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Recent Acquirements: My B-Day!!

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Re: Recent Acquirements from 2020 & 2021 - My Birthday Haul!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:55 am

Thanks a lot PB :)
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Re: Recent Acquirements from 2020 & 2021 - My Birthday Haul!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:37 pm

Just a quick note. My new ReAction figures actually stand up pretty nice on their own without the need of display stands without toppling over. The Nightfall Alien however, you have to get a McFarlane type with a ticker peg because of the way his legs and tail is, I'm not a fan of they way they constructed him :roll: They also look dandy & sweet next to each other as well and they do look mighty fine with the classic SW figures too. I do look to get more if I can. Gosh, I can't believe it was a week ago tonite already that is was My Birthday :o

Also, I had read that people was giving these to their kids and that they broke them...first off it says ON THE CARDS these are NOT Toys and that they are adult collectibles! Either these people are not reading important stuff like they should, just didn't pay attention or they just don't care...especially since some of these cost a bit too if somebody thinks about doing that for their children I recommend if your kids knows how crucial these are and will appreciate that or I recommend to get these for yourself :!:

Oh, I never said anything about ReAction blister cards, they look so vintage, while there could have been a little better choices & variety on some I still love them especially the Nightfall Xenomorph, such beautiful blue and I love the pic of the Queen Alien on the back :!:

OK, that's it, if you haven't already, don't forget to check out My Christmas haul of 2021 within the topic and other great stuff that I got before that too as a bonus to check out :)
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Re: Recent Acquirements: SW Qui-Gon Jinn!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Apr 22, 2022 8:58 am

So I had a bit of a funds left on My Amazon for now. I got a character that somehow eluded Me for over 20 years and that is Star Wars' Qui-Gon Jinn :o I got him yesterday. As usual I compared all the variants on Rebelscum to see which one was to My liking since I'm not huge on getting duplicate characters unless I deem it necessary. The Mos Espa Disguise version was the coolest one as he has the cloth poncho plus a really great head sculpt & likeness. I kept on looking at My collections especially My prequel collection and it was really missing somebody big and search Me why I never got to getting him :? He is such an underrated character, one that is hardly mentioned anymore.

He was really cheap, only about $10, that's almost the retail price of back in 2000 when he was released, that is so sweet and I love it :batsmile:

So here he is, he is part of the Power of the Jedi series which is My favorite SW series despite Hasbro completely took over Kenner and they were gone for good :roll: He just come with his green light-saber and has the cool Jedi Force File, just like My recent B-Day present IG-88 did, shame they didn't continue this series during & after AOTC because IMO it just rocked with this little books with all that cool info & pics within them!


That's all I got today, I hope to get more goodies I've been wanting for years :)
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Re: Recent Acquirements: T2, SW & ST & More!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:06 am

So here is My latest acquirements that I got, I obtained these a while back, I just hadn't posted them but I thought I better get to doin' it soon. Many of these are ones that I was after for a long, long time that I should have gotten years ago when I could have when I had lots of doe but things are quite different now unfortunately but I am quite grateful that I got these when I did :) I got all of these for dirt cheap prices as believe it or not vintage action figures are still at decent prices and cheaper than today's offerings. Let's say you could make up for the past and get a lot compared to getting 2 AEW or 2 or 3 of other modern figures. If you have been following My topic from the beginning and see My other posts elsewhere on the board then you'll know I've been after some pretty good figures of yesterday that I couldn't get for reasons instead of collecting these modern series' at retail, on the web that cost insane prices especially the crowdfunding ones :roll: The figures are from a nearly forgotten age. Here is My recent figures.

Terminator 2 Action Masters: If you have been following this topic then you'll know that I have been seriously after Kenner's great and such misunderstood Action Masters series. About a year ago I was able to get the awesome Aliens set. For Christmas last year also I got the lone Urban Predator. Just a few short months ago I just obtained the Terminator 2 editions :!: Within a year I was able to get all of the ones that I truly needed & wanted which are AVP & Terminator :o If you go back you'll see how much I wanted them. Thank goodness the seller had both of'em together as a set :) If you saw in the toy commercial topic I expressed My love for these there as well. I have explained their history within this topic when I first got My Aliens set. These are metal just like their counterparts in the line, look great, are made extremely well and are very fun to display. They come with very cool trading bio cards like the others and like the others these are like the most complete that you could ever want and see if there is anything this groovy at today's market !

