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The AEW Thread

It's All Elite Wrestling, and you know what that means. Inside it's All In for a superkick party. Double or Nothing, it's Dynamite!

Re: The AEW Thread

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:13 am

Oh, I thought you saw them, I was just mistaken on the name/gimmick/era/whatever. Cool story there PB :)

OK, here is My thoughts on ALL-OUT. OK, first off I got a very good copy of it off of YT, I got the whole thing from the very beginning to the very end so I saved a lot of moolah.

Now you never answered My question...did you watch the Zero Hour pre-show :?: It had many good matches I will say about them first then all the All Out matches so bare with Me here :)


Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo (c) vs. Ortiz & Ruby Soho in a Mixed Tag Team Match for the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship: I wasn't really in sync with this stuff how it started but I saw some of it before on AEW's YT while I was catching up. Again I was surprised Sammy & Tay are a real couple. Dang Tay had a big booty before but now it seems even bigger :batsmile: Ortiz & Ruby are good together. She has never been known to be a beauty queen but strangely she has a weird beauty about her. I loved how the match started out in a hardcore way. I liked it when the gals get the guys:) Though I'm not big on Sammy, I do want to give the new couple the attention because they are good together and needed to win the match because of that!

HOOK (c) vs. Angelo Parker (w/Matt Menard) fpr the the FTW World Heavyweight Championship: Shame Team Taz is no more. This was a pretty cool. Finally the best friends since kindergarten (that's a long time) are finally going somewhere. Parker's theme is really great, I love that old school guitar. Another great match by Hook. I want his reign to be for a long time to come!

PAC (c) vs. Kip Sabian to retain the AEW All-Atlantic Championship: I had no idea about this nice belt. Gosh, its still the same old Pac but he never gets old! I was quite surprised about this new gimmick of Sabian. He looks really cool with the jacket but since I never saw the beginning of this new gimmick with the box, I'm not really plugged into it but it seems cool. Pac won in the end as I feel he should.

Eddie Kingston vs. Tomohiro Ishii: Now I only saw clips of their first match via this show which Ishii won. I'm not a huge Kingston fan and I am not familiar with Ishii but darn it, this was such a slapping, chopping brawl at it's finest! It was a very lengthy match but quite satisfying. If you love old school unstoppable Japanese guys fighting American heroes then this is the match to watch. Kingston won this great match so let's have a third one to see whom is the REAL victor :!:


Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta and Penta El Zero M and Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes) and Daunte Martin and Andrade El Idolo (w/Jose The Assistant) and Rush in a Casino Ladder match: This was a tremendous match and so quick. Amazing the Mexican presence here. I loved the table & ladder spots by the Lucha Bros outside of the ring. All of these guys deserved a title shot. I watched this match several times and while it seemed quite bittersweet how it ended because before it was time for the Joker slot, a bunch of thugs came in and took out everybody, even Rush & Andrade. Its a shame that they pulled off a Retribution WWE style stunt here but we got a little masked man climbing up the ladder getting the chip whom is NOT the Joker. It turns out to be the former Malcolm Bivens of all people who really get's around. So under his new name Stokely Hathaway has suddenly allied himself in new stable with the Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Ethan Page, Lee Moriarty & W. Morrissey. Then with major expressions Stokley awaits the Joker. The song by the The Rolling Stones titled "Sympathy For The Devil" is played in a continuing trend of uncreative themes for wrestlers and also another thing that is being crammed down out throats is all of this religious stuff that many people are NOT putting two & two together about and people just watch this stuff and not "REALLY" thinking of what is "really" going on. Then here comes a guy all in black that looks like some sort of demonic Luchadore or perhaps an Oni which a Japanese demon. He walks down in a fast strut like motion and immediately walks toward Stokely and he is revealed to be THE JOKER as he hands him the chip. He gets ready to to take off the mask and I love the complaining of legendary Tony Schiavone when this mysterious masked man just teased us as he puts up his finger in a "not this time motion". I loved how he did that. He walks off with the other thugs doing the infamous "hush" with the one figure gesture. This mystery man makes Me want to see him more and more :batsmile:

The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/Brandon Cutler & MT Nakazawa) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) & Adam Page in the AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Final Match to become the inaugural AEW World Trios Champions: Its good that Omega is back and that he is a tweenishface. It was an excellent match but when it was all said and done the Dark Order is screwed again by some sort kind mishap as The Elite are the first Trio title holders that are years later than what Omega originally intended.

