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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:51 am

Oh yes, this Generation has no idea indeed what this missed about how it was. Yep, he had a lot of merch including figures by Matchbox :o Oh yes, Back to the Beach. Classic. Great write up again PB :)
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Jul 26, 2022 8:42 am

Ah man, when I did Ghostbusters II, I was really thinking of Batman 1989 because like GBII, this was also in 1989 and was a huge event for Me so Batman 1989 was such a terrific experience, the year 1989 was as a whole for many reasons :o I was just getting into comics (mostly DC) and so it was really a great time to because the first major Batman movie was coming out. I already knew Michael Keaton was Beetlejuice which I loved, I was really loving Jack Nicholson and his rad personality. I loved the Joker so much I wanted to become him :? In most pictures that wa staken of me back then I tried to smile like him as best as I could :shock: So My Family was all going including My Mom's boyfriend Jasper (I have mentioned him before in My topics. He was pretty good. He got Me some cool stuff including the first print of The Killing Joke, amazing, I was only about 8 or so then :o So We all went and We all loved it. I still have My ticket, We saw it at the AMC Esquire :o My Grandpa PoPo loved it a ton as I mentioned in My Danny Elfman special. He loved how the music was so fitting to the film. Elfman was really becoming his new fave, even more so than Goldsmith, Horner, Silvestri & Williams :batshock: I really digged it too, after hearing Beetlejuice then hearing this how could you not :?:

Also also liked the songs by Prince too :batsmile:

After seeing the movie I was a huge Batman fan, I wanted to watch as many episodes of the original series from the 60s as much as I could, I never wanted to miss it, same thing with all of the animated series as well. I wanted the awesome ToyBiz figures and eventually the ones by Kenner. Music, books, games, comics I wanted everything Batman and the same went for the rest in the tremendous quadrilogy and the rest is history!

Here is the rough cut original trailer :o

So here is the original trailer with Elfman's music! It's not often you hear the actual composer's theme in the trailer, it's usually somebody else from other films prior but not this one :batsmile:

Now here is the VHS commercials. I always loved this, Alfred and his Coke, Bugs & Daffy...if you still got the VHS then you'll know these. It has a bit of the intro with the theme as well :batsmile:


Oh wow, there it is...Batman 1989 :batsmile: Next I'm gonna do Batman Returns 1992 (30 years ago this year), another great one, until then :batgrin:
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Jul 26, 2022 9:41 am

Ah, Batman '89 was such a big deal. You got like one superhero movie a decade then unless you count the Hulk made for tv movies. Younger kids will have no idea how it was as now you get half a dozen a year. I remember being in the theatre and as soon as the theme came on people started clapping. I had a white t-shirt that the metallic looking Batman emblem from the movie and it was my favorite shirt to wear to school that year. Everyone, and I mean everyone, would say "you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby AcidDragon » Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:00 pm

When I was little, I had a serious fear of clowns. As a little kid, this movie scared the crap out of me. In particular, it was the Joker. I could barely even bring myself to watch the TV commercial advertising it for the theatres. I couldn't watch it until a few years after it came out. I wish I was only kidding. :smlol:
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jul 27, 2022 6:23 pm

Well, I wasn't going to do this one next, but it seems appropriate (and I don't feel like spending the time yet on the Los Locos gang) so....for Acid...

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby AcidDragon » Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:31 pm

Haha, Suzanne Snyder!!!
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Jul 28, 2022 6:44 am

Excellent story there PB especially about the theme & your shirt :batsmile: I love hearing other people's stories too ;) Oh yes it was and yes kids today have no clue. As much as I liked it, over the past decade it really became super repetitive with all of the superhero movies especially the reboots. There was a few good ones in the 2000s, too bad people didn't get obsessive over them like they did the ones in the 2010s :roll:

Acid, see My responce about the clowns in the song topic ;)

Oh man PB, you posted Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Shame you didn't want to go further on it. It's a ridicules movie yes but it's truly a remarkable & hilarious horror film that is very, very underrated from 1988, it was one of last horror films with classic 80s appeal. It has a great music score as well by John Massari. He remade it into a modern score a few years ago with a great composer named Bear McCreary, I'll touch upon this later on ;)

