by BrandonDaCollector » Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:44 am
That's funny and possibly a coincidence because Me & Mom have been watching the James Bonds movies, We just finished the original ones of 62 - 2002, even the non-Eon films, now We're on the Daniel Craig reboot. All of these films have some of the best scores, songs & action. It's so amazing how the Bond movies predate so much the action, violnece & one liner not to mention the great music. It's really something when you watch them back to back. A long while back I wrote a fan fiction story of 007 called Hail the Kinsman. One day I may showcase My 12" Sideshow figures & video games.
So with that being said today's word(s) association is:
James Bond, MI6, Gold, Kinsman
The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->