NOTE to PB: You said you'd be curious to see what I'd think of Jade's All In look. Well, here it is :)

Jade Cargill (c) (w/Kiera Hogan & Leila Grey) vs. Athena for the AEW TBS Championship: Now here is one of the ones I wanted to see the most. After seeing the former Ember Moon returning to her indy roots as Athena, a while back catching up to AEW, it was cool. I have always found her kinda sweet but quite unique at the same time and built like a little rhino or a tank. Now I have been quite impressed with Jade Cargill ever since I first saw her with Shaq a while back. There has been other black women that I liked and were great such as Rhaka Khan but never seemed to find their groove & to be used correctly. I must say Jade isn't part of this scenario, she's truly one of a kind. I like the concept of her baddies too. My reaction to her coming out to face Athena is WOW...its SHE-HULK :o First second I knew what her inspiration was. It was a tremendous attempt. I never really pictured She-Hulk as a black babe but if you go by it on a realistic point it wouldn't matter what race it is as it could happen to anyone. More on this in a minute so right away Athena hits her eclipse on her and I'm like holy crap its over already but nope, she kicks out and has help from the baddies. Athena is extremely ruff with Grey and Hogan wants no part of her. When she got back in the ring it was all basically Jade and it was all over in a match that was way too short. Once again Jade prevails and its like who's next. I love it that there's an unbeatable woman in wrestling like this and she looks perfect for this feat too.

Now as for her look. Again I was astounded that she came out as She-Hulk. She has been sporting the white hair like her comic hero Storm (I love Storm, imagine having a woman in your life looking like her and making the weather to your liking, oh that is wonderful) but darn, I didn't expect her to be dressed like She-Hulk. The commentators all lacked to mention it but I knew what she was gunning for, I can tell she had a bit of difficulty with the green skin however I appreciate the big effort. Recently I have talked about My disgust about the new comical She-Hulk show. That is never how I pictured her. I pictured her gorgeous, huge & muscular, powerful, sultry & serious much like Jade is. All of that H0lliweird talk about Jade in the past, she should have been the first cast in that show and not all that other bum-steer, talk about a missed opportunity :x I put together this little pic of how Jade looked at All Out with a comparison of My favorite version of She-Hulk. They look a lot a like I mean the hair, the arms, the big boobs, the overall physique, the outfit, gloves/'s quite uncanny :!: Forget about the forced Miz, Jade is truly one of those wrestlers that is so exciting regardless of gender who is a MUST SEE & FOLLOW :batsmile:

Jade Cargill compared to She-Hulk 1.jpg

Wardlow & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. Jay Lethal & The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) (w/Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt) in a Six Man Tag Team Match I actually got sold on Wardlow & FTR being faces right away. I haven't seen the MCMG in years since they were in TNA and the "Hail Sabin" gimmick. I expected a lot from Shelley's time in NXT a while back that only turned out to be one match with Kushida in a reunion as the Time Splitters. This bout was good but I expected the good guys to win here and they did but I didn't expect the return of Samoa Joe however.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks: This match had really good build to it. Both are great wrestlers. I was actually pullin' for Starks but he lost in a great effort.

Swerve In Our Glory (Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee) (c) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) (w/Billy Gunn) to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship: This is one big match I wanted to see a lot. I really love the Swerve duo. This match was great, possibly the match of the whole card if not the year IMO. In the end I'm glad they overcame their mistakes and beat the Acclaimed in a very long match.

