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Entrance Theme of the Day

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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:03 pm

The Rock was already in the NOD by the time I got back in to wrestling, so I don't know much about his early appearances beyond his debut at Survivor Series that I eventually caught and thinking his outfit was kind of ridiculous looking, like the bad version of the WWF mid-90s.

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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:51 am

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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:55 am

Ah, the later days of the RA era, shame it all went down to PF after that :roll: I loved the Boogeyman!

Since you posted Umaga, here is his other one, I always loved this one more!

and while I'm at it here is...

The Great Khali, he was awesome then!

Big Daddy V - I loved him when he was King Mable, his Viscera gimmick was ok for a while. His Big Daddy V gimmick was very good and how he exposed his tats, I loved his feud with the Boogeyman too!

and well...

King Mable - I loved his MoM heel turn and what a monster he became. It was amazing in 1995 especially since a new major heel like him won the KOTR event! I was very sad when he died :(

That's all I got today, until next time :)
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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:56 am

So it's just gonna be an "Ultimate" theme day today. Yesterday I posted King Mable/Big daddy V, he and the Ultimate Warrior both died in 2014 I was so sad :cry:

Here is the Ultimate Warrior's WWF theme. Notice his different looks throughout the years in this great tron. I loved how he was in 96!

Here is the Renegade's theme. This is what I talking about in My Warrior/Favorite looks topic. He was presented to be be HIM by Hogan & Macho Man and Jimmy Hart in 94 and for a very short time it was questionable then it became obvious. After the Warrior said in a wrestling magazine than he is NOT him in WCW, WCW withdrew his huge push, fought Kevin Sullivan (the head booker of WCW also) and lost to him and he and the now heel Jimmy Hart in late 95 wiped the face paint off of him and his career was over. His gimmick was changed. Became an actual stunt double for the REAL Warrior in 98 and then committed suicide and that's it...really sad :( His theme very good and you can see he tried to be like the real Warrior.

Here is the Ultimate Warrior's WCW stint. It wasn't very long, only a few months in 98. It was really different but at least it was really him. It was cool he fought Hogan one last time. LOOK in the cage at the 20 second mark, that's his stunt double The Renegade...amazing for a brief time he actually played the Ultimate Warrior. The Warrior's time WCW was bittersweet in the end but it was fun at times and his theme is good.

That's all for today, until tomorrow :)
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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:53 am

I remember when Warrior showed in WCW because I was playing cards at my friend's apartment and we all stopped to watch and were amazed how rambling and awful it was, it was like a car crash. I'm not sure why we had Nitro on instead of Raw, it must've been in the first hour or we were drinking too much to notice.

You can never go wrong with some Judas Priest...

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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:42 am

Interesting story you got there ;)

Hah, the Rockers in the AWA, such good days!

Here's Mine for today.

The Bodydonnas - I actually liked the team. This ain't a tron but it has a few good pics of them. The first pic is the one that always will be the one that got Me in 95 because I was like...that's Tammy & Chris from SMW when they debuted! See, I followed them before 95, I even had a crush on Sunny then :!: Oh I knew immediately that Zip was Tom Pritchard of the Heavenly Bodies from SMW too. At least her team was tag champs once :)

Dan "The Beast" Severn - Oh man, I always have mixed emotions about his stint in the WWF. I watched UFC for years in the 90s, in fact I saw their their very first show when it first was on VHS and followed Severn, Shamrock, Abbott and Grace. I was thrilled that Severn was gonna be the WWF but his run was fine at first but it ended so bad. He should of had a Goldberg type run and been unbeatable, been the King of the Ring and so forth. See all of the titles he had, that's what I was talking about a while back when I was talking about Omega that I haven't seen a wrestler decorated with that many titles since Dan Severn :o He time in 98 was such a waste really. I thought he was awesome and he was the original Beast!

Here is his 1st theme, its really rare but you can hear it good though.

Here is his second theme, it's really good too. I provided 2 trons because it shows more of him, gosh he was somethin' and very strong too!

That's all for today until tomorrow :)
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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:56 am

I see your Beast and raise you a Shamrock.

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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:54 am

Yeah, I should've posted that too but oh well...I'll toss it up ;)

I always loved Shamrocks's theme and but I actually thought his first version was a bit better. Oh and at least Shamrock got farther than Severn so there's that :)

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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:22 am

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Re: Entrance Theme of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:05 am

Gosh, what is going on here, I was thinking about posting Barrett too :o :? Does that happen to you :?:

So, since we're on the Barrett Barrage here is his other theme when he came back from his awful arm injury. I'm not big on the songs as themes but this was really cool and I loved his bare knuckle brawler/street fighter tron. I remember they kept on giving him new themes one right after another and altering his one that posted...when I was on the Wrestlefigs forum back in the early 2010s (I'm not anymore, I got tired of their harsh style and left many years ago now) they kept on complaining about his themes like how many times must they change it :?: I always felt he should of been more than what his runs was, I think he would have been a great world champ!

Since we're in the early 2010s and songs, here is a few of My other likes!

Jack Swagger - Just awesome...We The People!

Kofi Kingston - Oh I loved this song, listened and sung to so much...IMO so much better than The New Day :roll:

Cesaro - I liked this too. He is so mistreated, should have had many single title reigns by now :roll:

Zack Ryder - I actually love this theme, listened an sung it countless times!

Lord Tensai - Oh man, he was a mystery for a while till he debuted and took the mask off and revealed he was Albert/Giant Bernard. Even though I knew who he was I was still very excited about his new persona and his monstrous style. He was going for a big bring in fact he pinned Cena & Punk CLEAN! I was so excited the old school wrestling fan in Me came back and I loved it. Too bad the people KILLED his gimmick by chanting Albert...Albert...I'm like shut up people, your ruining a great monster here before he even get's started. Well, that was that after just a number of weeks and he went down was back to Cena having a rematch and beating him and BURYING HIM...and he never recovered...THANK YOU SO MUCH WWE UNIVERSE, you hate Cena but yet you just killed one last try of somebody being an unstoppable force like Goldberg was. With that being out of the way, he has an awesome theme time with such dynamic sound but no nobody cared about that either...I tell ya, the 2010s sucked so much on so many levels when it came to stuff like that :x IMO his theme is one of the greatest ever, I have listen too it more times than I can count :o

That's all for today, got some ideas for tomorrow :)
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