gone extinct it is theorized to have evolved into a humanoid specie. Is this what all of these lizard people sightings and more really is :?:


So today's monster of Mine is the Thetis Lake Monster in British Columbia, Canada :o

Thetis Lake Monster 4.jpg


Here's a cool brief video of it that has much info.

Now could this Cryptid be a real life Gillman I mean they got that idea from somewhere :shock:

Back to the Lizard Man, The Gill-Man in the Monster Squad has more reptilians featured. He was design ed by monster master the late great Stan Winston, he kinda resembles The Predator & The Kothoga which was both created by Winston and were reptilian. I think there's some sort of connection here :shock:

Thetis Lake Monster 5.jpg

The Gill-men and Fish-Men have been featured in Castlevania games many times. Here's the first two games which the second is Simon's Quest.

Thetis Lake Monster 6.jpg

When the TV show Grimm was on, it had some cool monsters, could this show be explaining what The Lake Thetis creature and others are :?:

So here's a special feature, way back in 2013 I posted a lot of kit-bashes of My MOTUC. The original topic is here ---> You can tell how different things was them. Anyway I made a figure bash and wrote a fan fiction story that was totally inspired of the monster of Lake Thetis back then so here's My quote ;)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Well, here My bashes of some characters that i made up. the first one Is My favorite, i hope you will please take the time and see what it is all about :) I didn't detail the others yet. Any questions you please ask :)

I recently (and finally) obtained the blue Mer-Man from the DC vs. MOTU pack with Aquaman. I decided that I wanted this Mer-Man as a completely new character and just not a Mer-Man variant. I had a big idea and went with it. I took pics and wrote a nice story for him. Please read it and let Me know what you think especially you guys that love the Horde like I do, I will appreciate very much guys:)

NOTE: His name as well as parts of his story have "Easter Eggs" and references, see if you see what I'm talkin' about if you can figure it out;)



Cranator: The Evil Fishman Warrior of the Horde!

Real Name: Cornish Pup

Bio: When he hatched he immediatly loved to play in the corn and wheat fields instead of the water till he was no longer a youngling. Has always been a unique individual turning to be a misfit and out of place. During his teenage era he was a menace for his family and the wild life. Begging to be part of the exoworld he was reluctantly invited to take part of a ritual that is sacred for Moraturians. After disturbing his elders he was banished from the water ways never to return. Saddened on a long journey across Eternia, he sees a mysterious light he knew could only be one thing. He is abducted by an alien race. Suddenly he awakes in a foreign land but sees a pleasurable lake ahead, he jumps in it but must take precaution because he knows nothing of the liquid nor what is in the new ocean. He decided to make this home. A couple days after getting used to his cozy new home he sees some beings that strangely look like humans back on Eternia. He hides in the deep water but several people jump in forcing him to take action roaring and scaring the teenagers away. Many people have visited the Lake Thetis in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada in North America on this planet called Earth. Being depressed that his new habitat is being invaded by possible Eternians, Cornish Pup finally attacks one person. They report this new, unknown creature they dubbed "The Lake Thetis Monster" to the police but the authorities find no evidence of any large humanoid fish man or mer-creature. These sightings and incidents only occurred a handful of times during Earth's later part of its 20th century. All of a sudden during a cold night, Cornish sees something he has seen before, a bright light moving toward him high in the sky but unlike last time he is ready for anything. He is beamed aboard a space vessel, he meets Hordak, leader of the Horde armies. Instantly Cornish wants to attack him but Hordak pulls a force field stopping the merman in his tracks but no further action is taken. Hordak says he is looking to recruit great warriors from other worlds for the upcoming war and he sees that he has great war blood in him. The angry fishman introduces himself and explains his life and that he is actually familiar with the Horde Empire hearing many myths and legends of them. He asks Hordak if he abducted him before and Hordak replies "no, if I did, you would have served Me as a warrior or been My slave". Hordak realizes that this Moraturian is smart, angry and totally ruthless due to his family abandoning him and tells Shadow Weaver and Modulok to disregard plans.
As his true nature has now been unleashed from decades of hatred within, Cornish is now Cranator, ruthless fishman of Horde Empire. Hordak now has a great fighting recruit that can handle any weapon and cares about only one thing: WAR!



NOTE: I've been thinking of it for a while, I might do something about My fan fiction later :)
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:22 am

Interesting. I always hated how they changed Mer-Man's color, or else I may've bought that set.I never knew of the monster though, so I would've missed the connection back then in your story.

So let's stay semi-aquatic for today's Monster of Today with the Frogman!


No, not him true belivers, but the Frogman of Loveland, Ohio...


