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The Official Horror Talk Topic!

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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:40 am

Here is three space movies that is considered to be Alien rip-offs and while they maybe, I found them to have their moments. All of them uses many elements previously seen in other Roger Corman's space flicks which I will get to in time.


Here is the Wikipedia page --->

The movie also went by an alternate title as Horror Planet which IMO is a way better sounding title rather than a gross yet hilarious one. This was really a crazy film that is quite far out and reaches the barrier of almost too much weirdness. As a strange as it maybe it is, it does keep your attention toward the the movie :shock:


Here is your crew-members and the extraterrestrial itself which really looks Insectoid!


The film had many female characters but My fave one was played by Jennifer Ashley. I found her the most appealing of all of'em with her deceivingly big boobs, expressions and just good acting :batsmile:


Here is the dreaded trailer!!

Here is the cool score by legendary John Scott. Since he uses synthesizers here it's quite hard to tell that it's him...if you compare his wonders like King Kong Lives & Lionheart there is no comparison whatsoever :!:




1982's Forbidden World is another that also went by another name which was Mutant. A couple years later in 1984 there would be another film named Mutant that would be more well known.

Here is the Wikipedia page --->

Here is the crew of the film.


Forbidden World/Mutant has some interesting things going for it. There is a triangle of love between the three main characters. Sam the Robot is a really cool looking droid and coincidentally resembles a great deal of Clone Trooper Scouts/Recons that would be seen decades later :o


The movie's title Forbidden World has more than one meaning. It isn't just a planet not recommended to go to but also there is some majorly bleak scientific experiments that is happening plus as mentioned a bit a go, there is a love triangle going on there with the space cop and the two female crewswomen. He goes with both of'em but there is jealously of the character Dr. Barbara Glaser played by June Chadwick. Seems like at the time guys liked the younger woman of the time and so did he. I personally like the mature babe much more. They too are even quite close as well :shock:


Here is the trailer!!

Here is a TV Spot for when it was known as Mutant!!

Here is the music score by Susan Justin, yes, a FEMALE Composer. There isn't many which is such a shame cause the women that I know that are composers are arguably better than the men and I may get into that in time. She uses a synthesizer like heard in many 80s movies. She is very good!



This is My fave of the three. It's totally a scary space horror film. It also went by another name which was Mind Warp :shock:

Here is the Wikipedia page --->

I love the artwork for these especially the second one. One really great thing about the 80s especially the early section of the decade is that it sometimes went really dark & hardcore with films. Seeing that cool poster in the middle just enhances that :blmm:


It has a really a cool space crew that stars a young Robert Englund a few years before he was known as Freddy Krueger :o It even has some characters from Roger Corman's other great space films via stock footage :o


It has a fantastically eerie, spooky space setting via stock footage along with new materiel. It also has some tremendously beautiful yet creepy alien planet landscapes & scenery with it's mysterious pyramids that predated Prometheus by over 3 decades :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Here is the original Trailer as it's actual title Galaxy of Terror :!:

and here is the trailer as it's alternate title Mind Warp which makes the film even more horrifying :!:


Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Thu Jul 11, 2024 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:47 am

1991's The Haunted :blbaf:

Here is the Wikipedia page --->

OK, I posted this a bit over at PB's 31 Days of Halloween so here is this. Are you familiar with the Haunted that aired on Fox back in 1991 :?:


If you seen the Conjuring movies about the Warrens (real life Ghostbusters & Demonologists) and know them hen you'll be thrilled to know that their first depictions are in the was a big deal back then 1991 :o Me & My Grandparents were quite excited about this new movie and We recorded it on VHS during it's world premier and I have seen this movie many times. Here is a brief ad about it + a short scene :blww:

I used to watch it all the time back then in 1991 and later on. Sally Kirkland is the star but she isn't at her usual good looking classy seductive self as she is a mother & family woman but has a great performance. Jeffrey DeMunn plays her husband and he is really good which he is known to show up in a lot of horror stuff. I really liked how it was, parts of it made Me feel good especially the scenes with the neighbors as it was during the time when you could actually have good ones, be friends with them and count on them for something decent. In fact the film just has a really good atmosphere about it. NOTE: The Little girl in The Monster Squad is this too ;)

Here is pic of them and their play family compared to the actual Smurls :!:


