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31 Days of Halloween III: Season of the Kitsch

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 09, 2022 1:25 am

Cool stuff but gosh USA Saturday Nightmares was great.

Do you remember TNT's Monstervision :?: It was fantastic. After USA dropped their great stuff I just posted, TNT wasn't doing it and still was trying to have that classic spooky/horror/Halloween fun despite things was changing in the mid to late 90s.

Here is the cool intros!

Here is your host JOE BOB BRIGGS. He was a great comedian :)

Joe Bob had his Drive-Inn Theater and his companion was the gorgeous,classy hot, sultry & big boobed mail girl Honey Gregory, she was so dang sweet, see if there's any babes like her now!

Here is few pics her lovely hotness that only the 90s could have along with Joe Bob :batsmile:

TNT Monstervision - Joe Bob Briggs & Honey Gregory 1.jpg

TNT Monstervision - Joe Bob Briggs & Honey Gregory 2.jpg

TNT Monstervision - Joe Bob Briggs & Honey Gregory 3.jpg

I miss her as she just disappeared, she could have been so much more :roll: I really miss their chemistry together and I love the show's setup and look as well :blbat:


Later on she was replaced when the web was taking over. the show was kinda going down hill from there :roll:

Rhonda Shear even made an appearance along with Joe Flaherty :o


Of course Turner was huge on wrestling with WCW but before the days of Monday Nitro on TNT there was Monstervision's specials of Godzilla and they even made it as inspiration of wrestling and even after :batsmile:

He recently made a comeback and while it was OK, it just wasn't the same. I miss these times and Joe Bob's show and the classic times on TNT. So did you recall any of this PB :?:
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:41 am

Monster Vision! Funny, I was just trying to recall what this was when I posted the Up All Night vid. I remember watching these but couldn't remember the name, and when I tried recalling the host I came up with Joe Arpaio (famed Arizona sheriff/warden), lol, so I was close but way off. Cool. I was a little older by then, so I watched a lot of these on the weekend. I distinctly remember watch Motel Hell because it was so strange, lol. Good times.
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:46 am

"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:48 am

"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 11, 2022 5:27 am

How about that. Yes TNT Monster Vision was so good :)

Yes, that was a great one with Piper, he looked great. Vinnie Mac looked young. Gosh 85 :o I got a WWF one too and maybe some others for later. That local store one was good. If I had the moolah then I probably would have bought that huge $100 mask :shock: More Star I said in My Vintage Star was YODAMANIA :batsmile:

I never watched Community but that was cool. They reenacted the iconic fight from Aliens where Ripley fights the Alien Queen in her Power Loader. The thing is the black guy is like Apone, Apone was never seen in a Power Loader :shock: That was kinda cool. That other one was weird too :?

OK, continuing TNT, here is one that I really liked. I know your not a big Mortal Kombat fan but I have always found MK spooky in many ways, even the current stuff but not as much as the originals in the 90s. I mean sometimes it can be a horrorfest with the settings and of course the fatalities not to mention guest appearances by Freddy & Jason, Alien & Predator to name a few. It was cool times that they had the prequel series to the first two films on TNT right after WCW Monday Nitro in 98. My Grandpa would watch Me play the games on My game systems and he watched the films with Me as well so he knew a bit about the franchise. He was actually excited about the TV show. It was so fun right after WCW Mortal Kombat would be on :batsmile:

NOTE: I might post a lot more MK in the future :batsmile:

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:13 am

"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby secondwhiteline » Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:06 am

Oh man, I love vintage Halloween stuff so much. Have you seen the WNUF Halloween Special?

I saw a screening of Halloween '78 last night, my third time seeing it in theater (once was 35mm), and a screening of Trick R Treat last Saturday. Got my ticket for Halloween Ends on Friday!
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:10 am

I hadn't heard of it, but looked it up and now will check it out.

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby secondwhiteline » Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:29 am

I think you'll dig it. It's very influenced by Ghostwatch, but through an American local news/public access kind of lens. The vintage Halloween vibes are massive in it.

Hader's Price sounds oddly like Danhausen. I can't unhear it!
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:38 pm

"Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him. It's 2 AM."
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