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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:52 am

I see. Yeah, the offerings of movies has really been poor lately. I haven't seen the 10 Commandments in a long time. It was one of many like that back then.

The score was by the late great Elmer Bernstein of 1984's Ghostbusters, listen to this masterpiece :!:

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:52 am

I was never a fan of the movie, despite an amazing cast. My wife watches it every year so it's the trade off for watchinh It's a Wonderful Life every year, lol.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:29 am

Yeah, you gotta be really religious or know the truth of things to really want to watch something this, then again there is many truths in just about every film & TV show, even comedy and especially sci-fi, there really is no way to escape it.

Ah, I just saw your Rebels in your Zen, see that. Me & My Auntie Wanda saw this Clone Wars at the show when it came out. that was the huge Wehrenberg @ Ronnies in South County that is now Marcus. We saw many movies together in 2008, that was 15 years ago this year and I regret not appreciating more with her :( I was pretty excited about it when it came out and it was before the Disney Takeover. She followed SW a bit but there was ton she didn't know like the original CW cartoon, EU and so forth. I tried to show her My SW video games but she was never interested :roll: She liked this film but IDT she ever saw it again. I liked it, it was a great continuation of AOTC and so forth. The animation was stylish but I got used to it right away. I loved Asajj Ventress and Dooku. As I mentioned before I had mixed emotions introducing a new Padawan like Tano especially since she was kid. I would have rather had a further backstory on somebody like Aayla Secura, Shaak-Ti or Kit Fisto for instance. The beginning of the film was really cleverly done and the action sequences were superb. It's really one of the most underrated animated films out there. It'something when you watch the prequels TPM & AOTC then the original cartoon and then this movie and then ROTS, so fun :)

Of course with any SW entry you gotta talk about the music. This has a tremendous score as it's by Kevin Kiner. He did CSI: Miami but he is actually well known for his Clone Wars and his major involvement in most animated SW series'. I recall I got the score (physical CD of course) a few weeks or so before I saw the film. I was astounded how marvelous it was and while it was refreshing that it was by a new composer that I only briefly knew at the time, it was such a treat to hear somebody else take their own way of SW and it truly belongs in that category. It's so good you almost forget this is done for an animated film, almost like SOTE was done for a book/multimedia project :shock: I listened to it many times to grasp how the music is before I saw the film and then when it was time it made the film so much more funner cause it's like when you hear that music on CD it's like HERE WE GO :batsmile: I told My Auntie Wanda about this but she didn't really pay attention, I told her how fun this was but it wasn't anything major to her which irked Me cause I was like darn it, how in the heck can you skip this, it such an exciting bonus :roll: So the score on CD is 67 minutes, that is an excellent length for a movie of this magnitude. This is the 3rd track and it's My favorite track, it's called Battle of Christophsis. If you saw the film then you know exactly what is happening here when you listen to this epic. I bet I listened to this even more than SOTE, Duel of Fates & Battle of the Heroes and that is saying something :shock: It starts off so Star Wars-ish then at 0:24 the great male choir appears and they dominate the cue from then on. It's so tremendous. I love the build towards 1:43, that is so wow...the big part happens @ 2:11 with the major motif of the choir and the SW theme...this is one of the best SW tracks ever done IMO :!:

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:38 pm

Star Wars always has great music, with or without John Williams.

I know I spoke about this movie before, it was just a part of my childhood. My parents loved Dolly and Kenny Rogers, and this movie was on quite a bit back then. They had the soundtrack on cassette, lol. I didn't even know that was Dom DeLuise until years later because I never saw him without a beard before.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:04 am

Well I hope you take that track into thought, you could listen to that and so much more when you do your SW customs. That's one of the many the beauties of scores, you can do so much with'em :)

I sort of recall you talking about that one. Its ok to mention something again because sometimes you gotta cause it seems like the first time it doesn't stick with people or if your like others only checking new posts and never looking back after a hiatus despite the potential of great stuff your missed so I find it quite necessary :) I never saw that one. Sone nice looking women and a enticing scenes there. That's different that it's your parent's fav. I don't think that was bad that they got the soundtrack I mean if you love a film then you want all you can get of it :) When did you first see this and since you didn't know that about Dom did you know what the Whorehouse was and/or really mean/your parents teach you? I mean that's a bit for a youngster back then but I don't know how it is for kids these days :?

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Apr 13, 2023 6:29 am

Oh, I would've been 5, 6, 7, back then so I'm sure I didn't really understand what a whorehouse was, lol. I mean, you can infer by all the people in their undies, but even the one song says there's "nothing dirty going on". I don't think I really understood what was going on our cared beyond really broadstrucks, Ms. Mona had a house where women wore less clothes, people wanted to shut it down, and Burt Reynolds was in love with her. I probably just waited for the catchy songs and the one scene at the town square. In fact, if you watched the backstage scene on youtube (why it's restricted is really beyond me), I don't even think I got the sock joke until many years later as I probably wasn't watching that intently there beyond waiting for Melvin to exclaim at the start of his song, "Texas...has a whorehouse in it!"