And here is a comparison of the real life & Haunted Movie depictions of the Warrens :!:


Now here is the actual movie, like I said, it's one of the best ones and if you already seen it back in the day then you know how cool it was back then and I am quite thankful that I experience it during those good times :)

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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:51 am


If you seen My recent showcases in My Odds & Ends of My Glory Days of Video Rentals & My special Comics of The Dark & Sleepstalker: The Sandman's Last Rites, then you know the great stories of Star Video. If you don't then get to My topic, it's one of My most imperative ones I have ever done :!: I also talked about Star Video just recently in My Seedpeople special as well here within this very topic :)

So anyway this here be Jack-O, it has a similar story like the Pumkinhead franchise but this guy is actually a "pumpkinhead". It came out in the great spooky year of 1995, still this low budgeter is as great now as it was then :blbat:

Here is the Wikipedia page --->

Here is the trailer!!

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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:55 am


Here is the Wikipedia page --->

THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY of THE RELIC: 1997 - 2022 :!:

Now here is My most favorite horror movie of ever, of all time...THE RELIC :!: It was in 1997 when it came out. I have a very special fondness of the film for many, many reasons. First before I get into My actual write up of this I wanted to share a quote of Mine that I posted in My Odds & Ends, it is part of My Glory Days of Video Rentals which was a showcase that I took a huge amount of effort at producing because it's arguably the most crucial one that I have ever wanted to do and the subject and everything about it is one of the most imperative missions for Me because of the all the times I went to Our local video stores and all of the great times Me & My Grandparents had there. I see so many people on social media talking about nonsense and not talking about their past and important moments (not to mention the countless spectators) which to me is a mistake while only a handful I give kudos to them...if you don't talk about your experiences at stores, the people you once knew, the things you got and so on it will all be lost to oblivion and I'm not for that for one millisecond. Why do you think there's so many mysteries of ancient cultures and so little to be known of humanity's origins and so on...think about that for a while :? :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So here is My quote...

BrandonDaCollector wrote:So here is some of the absolute best & crucial movies I got from Our usual Blockbuster. In 1996 Me & My Mom had one of the best times ever for Halloween 1996 when We went to the Darkness in Soulard, I saw a poster there of a movie called The Relic, I wanted to see so she took Me to the show at the Kenrick on My Birthday in 1997, 25 years ago this YEAR :shock: I was so thrilled and happy about this horror movie, it was one of the greatest I ever saw. Then for weeks upon weeks I waited for Blockbuster to get it in (I believe Star Video was unfortunately out of the picture already :roll: and they were getting in it late. I told My Grandparents how great it was and they couldn't wait to see it. I told them that I don't want to rent it...I want to BUY IT :batshock: :smgasp: :wwshock: So for a while I was quite depressed and it seems crazy yes but it was a struggling time for Me and I wanted THE RELIC so in not too long Blockbuster had it for sale which was briefly used and I snagged it up and bought it before any other plebeian did cause nobody wanted that film more than Me, I loved it that darn much and I STILL DO :!: :!: See the box cover had the same picture as the poster did at the DARKNESS, it was so terrorific :blbat: Later I got another great horror movie called Tale of the Mummy from 1998, We rented it at first but dang I really liked it. A while later they had it for sale and I purchased it used as well. Now another film that I got used is one of My all-time favorite films is 2000's Hollow Man. Blockbuster had it for sale and it was an absolute no brainer to get it, I watched it many times. I mean when you love movies as much as I did and you watch them a lot why rent then over and over when you could just own them for the same price of two or so rentals, I mean come on it's just better. Here is the three I just spoke of that is some My most beloved movies in My entire VHS COLLECTION :batsmile:


So there it is, if you never seen this before and if this has interested you then you can go here ---> for the ENTIRE showcase as it is one of the greatest and most important of all because everything there I yearned to do it for such a long period of time :)

Here is the superb TRAILERS!!