So here we go with Batman Returns. Now this was huge for Me back in 92. I couldn't wait to see it. I got the figures, the books, the comics, the score. It was so fun. I was really excited to see The Penguin and especially Catwoman. I had already seen most of the original 60s show so I needed more Batman :batshock: So My Grandparents took Me to the theater but this was at the legendary Kingsland Theater only a few blocks away from the house. I loved that place, I never been to another one like since. They were basically a dollar show, about $1.50 a ticket. Sadly it went out of business not to long after this time and it's wonderfully structured building was demolished for an Aldi :roll: Its a great store but since many people have forgotten about The Kingsland (except ones like Me which I'm sure isn't many) it's always been so bittersweet :roll: One day I may showcase this because I have a lot to talk about and this is one place I never want to fall into oblivion :!: So I saw the movie twice there in their huge showroom. It was outstanding. I loved the whole thing especially the beginning when The Red Triangle Circus Gang attacks, its one of My most favorite scenes EVER from any film, top 10 to be exact :!: I wanted to go back to the show just for that scene :o I loved how this continued the trend of the villain having a gang of thugs like the first one as it was inspired by the first series. The live action & animatronic Penguins are really cute. I always felt it was a shame that Selina was a blonde but make no mistake about it, she did look classy hot :batsmile: I did like the sexual tension that was hinted here as well. Like in Batman 89, there's clowns and there's a ton of fights, martial arts scenes and shootouts here, I just loved this kind of stuff in the 80s & 90s. In the end however the story is quite sad with Bruce & Selina. I hate it when the villains die too. Elfman's score is once again terrific and very creative. His Face to Face song is exceptionally great. The movie may not get the attention the first one does but it's a great worthy sequel. I know I was arguably more excited about it than the first back in the day. Burton is really gothy here and one of his finest films he had ever made.

Here is the trailer.

I had already expressed My love for the Konami video game for the SNES in the game topic a while back.


So there is Batman Returns, next up I will do Batman Forever, My favorite Batman movie of all-time, until then :batgrin:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:06 am

Saw it in the theatre. I've said before, I was never a huge Batman fan before or after these films as I was more Marvel. I remember being disappointed that Penguin was so Penguin-y. This was really the last good Batman movie of the series. The ones that came after got progressively worse.

I remember being excited for this coming out, but now I don't remember much about it but a film with Face from the A-Team, Roddy Piper as Rick Roberts, and Captain Lou Albano stretching out his acting chops by playing...Captain Lou Murano, sounds like a good time, no?

AND Charles Nelson Reilly? Why there's only one word that could possibly describe such a pinnacle of accomplished actors


Not enough for you? How about the Nature Boy himself appearing in it? Happy "retirement", Naitch.


Just look at the Hall of Famers in the crowd!

Ok, I don't remember this being a very good movie, but it was still a wrestling movie in the 80s, so you can't complain too much, even if it went direct to VHS.


If you haven't seen, go find it. If you have seen, go watch it again you pencil neck geek!

Mister Fred Blassie in a breakfast mess...yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jul 29, 2022 11:21 am

Shame you feel that way PB about them :roll: They were great IMO :batsmile:

Oh darn I had the idea of making a wrestlers in the movies topic for a long time but never did it. It's no biggie ;) There we go again :? Well, I guess I'll just post My ideas here, in fact it might be more of a proper place for'em. Body Slam was gonna be My first one because I am VERY familiar with it and there was more wrestlers than what you have there dude. I will talk about it after I am done with the Batman movies. I have DIBS on Rocky 3, No Holds Barred & Suburban Commando :!:

OK, so here is the next Batman installment which is Batman Returns, I have a very special connection with this one. My Grandparents took Me to the show at the Kenrick on the 4th of July, 1995 (a tradition for Us). I loved that theater, one day I'm gonna showcase it. 95 is My favorite year for so many reasons and IMO it was truly the last great year for just about everything. Movies like Mortal Kombat, Congo, Outbreak, Judge Dredd, 007 GoldenEye, Halloween 6, Cutthroat Island & Sudden Death came out. WWF was great, Sid & Yokozuna came back, IYH started. WCW was terrific, first Nitro ever with Luger & Rotunda shocking the world on it, Dungeon of Doom started. Games like Mortal Kombat 3 & Yoshi's Island was released. I could go on. So Tim Burton only produced the film as this would be directed by Joel Schumacher and he would take his vision to Batman and instead of being gothic it was really visually stunning with tech but still keeping the same type of atmosphere as this was the sequel to Batman Returns and not a darn reboot, was completely cannon. Bruce Wayne mentions Metropolis, it was crypticly connected to the Superman movies :o I loved how they put it all together. The way it starts right off the bat as IMO was way ahead of it's time as movies of this kind would have openings like this as a trend years and years later. Val Kilmer was a great Wayne & Batman. Shame he didn't play the part again. Chris O'Donnell was great as Robin. I loved how he had the original suit and how he was with his family and how his origins were seen visually. It was pure brilliance on this is great character development. I loved the HINT of Nightwing too! It wasn't a pathetic attempt like it was decades later in the The Dark Knight Rises, it was directed so well and straight forward! I absolutely loved Tommy Lee Jones as Harvey Two-Face. Jones is such a great actor that does things HIS WAY! I'm glad they made him so accurate compared to Billy Dee Williams in Batman 89. I loved his look, he was purely brought to life and looked fabulous. I loved the Riddler played by Jim Carrey. This was so obvious to be him. He's like Ace Ventura, Mask & Lloyd all in one here, its was awesome. Like Jones, the 90s was truly a time for him. I liked Nicole Kidman's Dr. Chase Meridian. Out of all three women that Bruce was with, IMO she was the most ideal. She understood things and his ways, was sultry and was just plain good. Shame they didn't continue this further. I digged Harvey's women Sugar & Spice. Both were truly equal. Drew Barrymore & Debi Mazar pulled both sides of Harvey really well. Mazar was especially good. I had a crush on the both of'em back in the day. I loved Harvey's goons. They were all really big and muscular and following the trend of gang cronies. Don "The Dragon" Wilson is a gang leader and I really liked the alley street fight. The lighting was so cool, oh this was just a tiny sample of what made this time good in 95 and so on. I just adored the visuals and the colors that is seen everywhere throughout the film. The Batmobile's new looks was rad! It really ended great with The Caped Crusaders running toward the screen, so fantastic! Now one aspect of the film and arguably the most crucial was the music score. Danny Elfman was not chosen, in place was opera composer Elliot Goldenthal (Alien 3 (92), Demolition Man 93) who is such a great composer. I love his sound. Since the franchise moved on from the original director & setting, it was wise to change the composer as well. His tremendous score really fit the film and its one of the best superhero themes ever composed IMO. Batman Forever is just not My favorite Batman movie but it's truly one of My favorite movies of any genre of ever, of all-time :batgrin:

Here is the great trailer!

Here is a brief moment of the score, the main titles & fanfare by Elliot Goldenthal, its superb! Like Elfman, he has a very distinctive sound, many of his scores have this particular sound & tone.

Here is the pic of Tommy Lee Jones as Harvey Two-Face, I have always loved this how he smiles :batsmile:


Some fun gifs.


I hope you enjoyed that. Next up will be Batman & Robin, the final of the series. Until then :batsmile:
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Re: This thread has not yet been rated...MOVIE TRAILERS!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jul 29, 2022 11:49 am

Yeah, Forever wasn't bad. I found some of it to stray too cartoony toward the '66 Batman, which I love, but after the darker first two films, this was a striking change of direction. Plus, I didn't care for Val Kilmer in the role of Bruce Wayne, and like most Jim Carrey films, I found his acting to be too over the top silly. It's still better than the Clooney Batman. Sometimes the details irk me. Like, if you're going to cast a superhero movie about characters that have an decades long established history than you need to be faithful to that in the casting. Actors act, they wear costumes...dye their damn hair if you have to. I mean, Bruce Wayne has black hair. Sorry, that's just the way it is. And Lois Lane also has black hair. You want to cast Amy Adams in the role? Fine. Dye the hair. It's stupid, but when they make dumb lazy changes like those, or casting Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, I don't care, I'm already souring on the film. Sorry for the rant.

I guess Batman Forever isn't terrible. It's honestly been a while since I watched it. I think it's more George Clooney's nipple Bats that is the worst of them, and by them, I mean every Batman movie made (though I haven't seen the newest one, since I stopped caring about superhero movies).

Of course, Batman Forever had a pretty killer soundtrack.
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