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My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Magazines!!!

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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Brothers of Destruct

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:17 am

Not my favorite incrantions of either but they're nice figures. The Taker Mattel head looks much more menacing than the Jakks one so I like it better. The face technology has come a long way, even from ten years ago, but that still is pretty good for back then.
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Brothers of Destruct

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:27 pm

I see. Oh yes, it is great. Thanks for your reply PB :blbat:
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Brothers of Destruct

Postby AcidDragon » Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:36 pm

Thanks for sharing this, man. I've been collecting the Mattel WWE figures for a long time as you know. I'm still collecting them now. Oddly enough, I do not have that Kane. I do have that Undertaker, though. That Kane looks awesome but it's not from an era I collect. I pretty much own figures up to the Attitude Era except for the WCW offerings which I collect every era. I do have a few AEW figures from Jazwares but only the Chris Jericho figure based on his early appearance in Mexico and Japan and the Owen Hart figure they did recently since he's one of my top 10 of all time.
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Brothers of Destruct

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:10 am

No prob. This Kane was the first one issued so during that time you gotta get what your offered an dthe eras were out of balance at times and the selections of Legends were questionable too. Oh its would be great to collect WCW figures, to bad they never really focused on it as much as others, they would make so good of a figure.

Well, these AEW figures are way to expansive, its so ridicules. I would love to have Owen but money has been :roll:

Thanks for your reply Acid, I appreciate that very much :)
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Brothers of Destruct

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:08 pm

To me, Legends is early 90s and older so it's weird to me that Kane is in a Legends line at all but I get it. I'm still thinking it's early 2000 or something and a lot has happened now and Kane, Stonecold, HBK, HHH, rest of DX and the Rock are all considered old school now. Even Cena is in the Legends line. It's crazy. It only annoys me because I care mostly about Attitude Era wrestlers and older and honestly, even less so about Attitude Era. The only wrestlers I would kind of want from that era that haven't been made yet might be Bart Gunn, Dan Severn, Kaientai, Hardcore Holly, Al Snow, Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie, 2 Cold Scorpio, Test, Prince Albert and Val Venus. Other than that, I'm more interested in the older guys.

Like I was pretty pumped when they did finally Greg "the Hammer" Valentine and Brutus Beefcake in his Dream Team/heel outfit. I was even pretty happy with the Wrestlemania 3 Macho Man with Chase even though they already did him once, it was cool to get an updated/upgraded one with different gear. Every time we get a Kane and a Stonecold, I'm just thinking we still don't have Koko B. Ware or the Steiner Brothers.

Yeah and honestly, I don't watch AEW much except when my buddy orders a PPV the odd time and has me over. Yeah, I totally get running into a financial barrier. The figures are pretty expensive but that's OK because I don't really collect them. If they started making a lot of classic guys, that might become a problem, haha. I know there are at least two more Owens on the way so I'll pick those up as well. If they do a High Energy/New Foundation Owen, I'll snatch that up in a heartbeat, same goes for a heel Rocket or King of Harts Owen. Those are my big wants and I'll try to have something set aside for that for sure.
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Brothers of Destruct

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:19 am

Yeah, if they'd stop making all these variants maybe collectors could get the ones they really want. I mean how many Cena's do we need? Oh yes, early 90s or older is the way I see it too. They started the legends stuff with HHH and Cena a while back even with the 2K games. It always wastes an entry or slot for games & figures IMO. Well that's good about The Dream Team and even Macho. Dang, they never made Koko or the Steiners :? Well you might be in luck since Bron Breakker inducted them into their Hall of Fame this year :)

I'm happy with the ones I have by Jakks & Just Toys long ago but that sounds great about Owen and all of them are quite worthy variants. His NF/HE was really cool. His 93 Rocket blue attire would be cool & His KOH would be too especially with the Slammies but I doubt they'd do that.

