by Doctor Fate » Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:54 am
I was a gamer back in 1985 until I suddenly lost interest in that because I just couldn't enjoy it when 1993 rolled around and the technology gotten hold of me and my reflexes isn't all that cracked up to be. I did not have one ... but borrowed one from a dear friend of mine from work of whom I go to his place and play games and sad thing about it ... I can't remember which one it is. He moved out in 1995 and did not see him for a year and we did not had a chance to say goodbye and all that. Right now, with my reflexes and eye to hand coordination is not that good ... I just gave up!
The Helmet of Fate, Amulet of Anubis, and the Cloak of Destiny Awaits You!
Doctor Fate and Fate of the World ... are the same person ... the reason for two accounts is to add more photographs to this forum.