NOTE: It's such a great feeling that I have all of the AvPvT Action Masters that are in small scale to go with the regular scale Kenner AvPvT figures, I'm so grateful for it :)


Now as usual I take pics of everything all important. As I have said the blister cards are cool but their not as detailed as others but the said trading cards make up for that. Here is the back of the card telling what other series' to collect. They had made DC Batman & Superman plus Star Wars with a special offer for a Gold C-3PO. Now keep in mind this brilliant exciting series came out in 1994, that offer didn't end until 1997. When I first saw this I was astounded at how long it was for :shock: The thing is like I had said when I got My Aliens set, I really didn't know about the series till the early days or so of the web and all of My local stores never had them. I was so foolish not to get these sooner on the net :roll: If things change and I'm able to do it, I would love to get them Star Wars figures and cross them over with these AvPvT and the DC figures would also be quite ideal but I am very glad that I got these great figures now after all of this time!


Star Wars Zuckuss: As you saw recently I just got Qui-Gon Jinn whom I desperately needed. However, for My B-Day I got Meself Dengar, Bossk & IG-88 as I really wanted to further complete My Bounty Hunter's display however, I was missing one assassin and that was Zuckuss. I had sat on him long enough and decided to get him before it was too late. I got him now :o He looks really great and IMO these are some the best SW figures that you can get especially today, there is very few that matches the fun of these guys! He is from the Freeze Frame series and I love it and that blister card :!: Oh but wait, where's 4-Lom at :?: :? Well I opted NOT to get him because My Grandma MiMi got Me the original Kenner SW figure of him from the original series when I was a very youngster only about 3 or 4 years young and even to this day he is a tremendous figure so for a long time I always thought he was good enough to put with the 90s' SW: POTF2 thus completing My Bounty Hunters' Guild display :!: :batshock: :wwshock: :smgasp:


So here is some figures that I really wanted and needed for My Playmates' Star Trek collection. If you have been following My topic here then you have seen that I have been after Playmates' Star Trek for close to a year now. I have focused as much on them as did Kenner's AvPvM series because when I originally started to collect them in late 93 into 94 I just loved them, in fact I thought they were like the best looking figures at the time that you could get and ya know what, they're still pretty darn nice with the superb sculpting, accessories and the great blister cards. Search Me why I stopped collecting them in late 94 - early 95 because I was on a roll there. You have seen earlier on within the topic I made up for the past and here is a few more that I just got :!:

Star Trek Benjamin Sisko & Dr. Noonian Soong: For a long while I had been waiting to get Sisko, one day Amazon had him and I snagged him up in a hurry! He was a key figure that alluded Me. I also saw Soong for an extremely cheap price and I have been wanting him because last year I got the Data-Lore Brothers so I needed their creator :!: Both figures are great and have a tremendous likeness with super sculpting, long before face scan tech was a thing!


Star Trek Miles & Keiko O'Brien: Like Sisko, Amazon had him suddenly and I had to obtain him and he was another that I needed. He is great! I then saw his wife Keiko and I had to get her as well because she's his better half, Asian, diverse and awesome looking! I love the way she looks and thankful I got them together :batsmile:


She-Dragon: Now for Christmas I got Playmates' Zealot from the ultra cool WildC.A.T.s. series and I serendipitously found her while searching for Playmates & Star Trek, well history repeated itself and I found Playmates' She-Dragon from the rad Savage Dragon line :o This series really escaped My grasps long ago but I finally got her and the thing is she is the Mohawk Version which is the most iconic of his appearances :!: She's really nice looking with a very good muscular 90s physique as she has a great detailed card, an exclusive comic and is from the TMNT crossover special :shock: I plan on crossing her over with them as well as My Toxic Crusaders & Zealot among others!