Now here is the soundtrack/musical score by John Debney whom was one of the forefathers of bringing back great movie music. I have always loved this score, they finally released it in January 2013 (if people would be more into scores they wouldn't wait so darn long and make them limited editions to only 3000 think of it, out of over 8 billion people on this dreaded planet, there's only a few thousand that likes & appreciates movie scores :roll: I have thought about this for decades, it makes Me sick, all of these people should be ashamed of their-selves :x I have brought the attention to PB & Acid an dthey know how good movie music is :batsmile: I was quite euphoric to finally own the score when it was finally released :!: Here is 3 cues from the film, now play these great tracks while you read & look at My Relic write up :blbat:

So after reading and seeing all of that here is My actual write up/spotlight of The Relic :!:


So the film is directed by one of My faves Peter Hyams who did such greats like Capricorn One, Outland, The Star Chamber, 2010, Amazing Stories, Stay Tuned, Timecop, Sudden Death, End of Days, The Musketeer, A Sound of Thunder and was the executive producer of The Monster Squad :!: The film has a great cast. Penelope Ann Miller, Tom Sizemore, Linda Hunt, George Whitmore, Chi Muoi Lo, Eugene M. Davis, Robert Lesser & Lewis Van Bergen and many others. This was Audra Lindley's last on screen appearance (My Grandpa really liked her). The acting is so great by everybody as it's so stellar :!: Penelope Ann Miller is such a sweetie here, she's got this cute yet hot look to her especially with the glasses & dress, in fact IMO this is the best she's ever looked :batsmile:


The Setting: I really liked the South American & Merchant Boat scenes. The majority of the movie was filmed at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, this is the home of the Ghost and the Darkness Lions & Tyrannosaurus Rex Sue (the same one I saw in person when she visited St. Louis back in 2009 :o I liked the school bus & kids scene (kids was still kids back then IMO) and the two boys are really good & funny. The film tends to be quite serious at the science which I love...


I absolutely loved the developing atmospheric dark setting of the film. It really has a bleak, raw naturistic mood which is really something that is missing in today's movies but really for the most part of a generation. It has a very good feeling of terror and mystery as's all so great :batsmile:


IMPORTANT NOTE: the movie was originally going to be out in 1996 but with the cast & director himself ill from being in the rain in on location, the was many delays. I have always found it something how Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World had a boat scene where everybody was massacred that came out in also came out 1997 because was The Relic's big early point of the film...thing is they actually shot it before JP2 :o :shock: :batsmile: :wwshock: :smhuh:

IMPORTANT SECTION :!: :!: However there will be SPOILERS of The Kothoga creature and how it came to be, if you never seen the movie then stay clear here until you do otherwise ENTER at your own risk :blbat:

The Kothoga: Its one of My most favorite movie monsters of all. It's extremely underrated. I have complained & complained about how McFarlane & NECA, Sideshow, Hasbro & Mattel and so many other companies have all joined suit and become generic following the trends of making "what sells" that's already been made dozens of times in the past and not making original figures from properties that has never been made before...I'm so sick of that :x Long ago in the mid 2000s, I used to know the owner of SOTA Toys Jerry Macaluso (it was always a question & business conversation, nothing personal and I was a huge collector of his awesome Street Fighter Collection). One day when We spoke about what is next for him to make, I suggested to him about The Relic (he knew the film and everything which to My enjoyment, I was quite surprised of this matter) and I told him how much I loved it and he thought that was cool too. I asked him if it is possible for him to get the license of the film to make the monster and he's like yeah, I think I could do it, that would an interesting creature to make :shock: See, he had his Now Playing Series with stuff from movies never made before like Darkman, Bubba ho-Tep, American Werewolf in London for instance. Not too long after this excitement he went out of business and I never spoke to him again :o :roll: :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So after that I guess he was the last and only one that ever considered making The Relic's Kothoga and it was left with him then and with Me at this VERY MOMENT AS I SPEAK :roll: I thank him for his great honesty and everything back in the day :) There has been some models of The Kothoga but it's the same as 1991's Suburban Commando General Suitor, not everybody wants to take the time and build it & paint it which includes Me as I don't have that talent nor patience. It shouldn't be this way especially when you have companies like McFarlane that makes figures of these types of characters for you :roll: Now onto the origins of The Kothoga :!:

Anthropologist John Whitney is in South America and find a Tribe which he finds fascinating studying their ways. The Tribal Woman Chief offers him a Soup, soon he is granted a visit by a Tribesman dressed up as the legendary Devil God, The Reptilian Kothoga :shock: This is a sacred ritualistic test. He knows what the interpretation is because The Soup that he just ingested was filled with a hormonal, parasitic virus unknowing to his knowledge till it was too late. It acted fast mutating his mind...