Thanks for the reply Acid, I'll have some more stuff coming up soon :)
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Mattel Bonus!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:21 am

So here is a possible out of left field showcase. I really didn't think I'd do it yet there's a part of Me that doesn't want to ignore it. So without further adieu :)


OK, that was My local TRU that I have talked about many times and presented within My horrible McMahon Deal, you can see it all here ---> if you haven't seen it before or wanted a refresh. This part here will sort of be bright side of this debacle. When I was a member of the Matty Collector Board I had taken pictures to show everybody but with My disgust for the whole situation I simply skipped it and I rarely spoke of it about the line there if not at all :roll: So what you are about to see is a collection collage of My haul from My defunct TRU (I still can't believe their no more). Now I didn't take pics of everything back then plus I got a heck of a lot more from Amazon, eBay among other places. So here we have the TRU Exclusive WWE Wrestlemania Superstar Ring which was a very important thing to have. I was wanting the Legends the most so here's "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Defining Moments Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat", Bam Bam Bigelow, "The African Dream" Akeem, "The Model" Rick Martel. Defining Moments The Rock & HHH. A mixture of Standards & Elites of Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Skip Sheffield, HHH, John Morrison, two pack of CM Punk & Luke Gallows, this was the only way to get Gallows as he was on he way to Japan & TNA. Then Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler & Zack Ryder. I really wanted Ziggler cause I was a huge fan of his then and that figure of Ryder at the time was the rarest figure of the whole line and I felt so good that I got him, darn near like a chase figure :batsmile: Oh I really wanted that particular version of Batista because he looked so cool and that version of Matt Hardy was nice. Here is another one of CM Punk. I especially wanted Cryme Tyme and in fact they were the two I wanted the most really. So there's a bunch there and I still can't get over how much it cost Me cause back in the late 90s to early 2000s I could get a bunch of WCW OSTM & ToyBiz, ECW OSTM & WWF Jakks of this amount for less than a hundred bucks but now this would cost Me double than it did in 2011 which is insane :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:



So now moving on a bit further down in 2011. I was out & about with My Grandma Mimi doing Our rounds. It was either I or she wanted to go to Our local Family Dollar on Gravois in Affton which is down the road from My Our local Schnucks and among the others I just showcased in My special Groundhog Day Moments presentation in My Odds & Ends, be for sure to see it, it's a great one that I did :) I don't know if you have a Family Dollar in your locality but I always like'em. We have a few in Our area. They always had their own brands of toys plus licensed ones so its always good to check them out once in a while. Their still there believe it or not, I was just there on Groundhog Day. There's hardly anybody ever there and I have no idea how they stay in business but thank goodness they do cause their one of the last cool stores in My area. They recently moved their nice toy shelves down the next isle in recent times. I always love to look around there especially in the automotive section. The people there are really good too. So during this trip in 2011 (over a decade ago can you believe it :batconfused: to My surprise they had Mattel WWE figures :o They had the ones I wanted which were WWE Legends Series 3 :wwshock: I got everybody I wanted and needed plus a sweet bonus. I got "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith, "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig, "Time Bomb" Brian Pillman, "The Man They Call" Vader, and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan :shock: They had The Rock but I already had a legit version of him and besides, what in the Sam"friggin" Hain is he doing in that series :? I mean there is no way he was a legend then in 2011 and he ain't no legend now in 2023 as I speak. It was a wasted slot then IMO and it will always be :!: It would have nice if it was Rocky Maivia or even Flex Kavana cause I love the obscure alternate personas & gimmicks that nobody talks about. Had they made the decision of either or both I may have considered it :shock: The entries was quite fine and well deserved it. Now the sweet bonus that I got was a Flex Force Matt Hardy. Even though I had Hardy cause I'm not big on variants cause it wastes so many slots I wanted this version cause he looked so good plus he was on his way to TNA :o Now look at the Price Stickers, these guys were $10 each, I got six of'em which is $60 dollars :smummm: These go way more now and I would have to pay around double for this in this pathetic day & age :smgasp: I thought the prices were a bit high then but I did feel like I was getting a bit for My money cause they were about five or so buckaroos cheaper than TRU and it was a fun time going there and I had a great feeling coming out with some great figures :batsmile:


So that will do it for this special unexpected bonus. I hope you enjoyed it. Next will be another unexpected entry here in My Modern Wrestling Collection, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Mattel Bonus!!

