This is My collection of My DC Super Heroes/DC Universe Classics/DCUC! Now, unlike My JLA-U, this is My whole collection, it is not complete so you will see some major characters that is not present but I feel it is a decent collection none the less.
Now, these gain are made by Mattel, they really milked the DC licence since Hasbro's great days ran out and quite frankly did a great job overall despite questionable choices and disappointing reasoning on cancelling the lines. These guys came out about 2006/2007 with some others in the earlier years of the 2010s. The series was intentionally to compete against ToyBiz' famed Marvel Legends albeit the series was already a success since around 2002.I remember the hype of the DCUC when it was originally announced and I thought I'd give them a shot and see how they are cause I've always preferred DC over Marvel regardless that I still collected their figures from the early 2000s like movie versions of the newly "rebooted" Marvel "obsession" of the X-Men & Spider-Man (still the craze raids on). Of course I loved the original Marvel figures in the early 90s (still My faves) and their awesome WCW & TNA figures of the 90s & 2000s (some of the greatest wrestling figures ever made IMO and soon look for a special topic that I will showcase them!). So, I read the reports & saw some reviews here and there thus letting Me know that they hit the store shelves (still during a cool time of actually going to a figure isle at a department outlet and seeing fun on the pegs and still somewhat affordable because all of this insane nonsense pricing that is going on today as I speak) and lo and behold at My local Target they are! I just flipped out about them because they looked really good & quite refreshing to see some awesome DC figures back in the action figure toy isle since the days of Kenner! I'm like gosh, these do look impressive. So I My first ones was Batman, the Scarecrow, Killer Croc V1 & Bane plus Superman. So I opened them up and thought they were great. Their not ultra articulated like the MLs but IMO they looked just as good with major detail and were just as fun to display. I then got some at Big Lots! of all places (yep, see what you can get there) and some special editions @ MattyCollector. I recently sold most of My MLs to get some vintage figures you have seen in some of My other topics which I do not regret however I do regret not collecting more of these DCUCs.
OK, moving on to the figures, to My surprise, many of these are inspired by the DC Super Powers designs and other retro appearances as well (Super Powers is My faves) as some rather recent depictions. Here is My showcase of the DCUC in a special order!
The Scarecrow!