This humanoid creature with the face of a frog was first spotted in Loveland, Ohio, in 1955. A businessman said he saw several creatures with green skin, webbed hands and wide mouths squatting under a bridge, and one of the creatures reportedly held up a bar-like device that emitted sparks, leaving a strong odor of alfalfa and almonds behind. There were no further sightings of the Loveland Frog until 1972 when police, including Officer Mark Matthews, said they saw a frog-faced man jump over a rail and into the Little Miami River. Weeks later, a farmer reported seeing the creature riding a bicycle, and then officer Mark Matthews saw the Loveland Frog for a second time. This time it was lying in the road, and Matthews shot at it but it escaped. Or did it?

After a reported sighting in 2016, the second officer called a news station to report that he had shot and killed the same creature some weeks after the 1972 incident and had identified it as a large iguana that was missing its tail.


Wasn't that ribbiting?

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Oct 21, 2023 4:58 am

Thanks PB :) I'm very familiar with the Loveland Ohio Frogman and I don't believe they are the Lizard people are one in the same but they could be related or connected some how, some way. I have always wondered what was with the wand and the alfalfa smell :roll:

Yes, it is ribbiting :? Remember when you posted


Well there is some kind of scenerio going on with Frog characters and when you look at how they are in HCTFT they do look reptilain which it is belived that the reptiles did evolves/branch off of Amphibians.


Oh and don't forget about the TMNT having Frog characters like Genghis Frog and the Battletoads games too!


and by the way, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's character in the film is Sam Hell, it's twisted name of Sam Hain :batshock:


OK so My Monster of the day is The Kothoga, he's one of My favorites and instead of writing something new, i decided to just quote Myself from My Horror Topic because I was quite pleased with it :)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Image

The Kothoga: Its one of My most favorite movie monsters of all. It's extremely underrated. I have complained & complained about how McFarlane & NECA, Sideshow, Hasbro & Mattel and so many other companies have all joined suit and become generic following the trends of making "what sells" that's already been made dozens of times in the past and not making original figures from properties that has never been made before...I'm so sick of that :x Long ago in the mid 2000s, I used to know the owner of SOTA Toys Jerry Macaluso (it was always a question & business conversation, nothing personal and I was a huge collector of his awesome Street Fighter Collection). One day when We spoke about what is next for him to make, I suggested to him about The Relic (he knew the film and everything which to My enjoyment, I was quite surprised of this matter) and I told him how much I loved it and he thought that was cool too. I asked him if it is possible for him to get the license of the film to make the monster and he's like yeah, I think I could do it, that would an interesting creature to make :shock: See, he had his Now Playing Series with stuff from movies never made before like Darkman, Bubba ho-Tep, American Werewolf in London for instance. Not too long after this excitement he went out of business and I never spoke to him again :o :roll: :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So after that I guess he was the last and only one that ever considered making The Relic's Kothoga and it was left with him then and with Me at this VERY MOMENT AS I SPEAK :roll: I thank him for his great honesty and everything back in the day :) There has been some models of The Kothoga but it's the same as 1991's Suburban Commando General Suitor, not everybody wants to take the time and build it & paint it which includes Me as I don't have that talent nor patience. It shouldn't be this way especially when you have companies like McFarlane that makes figures of these types of characters for you :roll: Now onto the origins of The Kothoga :!:

Anthropologist John Whitney is in South America and find a Tribe which he finds fascinating studying their ways. The Tribal Woman Chief offers him a Soup, soon he is granted a visit by a Tribesman dressed up as the legendary Devil God, The Reptilian Kothoga :shock: This is a sacred ritualistic test. He knows what the interpretation is because The Soup that he just ingested was filled with a hormonal, parasitic virus unknowing to his knowledge till it was too late. It acted fast mutating his mind...


After the lovely Dr. Green ran an analysis on her PC to determine what the fungus was on the leaves that mysteriously appeared with the crates that was sent to the museum, she finds out that it has DNA of many animals. On a discovery of terror upon seeing the beast, she took some of his saliva and tested it. It had many types of animalia such, as Arthropod, Reptile within it but shockingly it also contained human DNA and that human was none other than Dr. John Whitney and the insane truth of what has been killing everybody in the museum is known as the Kothoga which was a "myth based on fact" is actually an evolving creature that needs the human hypothalamus to survive in order to continue it's rageful evolution :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Now like I said, I have always loved this monster, I was totally wowed by it the first moment I saw it with My Mom at the show (more on that in a bit). I loved how it had a look of many different types of animals of Reptilian & Mammalian and was constantly changing. He was created by Stan Winston whom was always a HUGE, HUGE name in My household because I loved his previous monster creations like Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Invaders from Mars, The Monster Squad, Pumpkinhead, Jurassic Park and so much more I mean he was the Jim Henson of horror :blbat: Like Movie Composers, creature creators are just as important for a film yet hardly anybody ever talks about them that which I have never knew the reason and I really dislike that, I always have since I was a youngster, there are those so very few people I know/knew that did which is so dang pathetic :roll:

I loved The Kothoga's unbelievable killing spree in the Museum especially when he is fully revealed and destroys the Swat Team :!:


He is so unstoppable, fire doesn't even hurt him and he is awesome when he is lit. Winston used this type of scenario once more in Hyams' End of Days where he depicted the true form of Satan in a similar manner.


