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Official Wrestling PPV-PLE Topics: BIB RESULTS!!!

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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:52 pm

It's good they're doing something different with the men's chamber this year. Most years this PPV feels pointless in between the Rumble and Mania. They really should move it to some other month. No way Sami wins. I'll checkout the results if I remember but not going to bother watching.
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:25 am

Yes, it is a fresh way of the match indeed. Have EC now kinda gives you the feeling that nothing is etched in stone, things could still change before Wrestlemania. Very shortly I'm going to see The SmackDown Lowdown & then browse through the Kickoff Show since they never have a match on there anymore and then the actual PLE :batwink: I'll give My thoughts sometime soon, until then :batsmile:
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:58 am

Ok, I was going to comment on the main event because I did watch the last 15 minutes or so of the PPV but I'll hold off until you've seen it.
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:47 am

Oh, well that is good, I'm gonna say My piece and you check it out then say yours :)

It was cool to watch The SmackDown Lowdown before this. I only browsed thru the Kickoff cause there's only talking, the same video packages they they'll show during the PLE and no bonus match, this is such a huge missed opportunity for the talent that is on the mid card and isn't on the PLE :roll:

So the event takes place in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Michael Cole talks about the last time that the WWE was here was the WWF Survivor Series 97 and he says "we all know what happen then" and then he cuts off right there and talks about the current event. I'm like yeah don't talk about the past and NO, we all don't know cause most of this generation and maybe even the previous didn't watch the Attitude Era like us from the [b]80s and see how great it was then and all the controversy of the Montreal Screwjob[/b]...boy I'll tell ya :roll: :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:


So anyway the strange lineup of the Woman's Chamber was first. It was a very exciting match. The women's division has been really fun and cool lately and I would see this match soon if you didn't get the chance to before, same with the Women's Rumble, it was one of the best ones ever :wwwink: Shame Cross was eliminated right away. Of course double team the amazon to get rid of her :wwsmh: Canada didn't mean much for Nattie since she lost. I was really surprised that Liv Morgan got eliminated and it was Carmella and Asuka being the last two. She looks good as a brunette again but you can tell that Carmella's miscarriage really changed her :wwsmh: When it was all over The Empress of Tomorrow won and is going to face Belair at WM :o The next match was Lesnar & Lashley. It was a tremendous bout as neither could beat each other until Brock low-blowed him and it was over in a very bittersweet disqualification. Sure both is safe but we still don't know who is the true victor. I hope they have a no holds barred hardcore match soon to determine that :!: The Edge & Phoenix vs. Judgement Day match was pretty good, I was into a lot. There was some superb spots here but there was major three-way botch with the ref, Edge & Beth. It was apropos that The Grit Couple won and this doesn't hurt Ripley bit. Next was the cool Men's Chamber match. Theory is first and he is really impressive despite I'm still thinking he's aJohn Cena/Lance Storm/Brad Maddox hybrid. The crowd was huge on Seth Rollins singing his song. I was kinda bummed that like Raquel Rodriguez, Bronson Reed]/b] he was multi-teamed to be gone, what a shame that the amazon woman and the big monster man doesn't matter anymore when it's all said & done :batsmh: :wwshock: :smsmh: I'm glad [b]Gargano didn't win. Ford did a tremendous spot from the top ion the cage. He got injured and Logan Paul got in when they were helping him out and Logan attacked Rollins cause Theory to retain the belt. The main event was huge, there hasn't been a main event with this type of atmosphere in quite some time and this has been built up rather well. The whole Bloodline arc has been quite solid too. The crowd was so hugely behind Sami and Roman was really letting the crowd get to him. This was a very physical match and Zayne really hung in there. With Jimmy attacking him and Jey acting like he doesn't know what to do there is still some mystery here where his allegiance lies. I loved that bother refs got bumped. I do think it was great how Roman won. KO came out a bit to late IMO but I absolutely adore that KO & Zayne are still together, IMO their the closest duo we got next to Hogan & Macho and Bret & HBK. It's going to be interesting to see where we go from here and who is next for Roman as well at the Usos at WM.