NOTE to PB: I recall you saying about this match being like The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs. I am quite familiar with their awesome feud and the family as a whole. SIOG was like THF & TA was like TBD and Billy Gunn was like Matilda :? :lol: Stuff nowadays doesn't have the classic feeling yet it can give you that nostalgia though ;)

Toni Storm vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD in a Four Way Match to win the Interim AEW Women's World Championship: This is another match I really wanted to watch. I have already said My liking toward Toni. Baker is still quite hot. I'm liking Hayter more, she is so deceivingly strong. I love Shida's newer "Ibuki" look to her newer rugged Bushido style. Shame she didn't win here cause she was a great champ. This was a long and exciting match with many great moments. I love Storm's hip attack but its really a booty bomb and she's got a big one and I mean that in a good way cause not only is that like wow but also it serves as a major weapon. It was kinda pitiful that Baker used Hayter the way she did and how neither won the belt because Storm took advantage of it and is now the new Interim Women's champ and boy did she deserve it! I believe she will be a much better champ than Thunder Rosa ever was and IMO Storm is way more thrilling. I hope she remains champ for a very long time taking on everybody :batsmile:

AEW All-Out 2022 Women's 4-way 1.jpg

The match with Christian Cage (w/Luchasaurus) & Jungle Boy was kinda fun but ultimately Jack Perry lost because of Kane I mean Luchasaurus chokslamming him on the steel floor, that who,e part was awesome :!:

I wasn't huge on this Chris Jericho & Bryan Danielson match. I find it cool that Jericho is going back to his "Lionheart" roots way back from ECW & WCW in the 90s in style and persona. The low-blow & Judas Effect worked marvelously to defeat Bryan!

Sting, Darby Allin & Miro vs. House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) (w/Julia Hart) in a Six Man Tag Team Match: Dang, another trios match. This was a great bout. Miro is still doing this risky religious stuff and THOB isn't too far off either. Sting seemed nearly untouchable here and this would be a good way to get Sting 1 last belt as his team won!

CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley (c) for the AEW World Championship: This was a terrific match. It was kinda shocking to see Punk get squashed before but this was nothing like that. It was quite gruesome in instances. As the late great Gorilla Monsoon would say, Punk knocked Moxley silly and pinned him! It was great then we get a video package and it's THE JOKER revealing himself to be MJF and we're back to the devil stuff and all of that instead of having it a mystery of who in the friggin' SAMHAIN is this ultra-cool guy :roll: I didn't have the pleasure at being surprised who was the Joker was at all because everybody on YT is gotta f/n spoil it with a darn thumbnail on every video. I guess they think every plebeian saw this and knows it already :? I mean come on, everybody isn't up to par with their knowing and unlike this generation, there are those from a previous generation that actually likes to be surprised once in a darn blue, very blue moon :x

Now with that being said, when I saw MJF on screen being revealed which I think he should have came out with the mask on then took it off but that's just Me. I put My 2 cents into it and I found it very similar to the story of WWE 2K19's Career Mode in their fictional but radical BCW promotion. The owner of it is Barron Blade. In it is a mysterious Masked Attacker. In the story it would be revealed that he was none other was Barron Blade. I saw so much similarity here when it was all done & dusted. I don't know how many others picked up on this but as cool this was it wasn't original except that it became a real life segment of a real life wrestling show :o :shock: :smgasp: :batshock: :wwshock:

Joker-MJF compared to 2K's Masked Attacker-Barron Blade 1.jpg

So there's My take on AEW All Out. It was quite exciting with some questionable moments, all 4 hours plus Zero Hour of it :shock: As much as I have missed I caught up on most but not all of the past but now I'm getting back on track. I'm watching the fallout and more of AEW All Out. I hope you take the time to read this from the beginning and continue on till the climax, it might surprise you. I will post more soon on this topic & more in time :batsmile:
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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:07 pm

Yeah, I caught the preshow, too. The Battle Royal was interesting. I liked the use of Sympathy for the Devil, and while I get the idea of imaging in Hollywood, that songs like 50 years old, so I wouldn't equate it to anything like that. Plus MJF told Punk in one of his promos a few months back that he was the devil, so it all worked out perfectly IMO. But the Retribution-lite ending did sort of kill the crowd a bit, and I honestly don't recall much of the next match because it was so jarring. It doesn't help that I hate the idea of a Trios belt. Especially how little control AEW refs exert in a match. I'd have rather seen something like a Women's tag title just to get more women on regularly. I realize there aren't really women's tag teams, but you can make some really quick. ThunderStorm. Nyla and Shafir. Tay and Jay. The Bunny and Penelope Ford were a nice duo. It could be done.