The music was pretty dang catchy. When I got a job in high school around '95 I remember getting my mom the soundtrack on cd. And i did borrow it a few times, lol. But I was pretty naive as a really young kid, so while I didn't shy away from women in undies, it wasn't exactly something I was keeny aware of in a sexual or pleasurable way. Fun story, I was probably around 8 or 9, my cousin was two years and a day older than me as he was born on Jan 18th. They had an above ground pool we'd go there often to swim and do whirlpools and stuff, and one day when there were no parents around, he went by the pool filter jet and put his crotch up against it and said, "Look, I'm getting a blowjob!" and we laughed about it because it seemed like it was supposed to be funny. So, later that day, or soon after, our parents were swimming with us as well and I wanted to be funny so I swam up to the filter jet and...

Well, they were horrified, lol. I don't think I really understood anything until years later. Sex just wasn't on my radar at that age, lol. Forgive me if I told that story already. I've reached that point in life where I'm basically the old man in the rocking chair telling the grandkids the same stories over and over again.

Anyway, I talked about this movie in the cartoon section of all places because doesn't everyone equate cartoons and whorehouses with their childhood? I quoted Hard Candy Christmas a few times and even posting the Venture Bros. cover of the song for Christmas. It's not really a Christmas song per se lyrically, but I've always thought of it at the holidays anyway. This is also where I Will Always Love you came from before Whitney Houston sang it in The Bodyguard and now we've gotten six degrees to Kevin Costner, lol.

And a trailer because that's the point of this thread....

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:06 am

I see and I mean I don't consider that a kids movie despite how it is that it's not hardcore or whatever. Wow, your cousin must have been one horny...I guess he thought you already knew :?: If you read My showcase of Judy, you know I always had an eye for women, even stuff as early as She-Ra...I loved women but it wasn't a horny thing, it was more of a protective thing with Me like women are special and nothing should happen to them, I developed the other way when I got a bit older. It's funny how I was a horror freak when I was young seeing gore and action heroes beatin' the heck out bad guys and stuff in movies. My Grandparents just let Me cause I wanted to however My Grandma was always touchy about nudity and all that but as I matured it was a different story. There's a lot of stuff I had to learn on own. It was a complicated situation. Really I never found an issue with that sort of sexy & sultry stuff. Really it's something I miss with today's cinema. Even though the film is PGish and all that however I don't think a movie of that nature nor title would set very well with today's low pathetic standards, gosh I miss the old days :roll: That is some trivia PB :) Nice scenes and I never saw that one either.

Earlier, you spoke that your parents loved Kenny Rodgers, I saw this and thought I should post it ;)

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Apr 14, 2023 6:53 am

Nah, it's not really meant for kids, but it's also pretty tame really. Especially compared to today.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:39 am



Oh gosh, Hell Comes To Frog Town. That movie was around the same time as They Live which was in 1988, 35th anniversary this year :shock: My Grandma saw the film first and said it wasn't good long ago. So decades later I gave it a shot and she was right. It's really a weird film and Piper does what he can with it. Long story short, the world has fallen to the apocalypse and it's dystopia like Mad Max. Most humans are dead or turned into mutant frogs going back to amphibian/reptilian roots which later TMNT would have their take on humanoid frogs & toads and don't forget Tradewest's Battletoads. So with the surviving non-affected humans, men's testosterone & sex drive is really down and there is a nurse working for a government company to search for men that is horny, high in the sex drive & and can produce children with women and/or donate. She and her personal female commando finds Roddy Piper who is a hero & warrior of war. He qualifies what she needs and wants and their forced to go to Frog Town and all hell breaks loose! So the special effects is pretty good and it's entertaining but it's really an adult film, no question about it. I love the poster above :batsmile:


Here is Piper as Sam Hell which is a cryptic twist on Sam Hain :shock:


Here is Sandahl Bergman as the Government nurse Spangle. I have spoke about Bergman in this topic before. She is is one of My favs. She's not big boobed like Dolly Parton or somebody like that which women don't need big boobs & booty to be great though I love that type of babe :batwink: She is quite talented and great looking. She was one of your first actresses that did her own stunts. I loved her in 82's Conan & I adored her in 85's Red Sonja. She's pretty good here too :batsmile:


Piper & Bergman have great chemistry together in the film.


Here is what Piper has to go through :o


Here is Bergman doing some stuff to entice Piper in the film.


Here is Cec Verrell as her personal commado Centinella. She was mighty fine too :batshock: :wwwink: :smgrin:


An example of The Frogs. I really like the way they looked, more realistic than CGI which I prefer practical effects over CGI most of the time :o :shock: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Get ready pay the Piper and go to Hell :!:

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:38 am

Yeah, Frogtown is a weird one. I remember catching parts of on Up All Night so that will tell you how good it was or wasn't, lol.

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