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20TH Anniversary of 9/11 :(

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20TH Anniversary of 9/11 :(

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:30 am

For all of those that who lost their lives on that terrible and horrible day, may they all rest in peace. May all those survivors & the families & friends who were affected by this unnecessary tragic disaster, may you all have peace of mind :(


Zelina Vega, WWE Superstar lost her father on 9/11 :cry: Here she is in 2018.

WWE pays tribute in 2018 and also on yesterday's Smack Down Live.

I just want to say that 2001 was a great year for entertainment in someways but with WCW & ECW dying nearly at the same time and making pro wrestling seem one dimensional and it couldn't get any worse right? That was so wrong because of this horrible disaster that became America's worst attack of all-time and thousands of poor souls were lost and for what? Really, for what? I remember where I was when it happen, I was at a Walgreens with My Grandma and when We heard the news We were shocked and couldn't believe it. I remember the World series was delayed and it was finally ongoing by Halloween which I remember because I was out there scaring the kiddies and even parents like usual, it was the New York Yankees vs. The Arizona Diamond Backs going on watching it thru the door which the series ended in November and the D-Backs won for the first time ever and I had never experienced anything like that previously. That year was memorable but for so many wrong & and bad reasons. Unbelievable this is the 20th anniversary already of this horrid day :roll:

So where you when 9/11 happen :?:
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Re: 20TH Anniversary of 9/11 :(

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:35 pm

I almost posted the same but since there are so few people that post regularly here I decided not to. The thing I'll always remember about that morning is how blue the sky was here, just across the state from NYC. I was in a class at Buffalo State College that morning that let out at 9:15 AM, and heard about what happened once I got to my car. I drove to my GFs house, who's now my wife, and we just sat there together and watched the day unfold. Sadly, it's kind of like our generations "where were you when JFK was shot?' moment.

I tried writing a novel when I was younger, and I attempted to incorporate the idea of living after what had happened in NYC, how it might effect a person's life even though they weren't there that day because for most of it, life changed in different ways for all of us. I never finished the book though as life kind of got in the way.

It's kind of sad where we've gone since. I remember in the months that followed everyone and their mother was buying USA. NYPD, NYFD apparel, and now it seems like half the country wants to defund everything. I just don't know.
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Re: 20TH Anniversary of 9/11 :(

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:20 am

Yeah, shame its this way but what can We do :roll: But hey, it's just us right :?: That's all that counts :)

When the disaster happen, It really hit Me, I kept on thinking to Myself and saying it to everyone that there shouldn't be anymore crime and we all gotta be together as a nation because we are at war! Well, I said that for weeks if not months and it was the same old stuff, seemed like everybody "forgot" about the 9/11 attacks and crime and everything else was still going on :o

Right now, I don't know what kind of era we're in now but I have been calling this "The Androgynous" era because with all of this human transformation and everything from with the defunding, all of the liberals, riots and all of this political crap for over the past year it's insane. If you look at how it was and compare 20 years ago to now, it doesn't look nor seem the same anymore at all. I'm in the same boat as you PB, I witness so much chaos from people & stupidity online and everything in-between. I just can't believe how it is to be honest :roll:
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