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Comic Book Events That Shocked You! *heavy spoilers*

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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Tango X » Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:47 pm

Lots of big moments listed here. Very interesting thread to read so far!! Identity Crisis with Sue Dibney's rape was a big one for me and also when Bart Allen was murdered by the Flash rogues in a plot orchestrated by Inertia.
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Caleb » Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:55 pm

Savant, definitely check into the Moore LoEG if you get a chance. It's awesome. The second volume gets a bad rep from some fans, but it's more because of what they do to Mister Hyde (which I won't spoil here) and the whole War of the Worlds business. Personally, I loved it.

Anyone here who hasn't read the Extraordinary Gentlemen, I strongly recommend it. I know the awful film left a bad aftertaste in some minds, but the comics are FAR superior.
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby beastovjudgement » Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:30 pm

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a great comic, and absolutely cannot be judged by the horrible movie. That movie effectively killed Sean Connery's career, in fact. There are a lot of great moments in the comic. The revelation of Dr. Moreau's contribution to the Martian war was one, as well as the others already mentioned.
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Idiot Savant » Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:56 pm

I don't know...I kinda enjoyed the League movie; not knowing Moore's takes on these iconic characters probably helped but I chalk that up there with the GL movie (though I know damn near everything about GL) I still enjoyed it
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Havok1891 » Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:38 pm

Well, this didn't really shock me but I just finished X-Men 260 (written by Carey) and it's the last of his run from my stack. All I can say is "THANK GOD." I bought the fun a while back at $1 an issue to maintain my x-men collection. I finally finished it and can say it was god awful.

It's loaded with cliché stuff. Like a telepath asking Rogue if she and Magento were just friends or if they were "together" which Rogue accusing Rachel Summers of snooping in her head and Rachel defending herself and saying she didn't read Rogue's mind, that it was written on her face. Jeez, like I haven't seen that dialogue played out before.

Not to mention that the whole Rogue/Magneto thing is played out and to me it's just a bit creepy.

Ugh, and this "science team" has got to go! I can't stand this Dr. Nemesis guy, or whatever his name is. He is just a snotty unlikeable Mr. Fantastic that can't stretch.

As for something that legitimately shocked me in a comic.

1) Walking Dead, something that happens to Rick. I don't want to spoil it incase someone doesn't know, I'll just say Skywalker. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped for that one.

2) Uncanny X-Men 390. I was still naïve and thought Colossus was dead for good. I was kind of depressed after reading it. But then he came back. Once he came back, I def. never ever can think a character will stay dead in comics. Now I just roll my eyes, like a couple years back when Nightcrawler was killed. Yeah, like he won't be back, he may even be back already.

3) The time when Morrison turned Magneto into some drug attic. Man was that bad, I couldn't believe Marvel let that happened. Interestingly enough, it's like it never happened. That Morrison run may as well be it's own alternate reality.

4) Uncanny X-Men 401 (I may have the number wrong, but it's close if not that one) when a writer tried to write a one shot story about normal human (using things like a flame thrower) to go toe to toe with a team of X-Men that included Iceman, Wolverine, Angel, and more. Yeah, give me a break these guys have fought Sentinels and more.

5) Ultimates vol. 1 when it became clear that the first major threat the team faced was the Hulk. Talk about sweet! And vol. 2 which flips that around nicely.

6) There is that scene in Uncanny X-Men where Bishop learns that someone betrays and kills the X-Men. he sees a recording of Jean Grey talking about it. So, Bishop tries to prevent it. That thing was unresolved for what felt like forever and then in the summer of 1997 the finally concluded it. The moment where Jean Grey is speaking into the camera, that you know Bishop will play back in the future, and knowing we'd finally get the identity of the traitor revealed . . . that was cool.

7) That time Magneto ripped the metal from Wolverine's bones. That they did it didn't shock me, but they kept him without metal for so long did.

8) Iron Man 3, what they did with Mandarin had me reeling in shock for a solid 5 minutes.
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:30 pm

Iron man 3 was definitely shocking, But I dont know if in a good way.
Speaking of Ultimates, is the whole wasp/giant man fight at the end of vol.1 or vol 2? That was a shock to me, how that all went down.
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Havok1891 » Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:06 am

The wasp/giant man fight had to be vol. 2. That's when the team really started behaving dysfunctional (thanks in part to Loki). That was an impressive bit there between Wasp & Giant Man. Those first two volumes had plenty of cool shocking moments. Heck, when Samuel Jackson's look was used for Nick Fury for the first time, that was one now that I think about it. I think there were plenty of Cap moments that made me really like the character in ways I'd never quite appreciated.

Oh and yeah, Iron Man was bad shocking, def. not good shocking. That movie was going WELL for like 45 minutes and then suddenly took a huge turn. That in itself was shocking. Like, how can you be going so well and seemingly purposely mess it all up!?!?!?
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:13 am

Aw, man. The Mandarin videos alone were so sweet. I still dont get why they did it. Such a disappointment. What a waste.
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Havok1891 » Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:50 pm

I truly felt like the makers of Iron Man 3 actively wanted to sucker punch comic book fans. If I hadn't known anything about Iron Man comics, I may have liked Iron Man 3. But my knowledge of the characters functioned as an active misleading element. Know what I mean? You shouldn't be tricked for knowing the source material.
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Re: Comic Book Events That Shocked You!

Postby Idiot Savant » Mon Dec 23, 2013 10:00 pm

I was really liking Iron Man 3 until the "shocking" reveal...then I wanted to burn the screen down
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