Here is a great look at The Kothoga in all of his glory and MORE :!:


This is a quote from just a liitle while ago in your Death of the Topic PB ;)

BrandonDaCollector wrote:Here's this from one of My all-time favorites, 1997's The Relic. It's such a great film and I love the Kothoga monster. Here's two scenes of him killing, the second clip is downright crazy but so radical when the Swat Team enters and the one member get's he head ripped off and that last kill when the one cop is torn/bitten in half is shocking :blbat:

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:31 pm

He is certainly looks imposing.

For today's Monster of the Day we will look at the creature know as the snallgaster...

In American folklore, the snallygaster is a bird-reptile chimera originating in the superstitions of early German immigrants later combined with sensationalistic newspaper reports of the monster. Early sightings associate the snallygaster with Frederick County, Maryland, especially the areas of South Mountain and the Middletown Valley. Later reports would expand on sightings encompassing an area to include Central Maryland and the Washington, DC, metro area. But nowdays the biggest monsters in DC, wear suits.


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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:34 am

Yes he was. I'm a bit familiar with the Snallygaster, I saw that episode of Mountain Monsters, that was so cool. Alaska Monster was too!

My Monster of the day is The Con Rit: The Sea Centipede :o I've know about this one for a while and I have found this one really extraordinary :o


Could you imagine one these over 100 feet long :o :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:18 am

There's a ton of big annelids (worms & leeches, not insect worms/larvae) and worm-like creatures all over the world in the wonderfully fun Cryptozoology including Mongolia's Death Worm that the Tremors movie franchise was inspired by and Sweden's Tatzelwurm to only name a couple but today's monster is My favorite of them all and that is Brazil's Minhocão :o

Minhocao 1.jpg

It's a burrowing earthworm-like creature and is huge, over a 100 feet long :shock: Here's two videos for more info :)

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:12 pm

I almost did the Swedish Worm the other day.

For today's Monster of the Day we're going to take a stroll to the west coast...


According to the Fresno Bee, the first sighting of these baffling ambulatory PJs was captured by a Fresno man's front yard security camera in 2007. YourCentralValley states the man, named Jose, was awoken by his barking dogs in the morning and was frightened when he viewed his security camera footage. The Business Journal reports that Jose brought the footage to Univision, hoping to find answers, but was left unsated. From there, the video made its way to paranormal investigators, including Victor Camacho, who hosts the Spanish-speaking supernatural program "Los Desvelados" or "the sleepless ones."

That said, sightings of the creature have continued throughout California and the world. Per The Business Journal, a 2011 video (as seen on YouTube), allegedly shows Fresno Nightcrawlers in Yosemite National Park. In 2017 Grainy footage of alleged Fresno Nightcrawlers was later captured in Poland (as seen on YouTube). In 2022, Jose's footage made it onto an episode of the History series "The Proof Is Out There."


Fresno nightcrawlers appear to be relatively short creatures (approx. 1.5 meters) with most of their height being made up of their legs as they possess an extremely small upper body. It is hard to find details in the upper body of the cryptid due to the poor quality of the footage. It is an extremely thin, white humanoid with no discernible arms. A larger specimen appears to have webbing connected from each knee to the torso. The cryptids appear to have very short, thin, and stilt-like feet. The Carmel Area Creature is tall and gray, with presumably no arms and long, muscular legs. It is bipedal and walks in an odd manner with its backward bending knees. It resembles the Fresno Nightcrawler.

Real? Some of the sightings are actually a pair of white pants being puppeteered, therefore, a hoax. The alleyway GIF of the Fresno Nightcrawler was created by Youtuber Captain Disillusion by walking down an alleyway with a melon and then using digital manipulation to remove the top half of his body, his purpose to demonstrate how easily videos of cryptids can be falsified.