But the more the night went on the more I knew MJF was the only person that made sense. I don't know if we needed the tape recorded message later, they could've saved that for Dynamite, but I think overall the idea was done well. It's too bad the post-show media scrum effed a lot of things up along with Punk's "injury".

Hopefully, you heard or read about all of that because it changed a lot.

Jade looked great, but I liked her Storm look much better. I was a little surprised that Jericho went over BD, but with what happens on Dynamite, I can better see the long game Tony Khan is playing there so I think that was the right call. Overall, I thought it was a good show, the MJF stuff sort of took the crowd out of the show a bit until almost the Acclaimed match.

Wow, are the Acclaimed over. Me and my kids have a new thing, when the Buffalo Bills score a touchdown we scissor each other, lol. They get a kick out of it. It's one of those things that got over organically without being shoved down our throats.

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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:39 am

OK, Oh yes, I like the the Storm look better too. Yes, Women's tag team titles would be great. WWE did and put together teams that you'd thought would never work but they did so I don't see why AEW would have a prob here :?: Yes, I knew about the devil stuff. You were showing Me a couple vids a couple months back or whenever when you trying to catch Me up, I never forgot that but like I said, I didn't have the chance to even think about who the Joker was or anything cause of Youtubers thumbnails spoiling it all, I really, really hate that crap, even AEW does it. When I was catching up they say what happens in the title and shows the thumbnail, I mean really :roll: :x I hope you read what I said there about that and what I said about the WWE 2K19 coincidence as well.

I didn't watch the whole scrum. I didn't feel like seeing Punk eating & licking his fingers :? I know Punk got stripped of the title because of his injury and backstage incident like a verbal attacks with the Elite and they were stripped as well. More important than that I was wondering what the heck why Punk had a beef with Terry Funk too :?:

Indeed The Acclaimed are over and well that is good that you do that with your son ;)

OK, here is where I am. I saw the Dynamite clips after All Out an dsaw teh new Trios champs and that there is a tournament. I'm going to be watching the Darks and then the Rampage clips. After I do then I'll check out your AEW showcase. Later PB :)
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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:17 am

OK, I'm still a bit behind as I'm behind on NXT and other stuff too. I just saw the clips of Grand Slam. The setup and ring isle looked fantastic. The matches they had were pretty good. I'm glad Jericho won, congrats to the Accalimed. Amazing DX just had their 25th Anniversary and Billy Gunn is Daddy @$$ here :o I'm not a fan of MJF saying all of this devil stuff. He better watch out. I may one day say why I'm saying this. It was a good match with MOX & BD but really I'm not behind either one. They give great matches but there;s others I'd like to see get the belt more. I clicked your spoiler and I figured that's what is was. It was PAIGE! Gosh she looks different now. I'm glad her drama everyday with Del Rio is over :roll: I hope she made the right choice to return to the ring, look what happen to Droz :roll:

Your thoughts on this show/event :?:

I still got a bit to go PB, later ;)
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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:11 pm

OK, I said stuff in previous post. I'm catching up on AEW again watching Dark and so on as this week is Full Gear. There was some cool moments so far but this one :shock:

I was amazed that Sting & The Great Muta had 1 more reunion that was so good :lol: Look for The Muta in the theme topic shortly ;)

UPDATE: I just watched 2 Darks. The Trustbusters is one different group and Abadon wrestled on both shows, I am really liking her :blbat:

I watched more, boy Luchasaurus is so awesome. Dang, I hope Jade get's her belt back! Riho returns! Gosh, after all of that with MJF & Regal...he better beat Mox :!: I'm really liking Dalton Castle and the Boys, that is such a great entrance & gimmick! I really like the team of Emi Sakura & Mei Suruga and the cool finishing maneuver "The Transformer"!!

One note is Renee Paquette, it's cool she's there but it kind of bitter sweet because for a while after she left WWE, My Grandma was saying to Me she wonders if Renee will be in AEW and be with Mox (sometimes she'd still call him Dean) cause she'd like to see them together...well here we are in 2022 and Renee finally came and My Grandma didn't get to see her back :(

I just watched the Halloween Dark, Danhausen was the main event, I was hoping for Abadon too but she didn't show up
but Jade Cargill did which was surprising. That match that Claudio dominated was awesome. On another Dark Emi & Mei fought Toni Storm & Hikaru Shida in a great match. Athena a has really been something else, being a very aggressive tweener. Kingston & Ortiz is really got a cool thing goin' on too where Kingston attacks the beaten opponents and Ortiz tries to stop him.

