FlókiXHarley Quinn™ wrote:Doctor Fate wrote:FlókiXHarley Quinn™ wrote:I manly watch ECW, and WWE not NXT can't get NXT here in Australia nor can we get AEW.
Also been watching CHIKARA on YouTube and CZW on YouTube.
other then that I watch Indie stuff or whatever I feel like.
i'm a huge ECW fan and I know a little bit of CZW too.
Sweet, yeah I started watching the early stuff from 93 is was way before it got extreme but it's still entertaining and wrestlers like Rockin Rebel was really a front man with his attitude. The Public Enemy when they joined were a great tag team along with Bad Breed.
The Headhunter matches from 93 were great, I am nearly up to 94 ECW still got a few more TV Tappings to go and NWA Bloodfest day 2 haven't had time to watch any ECW recently.
I have also recreated a lot of the ECW wrestlers in Fire Pro, some of the early 92, 93 and 94 wrestlers aren't the best but from 95 - where I am up to in 98 are more better.
CZW is also great, deathmatch wrestling is nearly a forgotten style of wrestling with W*ING, FMW, IWA Japan all shutdown the only companies are Big Japan Pro, CZW, and IWA Mid-South / North East.
Thanks for sharing this.