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:01 pm

Nice shares, man. I do remember your whole thing with the mail-away or whatever and that definitely sucked. Even worse that it left you with such a bitter taste that you sold off almost everything just to stick it to them. Otherwise we could be talking about them a lot more now as WWE is one of the only things I collect these days in any big way. Yeah, it's crazy I remember I got some of them for pretty cheap back in the day, too. They're all super expensive now and I don't just mean the old rare ones. I'm talking the current figures that are just coming out now. They're so pricey, it's just not very sustainable for me.
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: WWE Mattel Bonus!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:36 am

Thanks Acid that you recalled that, I appreciate you doing so ;) Yeah it was a huge upsetting situation to say the least :roll: Oh yeah, I know what you mean. Even though prices were high then, you still felt somewhat good about it's so ridicules how in the heck can you afford them :? I really don't know how people do it not to mention if you want to get the ones you missed, you can get some vintage figures much cheaper believe it or not :roll: :shock: Thanks for your reply Acid ;)
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Re: My Modern Wrestling Collection: RAC Hogan & Aikman Speci

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Feb 17, 2023 9:27 am


I bet you didn't know what the heck I had in store with this one did ya :? Well it's a very special Rent-A-Center/RAC ad that features a future 2-Time WWE Hall of Famer "The Immportal" Hulk Hogan & NFL HOFer Troy Aikman :o

I don't know if you have ever seen the commercials of them two being together from the early 2010s when Hogan was doing some really cool stuff in TNA :batsmile:

So how I got this is this was actually mailed to My Grandma in 2011 and she didn't want it but knew I would so it was Mine and has been in My storage ever since. This was around Early November 2011 when so many things were being toned down as it was hyping up the Holidays. Look at this really rad RAC Hogan & Aikman Flyer/Advertisement :)


Still, I have no idea why they sent it to Her cause she never did business with them :? Here is the back of the Ad :batsmile:


Here is a closeup of "The Hulkster" :!:


Here is a close up of the legendary Quarterback :!:

NOTE: Apparently they found his brain sometime ago, a joke about his SNES game from 1994 :roll: :lol:



Here is the deal's end date which was 11/29/11, over decade ago, can you believe that :batshock: :wwsmh: :smgasp:


Here is a size comparison of My special RAC Hogan & Aikman Ad with My great previously seen TNA Jakks Pacific Hulk Hogan figures that I bought about a year before hand :batwink:



Now this location is on Kingshighway. I knew exactly which one it was as I saw it there countless times.


So here is going to be a small yet important journey to see. First you see Walgreens there and then Shop 'n Save on Kingshighway...


this Shop 'n Save is no longer here as they couldn't make it through the PlamDemic! as Schnucks took them over :roll: Me & My Grandma used to shop here all the time, it's near Our old neighborhood. I have talked about this great area of South Town many times in My topics, across the street where the area Walgreens is where Famous-Barr & National once was. I showcased this in My Vintage Action Figure Topic a while back.


So this is how the area looks now without Shop 'n Save which is now a Planet Fitness & ArchWell Health :roll: You go further down on the parking lot towards the left area and there is the RAC building that has some history that I am about to tell in a sec...


OK first look at the building that says Harbor Freight Tools, this is the building the above Walgreens first moved in at. I distinctly recall them having their grand opening sometime in 1991 because My Grandma got Me a G.I. Joe figure of Big Ben. Oh that day was crazy with all of those plebeians there on that location's new store :) This is also the Walgreens that I got many other things including My 1995 Star Wars Original Trilogy Box Set :o


Now the building right next to it is where RAC used to be, yep, I said used to be, I have no idea when they went out of business. While I never been there, I did see the location many times and even thought what was the odds of Hogan being there and I hate to see businesses go out of business whether I like them & been there or not :roll:


Now as a VERY special location note, the small area that's boarded up is the small Record Store that I talked about a few times in My Classic Music Videos Topic. I don't remember their name unfortunately and I'm probably one of the very few that recalls that store or even cares to in My area which is such a shame :roll: In My Classic Songs Topic I said that I got Snow & House of Pain's CD Albums in around 1992...after many months posting their music videos and expressing how I loved them finally here is a bit of part of that little history of Mine that was over 30 years ago :o


One day I want to continue this of Shop 'n Save and really the whole area cause there's so much more to talk about :) So I hope you enjoyed this and was surprised a bit. I have some more great stuff to present here so we shall see what is next for My Modern Wrestling Collection, until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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