So that's all for now, I hope you enjoyed seeing what I got a while back. I plan on showcasing them loose when I get to the 90s in My Vintage Action Figure topic in time. Any questions? Ask and don't forget to checkout the rest of this good topic from the beginning if you already haven't or wanna see some other great stuff again that I got over the past two or so years :) I hope to get some more vintage goodies soon when I get the chance. Until then I'll see you around :batgrin:
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Re: Recent Acquirements: T2, SW & ST & More!

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Jul 01, 2022 10:38 pm

Nice assortment. I never got into Star Trek even though I tried a few times over the years. Never seen those Action Masters before either but didn't really keep up with toylines in the 90s. Now Star Wars on the other hand, you're speaking my language, and you can't have a legit hive of scum and villainy without Zuckuss, lol.
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Re: Recent Acquirements: T2, SW & ST & More!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:07 am

Thanks very much :) I've been into ST as much as SW. Some of the best toy-lines was in the 90s. Action Masters is kinda rare and very unappreciated. Indeed Zuckuss was a must, that's why i got him! Thanks for the reply PB :)
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Re: Recent Acquirements: T2, SW & ST & More!

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:20 pm

I remember having a couple GI Joe sized Star Trek figures when I was real young, and I remember seeing The Search for Spock at the drive-in as well as The Wrath of Khan on HBO countless times, but other than that Star Trek never did much for me. I went to see a few of the newer films in the late 90s because a buddy of mine was really into the Next Generation, but I don't know, just never grabbed me.
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Re: Recent Acquirements: T2, SW & ST & More!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:43 am

I see, I think you had a Gallon one, they are just so good. The prequel/sequel/reboot timeline from 2009 - 2016 is good too. Oh Wrath of Khan is arguably the best of all. You were lucky seeing TSFS at the drive-inn :!: I loved the continuity of the original movies from 2 - 6. 7 - 10 are dandy too. TNG was great as well. Thanks again for the reply PB ;)
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recent Acquirements: My B-Day!!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:24 am

OK, so here is going to be a different edition here. This Birthday wasn't like the last one where I got a big haul but this was just as good without question. So it was late November/early December that We got some coupons in the mail. My Mom said that She'd get Us Burger King since they are cheap and near Us (We don't get takeout food much anymore because a lot has changed for Us) for My B-Day and I'm like OK, that sounds really good. So fast forward all way to Tonight/Last Night and We got'em :)

Before I began I just want to say Our local BK is in the Loughborough Commons area. I have talked about some of this before. The same place Our cool Schnucks used to be. Well the braniac corporate heads of this whole region decided to tear it down and EVEN PEOPLE HOMES to make a new plaza in 2007, oh it was devastating for the people that lived there, it as all over the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and elsewhere :batsmh: :wwshock: :smsmh: So come 2008 it was all opened with even more on the way. Me & Mom went to that BK a lot for years and some at the Lowes as well which this years marks the 15th anniversary of that era :shock:


Here is the newer Schnucks, My Grandma really disliked it back when We were doing Our rounds, things just wasn't the same I mean every isle was messed up & uncategorized and they got rid of the all of the vending machines, if your a Capricorn like Us then you know YOU HATE CHANGE :!:


Here is Our local BK :batwink:


First, the thing is that back in July/August 2022 We got coupons before and that one was $12.99 with 3 Small Fries, now the one We used last night was $15.99 with 3 Medium Fries...We just can't believe how the price jumped like that in a 5 month time span and if that isn't enough We just got the same deal coupon a while ago and it ends in February and it's $16.99 which this shows you they aren't wasting time changing the prices to a higher point :o I mean doesn't anybody notice these price hikes and how everything costs so much more :? This is what I've been talking about, they just keep on raising and raising the prices on everything, this price inflation is getting to be out of hand here :roll: If that wasn't enough, here's this :batconfused: When She got there they were closed by 8:00 PM when they used to close the Dining room at 11:00 PM and if that isn't a kicker they actually close the joint @ 12:00 AM during the Week and 1:00 AM on the Weekends when they used to be open 24 hours no matter what :wwhuh: For many, many years I used to brag that BK was so good cause they were open all the time, they joined suit with many of Our other stores that used to be 24 hours like Schnucks & CVS Pharmacy, now they actually close :smhuh: There was only 2 people working at Our BK, usually there's a lot. Same thing is happening at the Post Office as well so this day & age just got a bit more disappointing :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh:

