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Virus Check-in

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Virus Check-in

Postby Idiot Savant » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:16 pm

Hi gang...

In this time of uncertainty, it’s nice to be able to fantasize and admire all our respective collections, the tall and the small. I for one, has been working hard at putting the Swamp back together, since being out of work as of today. I think I got a pretty decent idea of what’s going on... I work at the YMCA as a fitness instructor and we had to close doors to help our community not spread anything by taking extra chances; smart.

We are doing well, girls and wife are healthy, as am I. We’ve hunkered down and I have offered my help to some of the older folks in town, if needed.

I’d love it if any of you can check in from time to time; it would be great to get together with friends, seeing as how this group of same minded people never ”see” each other anyways - this is site is built for this exact scenario haha

I wish you all the best and I hope all of you are doing well.
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby AcidDragon » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:56 am

Hey, IS and all.

Thanks for checking in. Here in my home city, it hasn't hit as hard yet but I imagine as the weeks go on, more people will be diagnosed as having been infected. I'm extremely concerned as I care for my elderly parents and have had my hands full. My work is temporarily closed until further notice.

I'd like to also ask that we all refrain from politicizing the pandemic or stirring up conspiracy theories. I've always maintained that I want to keep politics off the forum. I care about and respect all of you regardless of your personal beliefs. The loss of our friend and former frequent contributor, Ken Davis after a forum member broke this rule was deeply upsetting for me especially considering how small our community actually has become.

With that said, I hope everybody else is doing well and keeping safe and do your best to practice "social distancing". This is all really surreal to me. I'm going to take the time to maybe do some hobbies.
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:27 am

Doing ok here. The kids are off from school until at least Rob Van Dam Day (4/20), and my wife is an overnight nursing director at a local hospital so you can imagine how hectic things have been. But I went out grocery shopping and while I didn't find any cool new toys, I did score some toilet paper which is like a chase variant these days, lol. We weren't in dire need, but since I saw some, I got some.

Besides that I've been doing stuff around the house, my work is still open, but I only work part-time anyway, and now that the kids are home I'm not sure how many hours I can do, but such is life. I just picked up batteries for the metal detector my wife bought me when we first moved here a few years ago, so later today I'm going to take the kids out and explore the five acres we have and see what we can find. The land was all farmland before we built on it, so might be some cool things in the ground. I'll let you guys know if I come across anything neat.

And burning through the DVR/

Hope everyone stays well, and this blows over faster than they think.

I miss Ken. I was the one who asked him to join and he was a good guy. I tried contacting him a few times over the years via PM but never heard back. I even tried to find him elsewhere online without success. I also tried PMing Doctor Fate, since he's been unusually quite in recent weeks. I hope he's doing ok.
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby Webslinger » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:16 pm

Doing okay here as well. We have plenty of food etc. to get us through thank god. Everyone is panic shopping in my area. My store is still open and doing well despite the pandemic going on. Fortunately if the city does decide to shut down businesses it won't affect me due to not having large crowds in one space. So to keep my store germ free I clean the counters after every customer and maintain the door cleanliness as well.

I hope all is well with my fellow forum members and your families in this difficult time, stay safe and healthy.
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby Idiot Savant » Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:04 pm

So glad to hear from you guys...please stay in touch and stay healthy
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby packerbacker180 » Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:03 pm

How's everyone holding up? I'm kind of worried about Doctor Fate, hasn't posted anything in a while, and I pm'd him over a week ago now. Hope he's ok.
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:42 pm

I'm OK here but things are starting to get hairy. I also PM'd Doctor Fate and he said he was considering coming back around April and was down due to personal reasons as far back as February. I do hope to hear from him soon.
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby Webslinger » Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:10 pm

Hope everything is okay with him...
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby Idiot Savant » Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:34 pm

I hope he’s doing well too...
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Re: Virus Check-in

Postby Webslinger » Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:44 pm

I'm alive!!! (Dr. Frankenstein voice)
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