Ah man JEFF JARRETT is back and he's in AEW...he' even using his own old TNA theme :o Gosh I quite excited about this! I love how he is calling himself "The Last Outlaw" and i want to see him fight Sting one more time in an actual match!

I'm really liking the ROH handling here, it's what Vinnie Mac should have done with WCW & ECW in the FIRST DARN PLACE :!:

OK, more to come soon :)


OK, I'm all caught up :o I got the PPV and gettin' ready to watch ZERO HOUR first :shock: I the mean time here is this really cool vid with Tony Khan, Tony Schiavone & Aubrey Edwards!!

And here is the cool vid of ALL of the matches :!:

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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:26 pm

Wee doo wee doo, slapnuts!

Yeah, Double J was a bit of surprise. There were times I couldn't stand him, in a go away kind of way, in WCW and TNA, but in more recent years I've grown to appreciate him as a heel.

Abadon broke her collar bone a week or so ago, so while I don't know why she wasn't on around Halloween, I wouldn't expect to see her anytime soon.

The PPV was really good. No spoilers, but everything made sense and I think they made a lot of right calls on who won.
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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:39 pm

packerbacker180 wrote:Wee doo wee doo, slapnuts!

Yeah, Double J was a bit of surprise. There were times I couldn't stand him, in a go away kind of way, in WCW and TNA, but in more recent years I've grown to appreciate him as a heel.

I don't really follow AEW a lot but he's definitely succeeded in making me hate him. LOL. Mattel announced an Ultimate Edition Double J Jeff Jarrett figure based on his 90s look. I was so pumped to finally get that and then he showed up on AEW and they had to cancel the figure for legal reasons. What a heel!
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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:00 pm

"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."
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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:36 pm

Oh yeah, that's the doucheface I'm talking about. LOL.
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Re: The AEW Thread

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:50 am

PB - Shame about Abadon, just when I was really getting into her :roll: Hopefully she'll be back and be better than ever before :) All of this talk about MJF being the devil...not sure if you know this nor how many others know it but Abadon's name means..."The Devil" :? :o

Yes it was. Oh not Me, I've said many times how much I really liked him. During Full Gear the commentators were saying about how this generation really doesn't know how he was in the past and I'm like yeah I know they don't. Like Sting, we're stuck with the crow gimmick since 97...well we're stuck with the power hungry JJ since 98. I'm quite grateful I experience the days when Sting was the blonde surfer & JJ was the world's greatest entertainer (Ciampa didn't just copy Taz' gimmick & song but also something that he did from Jarrett as well which was his old catch phrase) and everybody always talks about his later/current days which brings Me to...

YOU...Acid, shame that happen about the JJ figure, I had no idea. I don't keep up with that stuff anymore and you know why, no reason to explain it again. Oh I hate legal issues and all that jazz :roll:


I had see this for Meself and I must say this figure had potential and this is from the era from 93 - 96 which was so great. I would also love his NWA - "New Kind of Power" too as that was My fave of all which of course didn't last long at all :roll: If mollah is no option I'm sure there's some good Mattel customs on the bay to get or if scale & era isn't an issue you can get the TNA ToyBiz & TNA Jakks versions that I showcased earlier on or even perhaps Just Toys' NWA figure which was great or Jakks' BCA JJ from the early to mid 90s, is in the SAME STYLE as the cancelled Mattel version and IMO that is one of the best ever made, I'm just giving you options & ideas here ;) I don't know how much time he'll stay in AEW. If he is a fixture there I'm sure they won't waste time to make a figure of him especially if them ego guys at Ringside Collectibles strike a deal with AEW they might have at least one exclusive so look out for that. Then again if JJ ain't gonna stay in AEW & ROH and be in cahoots with TNA Impact then there's a chance his WWE Mattel figure might make it back. I just don't know why he left WWE as Senior Vice President of Live Events. He had other control there as well to My knowledge. Who knows what his plans are.

OK, soon I'll talk about the Full Gear PPV shortly like I usually do. Later guys :)
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