Overall I thought this was a great PLE and was really good for the unbiased fan that just wants entertainment. Nobody ever talks about the fans & crowd here but Me and nobody ever tells Me why and with that being said I really enjoyed hearing the WWE Universe in on the action saying F$*# You Roman countless times. This crowd rivaled some in recent times but no way in heck does this rival the ones of the Attitude Era especially the one at WWF Survivor Series 97. One other thing is Cole says how everybody is talking about this on Twitter and I'm wondering unless you don't care about the event, why are you tweeting about this when your suppose to be watching this and its even worse when these people at the event itself are tweeting and looking into their darn phones that's right at ringside tweeting, texting, whatever when the wrestlers are coming out and even wrestling and I'm like why are you doing this, did you pay all that money for the ticket to do that or what :? I mean if I was there My attention would be on the entrance way and the ring 1000% I mean it's different when their talking pics of the wrestlers but nope their texting on SM like their bored :roll:

Here is a nice highlight video by WWE :batwink:

After the event was over which was only 3 hours long and really didn't seem that long, they had a trending Press Conference like AEW does...


During this conference a very confident Theory, [b]Edge with Phoenix[/b] accepting Theory's US Title Open Challenge for Raw and Sami was talking as well. Now as usual HHH was there stilling being credited as the Chief Creative Officer and when a reporter asked him since Vinnie Mac (you could tell that Hunter was really wanting to dodge this but couldn't) that he wants to sell WWE for a whopping 9 BILLION DOLLARS and what HHH thinks and really didn't know what to say but acted like the pro that he is.

Vinnia Mac - WWE $9 Billion Deal!.jpg

So that's that, thoughts and stuff what I said and whatever else :?: ;)
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:23 pm

Like I said, I only caught the latter half of the main evet, and even that was with no sound since I was watching the Sabres game so I probably missed some of the excitement of the crowd and Michael Cole incessantly giving away false finishes. I thought it was a really good match. They told a great story. I was never a big Sami Zayn fan, but I can clearly see why people get behind him. But no matter how hard they tried, there wasn't any moment I thought Sami was going to win with the Cody Rhodes story looming over them, so it was always fait accompli, so while it was a well done match, the ending was never really in doubt. There was zero chance they were going to build this Cody Rhodes story up just for him to face someone who had just won the title. It's pretty obvious Cody was always going to be the one to take the title finally off Reigns, it's just a question of whether that was part of the deal for him jumping ship, and because of that, I kind of hope he loses to Reigns at WM. But I'm not expecting that. The WWE is about about stories, and that's a story I don't think they can pass up.

So you'll get Sami and KO reunited against the Usos so they have something else to do and everyone will be happy when they win the titles. But I really don't care about either of those stories. I'm sure my kids will talk me into getting WM again this year like last, but I'm just not that invested in any of these stories.
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:15 am

I see. Shame you missed a tremendous crowd. Oh yeah, no way Sami was going to win. It's all about Cody and it will be a very interesting story to follow to say the least. Well it will be absolutely huge if Cody beats Roman but IMO it will be even bigger if he loses cause his betrayal would all be for nothing which I don't want it to be to yet I want I Roman to continue to be this unstoppable champion. It would be sweet that KO & Sami would defeat the Usos, what a great apropos team to do so :) Is your kids keeping up with what's going on in WWE or they just periodically tune in like their daddy :?: ;)
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:21 am

No, they don't really watch WWE at all but WrestleMania is something unto itself. Though last year I think it was Johnny Knoxville/Jackass that got us most interested, and that and Stone Cold/Vince were my favorite parts (which tells you a lot about the actual roster).

They don't even watch AEW regularly, though they like scissoring when the Acclaimed come out (we actual do that at the Buffalo Bandits games when they score, lol), and my oldest son likes Orange Cassidy.
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:33 pm

I see. Its cool hes like Orange Cassidy, not a bad choice to like :) Yes, there really is no time like Wrestlemania season. The Jackass & Vinnie Mac stuff was pretty fun. Now when you say your kids, it's just not your boys, this does include your little daughter right, she's a bit of wrestling fan too right or she still a bit young for that :?:
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:49 pm

Nah, my daughter is 14. She's never really been interested in it. She got a kicked out of the Jackass match, though.
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Re: Official Wrestling PPV Topics: Elimination Chamber is TO

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:28 am

Gosh, IDK why I thought your girl was was really young :? She's going to become a young woman soon ;) Cool she liked that match. Tell Me again the ages of your kids PB so this time I got it down pat :)
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