My Mom really wanted White Castle cause she really had a taste for'em but they have gone so much in price, We just couldn't do it :roll: So anyway here is the cool Burger King Coupon that was an attraction cause it was all We could do and I quite thankful for it that We were able to do it :)


So before We got to Our good little diner from Burger King I wanted to take a couple snap shots of'em in their two bags :batsmile: :wwwink: :smsmile:


All of the food was good pretty much the same as BK was before which is quite delicious, I always ask for a lot of condiments & napkins. We got this for Us for two days. A lot of people really think nothing of it when they get food like this but I try to savior & appreciate every moment of it as much as I can :batwink:


OK, with good BK food done, I did get Meself a little goodies to continue My collecting :shock: I was able to get a few funds together that I was saving up for months so I got a Star Trek deal for My B-Day back in December,two crucial characters that I needed for My collection. Here they are :batsmile:

Here is Khan from 1982's Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (40th anniversary last year!) & Martia from 1991's Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country from Playmates' Star Trek Classic Movie Series :o Now I have been wanting Khan for ages and the time was now. I was waiting for the right price cause the majority of him was $19.99 which is pretty cheap. Now the thing is I noticed that was a different version of him plus versions of Kirk & Spock that I wasn't familiar with. Turns out Playmates remade the classic series in 2022 and I'm like oh brother, here we go again, more remaking, more rebooting :shock: ...WHY :? ....WHY-O-WHY :?: I don't keep up with this era's offerings cause everything is so high plus most of what their making has been done dozens of times before :roll: These new figures that are from today's market is $19.99 a pop (compare that from the old days when the originals was only $4.99 :o, it was really throwing Me off here cause I had to watch out that I didn't pick out the modern one instead of the Vintage one that I was after cause he wouldn't match the series I have, I mean this is ridicules :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: So thankfully I spotted one right on time when they listed it that was about $13 brand new free shipping. I hurried up and snagged him before anybody else did. Wow is he awesome, he's so authentic looking and of course like I've said before, why would you get these new versions when you can get the Vintage ones even cheaper and as My Grandpa always said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it :!: I still had a bit more funds left and I had a few more figures that is on My must have list but price was an issue so after I found My price range I ultimately chose Martia the Shapeshifter for about $10.99 cause I was really familiar with her like Khan from ST6. I really liked her and thought she was really neat when I was a youngster and as I got older I really digged how she was and what she looked like. There is many, many factors of why I wanted these two. 1 is that their both classic & fit perfectly in the TOS&M, 2 is that Khan is Kirk's arch rival which again I desperately needed him for My display and the third one is that Kirk will have another babe with him :batwink: I really liked their chemistry together in the film. Also a cool note is the person I got Martia the Shape-shifter from was in Florrisant No so she came really fast to Me. So here is Khan & Martia side by side all brand new in their original packaging from the great year of 1995 :!:


Look at all you get with'em, Playmates was never stingy on including accessories. This is one of the major things that I always loved about them and that sometimes I loved them even more than Kenner :o I mean they even give an exclusive Trading Card not to mention bios on the back of the Blister Cards. Also another thing is for those Articulation freaks out there (I was one of'em believe Me, I craved it for years starting with ToyBiz' Marvel Legends & Sideshow's 12" Universal Monsters till I accepted My awakening and was satisfied with the classic style of yesteryear) these guys all had POA like the original G.I. Joes and arguably had the best sculpting EVER seen till McFarlane was known & got into action figures. Here is their Blister Cards :!:


So that is what I got. I had a pretty good Birthday. It was much smaller than others but it's totally fine how it was and again I'm quite thankful that I got good stuff and all of that :)
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Re: Recent Acquirements: My B-Day!!

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:35 am

Sounds like a nice, simple day. Everyone should get a toy for their birthday!
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