After the lovely Dr. Green ran an analysis on her PC to determine what the fungus was on the leaves that mysteriously appeared with the crates that was sent to the museum, she finds out that it has DNA of many animals. On a discovery of terror upon seeing the beast, she took some of his saliva and tested it. It had many types of animalia such, as Arthropod, Reptile within it but shockingly it also contained human DNA and that human was none other than Dr. John Whitney and the insane truth of what has been killing everybody in the museum is known as the Kothoga which was a "myth based on fact" is actually an evolving creature that needs the human hypothalamus to survive in order to continue it's rageful evolution :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


Now like I said, I have always loved this monster, I was totally wowed by it the first moment I saw it with My Mom at the show (more on that in a bit). I loved how it had a look of many different types of animals of Reptilian & Mammalian and was constantly changing. He was created by Stan Winston whom was always a HUGE, HUGE name in My household because I loved his previous monster creations like Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Invaders from Mars, The Monster Squad, Pumpkinhead, Jurassic Park and so much more I mean he was the Jim Henson of horror :blbat: Like Movie Composers, creature creators are just as important for a film yet hardly anybody ever talks about them that which I have never knew the reason and I really dislike that, I always have since I was a youngster, there are those so very few people I know/knew that did which is so dang pathetic :roll:

I loved The Kothoga's unbelievable killing spree in the Museum especially when he is fully revealed and destroys the Swat Team :!:


He is so unstoppable, fire doesn't even hurt him and he is awesome when he is lit. Winston used this type of scenario once more in Hyams' End of Days where he depicted the true form of Satan in a similar manner.


Here is a great look at The Kothoga in all of his glory and MORE :!:


Here is a special pic of the entire CREW that is from 95 & 96 :batsmile:


If you saw above about My Glory Days of Movie Rentals or saw it before hand not to long after I posted it, then you already know that 1990's Kindergarten Cop is special to Me. Well, when I first saw 1997's The Relic, I was quite surprised that three people in that was in KC was in TR and them are Penelope Ann Miller, Linda Hunt & Chi Muoi Lo. I always pay attention to people and what they're in and all of that. Take a gander at this pic I made and see what I mean :)


Some gifs!!



So as I said before, this is quite special to Me and as I had explained in My quote above from My Odds & Ends I was with My Mom when I first found out about this wonderfully exciting horror movie The Relic. Here is how it all was as I recall it.

It was 1996 when things were really changing, most of everything seemed darker in nature like wrestling just wasn't the same when the nWo happen and classic stuff was drifting away, TV shows like The X-Files was getting more grittier & gruesome, Video Games were getting more hardcore like Duke Nukem & Tomb Raider and movies were becoming like huge events with CGI like Twister & ID-4 for instance, there is plenty more of things I started noticing that was changing including people and how their demeanor was and Women was changing but in a good way, I mean I could go on and on. So, it is now October, 1996, I'm 15 years old. Trick or Treating time was over for Me (however Me being the talk of the town scaring everybody for 2 decades would debut in 1998, see My special Halloween showcase about My experiences & times here ---> but thank goodness I never lost the desire of horror or even to be scared. I saw a commercial on TV or an ad in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about The Darkness in Soulard just yards away from Down Town St. Louis.

Before I go any further, here is THE DARKNESS with it's special 30th Anniversary video, one of the biggest and most famous of all spooky themed parks in the country :blww:

I said to My Mom that I wanted to go there. She agreed and it was close to Halloween, I'm not sure the date, probably the 26th thru the 30th. I remember she fixed herself up really nice, the way she styled her blonde hair was good, she'd seriously looked like Miss Elizabeth back then how she looked in 96 with Flair & Macho Man and I told her that many times before. So We're there and there's a ton of plebeians getting ready to get scared and to have fun. They have a small amusement park there with a lot of rides including a Caged Ferris Wheel. My school used to have one every year on the last day before Summer Vacation and I loved to ride it. My Mom never rode on one before. She asked Me about it and I told her how it was. So she gave it a go and We're all the way to the top as it is loading all of it's riders/passengers. I'm seeing the Ancient Gorgeous Mississippi River, Down Town and Our great city from above like 50 feet or so. It was time to get the ride going and Our cage is moving up & down back & forth and spinning upside down and She's having a $h!t-fit about it while I'm yelling in joy. So it was over after a few minutes and she was just complaining about it that she never wants to ride that damn thing again :!: :batsmile: :wwsmh: :smlol: So that was over and it was time to go in the building where all the scary fun is. They have statues of all kinds of movie monsters which I was quite euphoric about like Alien & Predator, Freddy & Jason. I think they had Micheal Myers, Pinhead & Leatherface also but I cannot be to sure on them horror icons. Then it was time to go thru some dark halls with flashing lights on altering your vision while ghouls of all kinds were jumping out at you :blbaf: We went through a lot of that stuff and even similar areas some of the stuff that you in the video a few short minutes ago. Now here is the most crucial part of this whole bonus segment is that there was a Magician there playing card tricks and a lot of other stuff. Over around on the corner there was a movie poster...I was looking at really attracted My attention...I'm like what the heck is that and I thought it looked so cool the way it was but what was the movie poster of :? It was THE RELIC :o :shock: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp: It was the same poster as My VHS Tape Box Cover you saw above from Blockbuster Video. The release date was January 10th, without knowing a single thing about the film, I told My Mom that I want her to take Me to the show on My Birthday to see it and she's like OK, So now you know why The Relic is so important to Me. The The Relic actually came out on My Birthday of all days and My Mom was ready to take Me and We went and I was so happy, so glad, so horrified that I saw it with Her together and that was 1997, 25 YEARS AGO THIS YEAR IN 2022, THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY :!:

Here is the great theater that I have spoken about many, many times on the board, the Kenrick 8 Cine. It was really Our main theater but the close AMC Crestwood theater was Our alternative which I have had many, many great moments over there as well. It was close to General Grant's Farmers Market near Crestwood that I showcased in My Odds & Ends a while back. I have had so many great times over at the Kenrick 8 Cine as I have seen Willow, Dick Tracy, Suburban Commando, Backdraft, The Addams Family, T2, Star Trek 6, Twister, Independence Day, Batman Forever & Batman & Robin, The Relic and so many more. It was such a great show there. Unfortunately it went out of business in the 2000s and was vacant for many years. Later they tore down the building and now it's been replaced by Biolife & Planet Fitness not to mention a huge Walmart :roll: I had talked about the location of Frank's Nursery & Crafts when I showcased the one next to Venture in My Odds & Ends...well that had been gone for 20 years or so as well in this area but some places that I thought would never ever go out was a great Burger King and a super fancy restaurant that was dedicated to Bogey himself Humphrey Bogart cause they had tons of pictures of him all over their walls among other areas of the building. We'd take My Grandparents there on their Wedding Anniversary which in 91 We along with Mom's boyfriend Kevin went there then at The Kenrick and We all saw The Addams Family which was such a memorable time :) This whole region on Watson is so depressing, nothing looks the same anymore except for the railroad bridge Ship it on the Frisco which I'm surprised cause their always in a hurry to take away the railroad tracks which I absolutely hate :x I thought Crestwood was awful that I have talked about many times before, all of the great stuff from there is gone, it's nearly completely unrecognizable :( There's so many people that doesn't have a clue how great it was there then but I am quite grateful that I know how it was back then :)


and here is the release date pic I made for this special day & time :batsmile:


After all of this time I finally made a special thing of 1997's The Relic, IMO it was one of the truly last great horror movies and while Hyams' 1999 End of Days is similar with it's music, setting and more, there would be no End of Days if it wasn't for The Relic and I am so thankful that I got to experience it at The Kenrick, with My Mom, on My Birthday and that this year marks it's25th Anniversary :blbat: :blww: :blsm:

So that will do it for this great horror stuff for and I hope you have liked everything I've done so far. More to come in time :blbat:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:28 am

I can't say I've seen most of those. I saw Relic in the theatre as it came out during my teen years when I had a part-time job and a a beat-up 1984 Dodge Daytona so we would basically go to the movies almost every Friday night. The rest I'm not really familiar with.
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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:51 am