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:37 am

Well you could still do it ;) I never knew the Fresno Nightcrawler. See, with people hoaxing stuff, that makes people not interested in the subjects or makes them not want to come forward if they have seen something...either way it's bad :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:

Today is the day that My Grandpa past away 20 years ago, I dread this day every year but I'm going to try to make it as happy as possible and look in the Special Events for a showcase that will be a good one about him sometime today :)

So I posted H.P. Lovecraft's The Unnameable 1 & 2 in the movie trailer & tunes topics and I hinted about her in this topic before so she's My Monster of the Day for today :batshock: :blww: :smgasp:


So as I said before, I watched this film with My Grandpa PoPo many times and he thought she was fantastic and so did I. I never seen a female creature like her before then in My youngster years. I really was never scared of her because I was wowed that this monster is a female however that doesn't mean that I'm not a little freaked out about her, she's quite the monster :o I love that she has hooves and when she walks you can hear them :shock:


It's hard to believe this came out in 1988 and that it has it's 35th anniversary as I type this :shock: Now H.P. Lovecraft's story is wonderful but I can't help but think she has a similar origin like The Jersey Devil :o


Here's her scenes in the movie. Now you'll see how awesome she is but this does include when she becomes very vulnerable too but don't worry, she's in the sequel :blww:

So here's the sequel that came out in 1992, The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter or The Unnamable II: The Unnamable Returns is a fine film and has such a twisted element which I'll get to that in a bit.


We didn't watch this one as much as the first. I recall renting this from Star Video like it was last week. She looks different like she's evolved some. Her wings grew and she's more anatomically correct as she has visible nipples. She sounds the same but is played by a differed actress. She's still as neat here as she was in the first film.


Now part of the storyline is that Alyda Winthrop whom is the cursed creature thanks to her father (again like the Jersey Devil's Mrs. Leeds :batshock: :smgasp: and when she is unpossessed she's beautiful, kinda primitive but very sweet with very long hair and about a couple hundred years old. The movie shows her a little bit of nudity, here's a hint of it ;)


Now both personalities of Alyda are played by diffident women. Aylda's human-self is played by dancer Maria Ford while the creature is played by the queen of sci-fi, the great looking six foot one beauty Julie Strain which when you see when they encounter each other that the creature is way taller :wwshock: :blww:

NOTE: I've talked about Strain before, she's known for her exotic stuff & Heavy Metal. I was very sadden to know that she past a way in 2021 and I still find her death very suspicious :?


Now here's that twisted angle & storyline in the film. This film deals with Quantum Physics. When Quantum Physics was seen in the original show Quantum Leap and it was a new concept, the science didn't have a big approach by plebeians. Now it's all the rave with Marvel's Ant-Man and people like YouTubers and scientists among others is making it like a new thing yet nobody ever mentions this film when it's THE explanation of the creature of how she exists in DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS :o I really dislike that stuff when this generation thinks this & that is new and I'm like kids, this stuff was done over 20, 30 years ago or more and this is yet another reason why this generation needs to look into the past instead of this modern stuff on just about everything because it's already been done before :batshock: :wwwink: :smsmh: Here's these pics I made to show what I mean, any Quantum Leap fan should check this out, the thing is it seemed so far-out back then but like I said, it's all the rave now :o

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Tue Oct 24, 2023 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:22 pm

I can't recall ever seeing those but she had a good look to her, especially unpossessed, lol.


For today's Monster of the Day we're going to go Native, but not the obvious choice of the Skinwalkers....

The Teihiihan – deriving from the Arapaho word for “strong” – are a race of cannibalistic dwarves with allegedly superhuman strength. Although descriptions vary, the Teihiihan are generally depicted as the size of children, with dark skin, and said to have an extremely aggressive and unsociable disposition. According to some legends they possessed the ability to become invisible, whilst others contended they merely seemed so due to the incredible speed with which they caught their adult prey. Within Native folklore, it is widely agreed that the Teihiihan were destroyed in an ancient conflict, in which the Arapahos and other Native American tribes allied to successfully defeat them.


A unique aspect of their characters, it is suggested in some tales that the Teihiihan had the ability to remove their hearts and store them for safekeeping, in so doing protecting themselves from physical harm to their persons. One such prominent story within Native folklore tells of a warrior captured by a family of Teihiihan, and who to delay his death asks his dimwitted captors about the macabre organs adorning their residence. Upon learning their true nature the warrior stabs each of the hearts, killing each member of the Teihiihan family and winning his freedom.

The Teihiihan were said to be extremely strong and able to outrun warriors despite their small size, they were hunters and thus could use basic tools and weapons - they were also magical in nature and some stories had them storing their hearts in caves, making them invulnerable to harm unless the hearts were pierced. For all their powers, however, they were also extremely stupid creatures and thus easily tricked or defeated by those with quick wit or clever minds.

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 25, 2023 6:40 am

Yes, very good indeed :batwink: I never knew about the Teihiihan, that was very interesting to say the least :shock:

Here's The Dover Demon! This one has always fascinated Me :blbat:


Here's a clip from Lost Tapes, this was good they really debunked stuff. I know about about eye shine and of course you have to have somebody that says this stuff. One day I'll go further about the eye shine experience I had back in 94 with an animal I saw with My friend Derek and this wasn't eye shine so remember about this :shock:

Here's this one, great detail :)

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