Thanks for your reply reply PB. That's cool you seen the Relic during it's time at the show.I recall you said about you and your wife seeing the worst & low budget movies and stuff. Well We did that a lot renting them from Hollywood Video and all Our great local places and it was always fun with My Grandma. That's something you never saw most of the movies I've featured here so far. I have seen tons more of films that you probably never heard of over the years. Maybe I'll do more low budget ones later on :blbat: :blww: :blsm:

NOTE: I guess you could say that was My sweet 16th Birthday then in 97 when We saw The Relic :batsmile:
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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:02 am

Valentine 1.jpg

Wikipedia page is here --->

So today is Valentine's Day and I hope you are having a good time with your better half if your lucky enough to have one :) I thought that this was quite apropos to post this once big & hyped up slasher/killer movie from 2001. This was basically the last of the classic films of the genre as times would change and just wouldn't allow for the same type of films like this to have the feel & atmosphere of it as a whole :roll: I'm not going to go about the movie in-depth however I will talk about some of the cool women which there were several in it and they were...

Katherine Heigl, Denise Richards, & Marley Shelton. Now I was never a huge Richards fan, I think she was overexposed like a lot of actresses. Don't get Me wrong, back in the day I found her hot and sultry which really I think she never reached what she could really do on screen :? :batconfused: :wwwink: :smgasp: It's just that she's one of those that is so sky high with the critics, media & fans like she's the only one. I think of this a lot like with Marilyn Monroe, sure she was wow and all of that but she wasn't the only never hear people talk about
Christine McIntyre and even Janet Leigh...I found them way more talented...sorry but Monroe wasn't the only one. the thing is you hardly ever hear anything about Richards anymore period which is really a shame yet it may show how people really cared about her :roll: As I had said before in PB's movie topic about Fairuza Balk, I have always been attracted to and liked the mature/older gal and the girl/women that is considered to be unattractive and/or nobody else wants. Well I really liked Marley in this movie and in fact this was the first film I saw her in. I found her really cool. I have seen her in others since and she is till really good :) Now My fave of the three is Heigl which I'll talk about her in a sec :shock:

Valentine 3.jpg

So this was the theird film that I noticed Katherine Heigl in which the first was 1995's Under Siege 2: Dark Territory and the second one was 1998's Bride of Chucky which was 25 years ago this year :o I loved how thick she was and just how nice she looked. It's really a shame that her role was really cut short (pun intended there). Sometimes I think they place these actors in the wrong roles for the wrong reasons but that is just Me :roll: I have seen her in many other movies since but arguably this is the best she's ever looked IMO :batwink:

Valentine 2.jpg

Here is the Trailer!

Here is one of the main songs of the soundtrack...Superbeast by Rob Zombie, I've always digged that :!:

And here is the main theme of the score by Don Davis (The Matrix Trilogy, Jurassic Park ///), it's really good :blbat:

GIFS :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blmm: :blhal: :blbaf:


Really nice :!:


The Killer :!:


So that will conclude this special little entry of 2001's Valentine on none other than Valentine's Day, until the next entry have a good one :batsmile: :wwwink: :smsmile:
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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:42 pm

Gosh, it was just Valentine's Day now it's St. Patrick's Day and it will be over in a little while so I wanted to post a horror film fitting for this day and so let's start off with the 30th anniversary of 1993's Leprechaun. Here is the Wikipedia page --->

I remember how big the hype was for this movie. Me & My Grandma rented it over at Star Video in their great new horror releases. You can check them out in My Odds & Ends' Glory Days of Movie Rentals, its one of the most crucial showcases I have ever done :shock: Leprechaun starred Warwick Davis as the titled character whom was known as Wicket & Willow in the Star Wars & Willow films. He would be in SW:E1:TPM among other films as well play the Leprechaun many times in the future sequels that I may talk about later on at a later date :blbat:

Leprechaun 1993 - 1 - 1.jpg

Now his co-star was a young & great looking Jennifer Aniston. During this time in 1993 I didn't know her, she was just a new upcoming actress to My 12 year old self that looked really good. She was quite decent here and when I look back on this I'm like dang, she was quite hot and had such a fine physique, too bad she had to be a comedian and not action babe or scream queen cause those comedic roles just are turn offs to Me. Now if she would have went they other way she may have become one of My favorites cause she had, major, major potential here :batwink:

Leprechaun 1993 - 2.jpg

The Trailer!!



This would kinda catch on because in the last days of The Dungeon of Doom in WCW in 1996, wrestler Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker would be repackaged and be known as Braun the Leprechaun. Despite that he's only 5ft 8, in, he was quite a large Leprechaun though his acting and hulking down did make him appear much smaller and he acted really mean & nutty like Leprechauns did in the 90s :blbat:

This wasn't the only time a wrestler was a Leprechaun, knowing WWE they always take advantage of existing products & ideas to make their own spin of it even if it's many years later. Here is the origin story that came out in 2014 that starred WWE's very own Leprechaun...Hornswoggle :!:

Here is the Wikipedia page --->

Leprechaun Oriigins 1.jpg

More great horror stuff coming soon :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blhal: :blmm: :blbaf:
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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:00 am

So with posting 2001's Valentine on Valentine's Day and extremely recently yesterday on St. Patrick's Day I posted a bit of the Leprechaun movies, I have been contemplating about it for a while now since Christmas last year when I posted Slay Belles. This was a really dandy movie. It has Krampus & Mr. & Mrs. Clause with 3 great looking women in a cool comedic horror holiday scare-fest :scww: :scbat: :scsm: :schal: :scmm: :scbaf: :scaq:

So the movie stars Barry Bostwick as Santa who is just great as always. Also the three gals are cosplaying characters Kristina Klebe, Susan Slaughter & Hannah Minx/Hannah Wagner and veteran actress Diane Salinger is really good too.

Slay Belles 1.jpg

The women are pretty good and somewhat hot. The redhead is My fave of the trio, I love her expressions and physique. Now the thing is Minx is the one in Blue, she was a devoted Senpai at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan which she is actually the YouTube Kuchi Girl that disappeared and it's been quite a mystery what to happen her. Rumors are she left to become a Mom so IDK :o Legendary comedy big man Richard Moll has a brief part here as well. We see Santa fight Krampus and Diane Salinger has a really cool shocking reveal of who she is in the climax of the film :blww:

Slay Belles 2.jpg

Here is the trailers!

The movie has a terrific musical score. There is nothing like listening to music from a film whether your familiar with it or not. If you have truly been following Me you know I love movie music. Do yourself a favor and listen to this, it's only 37 minutes and it's pure fun & joy and if you know the late great James Horner like I do, you'll clearly hear some big references to his 1986 Aliens score. I couldn't believe it when I first heard it :o You'll wanna hear this over and over. If there's an error with the link just click the YT link, it will take you directly to the page :)

Slay Belles 3.jpg

I really recommend this one especially with the climax of the film. There's a free version of it on YT right now but of course I recommend that you see it on a big TV like on Roku or something to get the true measure or it :blbat:

More to come :blww: :blbat: :blsm: :blmm: :blhal: :blbaf:
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Re: The Official Horror Talk Topic!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:53 am

So while women is on Mind I want to now quickly going back in time to 1982, here is the Slumber Part Massacre :o Here is the Wikipedia page --->

The women were quite good looking here and gosh I really hate it when their the victims :batshock: :wwsmh: :smgasp:

Slumber Party Massacre 1.jpg


Here's 196/1987's Killer Workout aka Aerobicide, here is the Wikipedia page --->

It had a plethora of stunning exercise women with some great posters...

Killer Workout-Aerobicide 1.jpg

and this :batshock: :wwwink: :smgasp:

Killer Workout-Aerobicide 2.jpg

Here's the bloody trailer :blbat: :blww: :blsm:

A compilation of latex scenes of the film :batwink:

Here's some hot Gifs :!:


These are really good with great boobs & booties :batwink: . These are great examples of how women were changing for the 80s and that the women of the 80s were some of the best ever seen. This babe is arguably MY fave of the whole film, she has a great physique with big boobs...she's very sweet :batwink:


These are superb, the babe in the pink & blue attire is really hot and arguably has the best body of the group and beyond her time :!: The honey in black & green and the other in white and pink are quite playful :shock:


This babe in blue is really nice with her large assets :smwink:


Whoah :batshock: :smgasp:


That's all for now, more to come at a later date, until then :blbat: :blww: :blmm: :blhal: :blmm: :blbaf: :blaq:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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