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Re: Terry O'Quinn in Cotention for Lex Luthor Role?

Postby Freddie: » Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:44 am

I think he's perfect!
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Re: Terry O'Quinn in Cotention for Lex Luthor Role?

Postby Caleb » Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:20 pm

Say whaaaaaa???!!! When did this happen?! All I've been reading is "Adam Driver is gonna play Dicknose Grayson!" (which is what they'll change his name to when Driver and his massive schnozz take the part, I assume). I wasn't aware of John freakin' Locke himself being considered! I mean, he's not a big name, and I was hoping they went a li'l younger for Lex this time. But O'Quinn's definitely got the chops to pull the part off! Yeah, I'd be completely okay with this if it happened.

My top choice for Lex Luthor is a little unconventional, honestly. Cranston and Mark Strong would be great, yeah. But I'd love to see Jesse Eisenberg get the part. I know, I know, a lot of people hate him. Heck, I hate him. But every time I see him doing his whole "Brilliant, vindictive prick" thing in a movie, I just always think of Lex Luthor. He's a far cry from being a physical match for Henry Cavill, but I'd prefer they not actually have a buff 'roid ragin' Luthor in this movie anyway.

Or Stanley Tucci. He plays nice, fatherly characters a lot, but when he actually gets a villain role, he's usually awesome.
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Re: Terry O'Quinn in Cotention for Lex Luthor Role?

Postby S. Griffin » Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:28 pm

Stanley Tucci would be ****ing great. We also wouldn't watch him become an elderly Lex Luthor over only a couple of movies like we would with Cranston or O' Quinn.
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Re: Terry O'Quinn in Cotention for Lex Luthor Role?

Postby Princess_Amethyst » Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:36 pm

That's interesting. I'm not opposed to O'Quinn as Lex but he does look a lot older compared to say Cranston or Tucci. It's his face, I think. It just looks older to me. Mark Strong wouldn't be a bad choice, either. I've gotten used to seeing Lex as an athletic ripped late 40s or early 50s male. Very vain and looks like he goes for tans and facials. lol. I would expect him to look nearly Cavill ripped with his shirt off... if there was a Wonder Woman winking emote, I'd be using it right now. :wwlol:
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Re: Terry O'Quinn in Cotention for Lex Luthor Role?

Postby S. Griffin » Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:49 pm

O' Quinn is 61 and Cranston is 57. Tucci just turned 53 and Strong is 50. Supposedly WB wants to use Luthor in several movies over the next five to ten years (or more). Two of these actors will be senior citizens in only a few years. Two are more than a decade away from that. There's just something wrong to me about the prospect of an elderly Lex Luthor.
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Re: Terry O'Quinn in Cotention for Lex Luthor Role?

Postby Princess_Amethyst » Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:11 pm

One thing that kills the suspension of disbelief for me in a film is when they have an inconsistent cast through sequels. I'll admit that the Katie Holmes/Maggie Gyllenhaal Rachel Dawes thing actually pissed me off. They created a new character and gave her the role and she chose to do Mad Money instead of the sequel essentially spitting on the franchise. All I'm saying is that if they choose somebody, they'd better be prepared to return to the set. "Not at all. I had a great experience working with Chris Nolan [and] I'm sure it's going to be a great movie. [But] I chose to do this movie ['Mad Money'], and I'm really proud of it," Yeah, thanks Katie. Sorry, I'll stop my rant now. lol.

In short, I agree with you, Griffin. If they chose somebody pushing 60 now, what are they going to look like in the sequel? I don't want an old age pensioner Lex. Will the actor even be able to return to the film or are we going to have to accept that a new actor will be taking on the mantle? In a character as important as Lex, I don't think I could accept a replacement.
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Green Lantern John Stewart in MoS 2?

Postby Idiot Savant » Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:57 pm

Just read that Denzel Washington is being considered for the role of GL John Stewart..I'm fine with it if it happens but this many characters in a supposed Superman sequel is just too much and this is getting out of hand. Someone has to reign this madness in before it becomes "Super Friends: a JLA prequel"

I'd definitely prefer Edris Elba as JS; I think he fits the mold better
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Re: Green Lantern John Stewart in MoS 2?

Postby Caleb » Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:38 pm

I saw this too, but I'm viewing it with serious scrutiny. For one, Denzel doesn't seem to take roles where his name isn't on top of the poster (and here he'd be third banana, at best). For two, I can't really see them building a GL franchise around a 50 year old man. "Still got it", as far as Denzel goes, translates into talent, not the ability to do aerobic space stunts. He's fine with a gun and all, but I seriously have a LOT of trouble picturing him as GL. Elba, Ejiofor, Mackie, Oyelowo...fine, those guys I can see as Stewart. But Denzel? Uh, no.

Of course, BvS ain't exactly known for sound casting.

The big problem, if they really are trying to shoehorn ANOTHER superhero into the movie, is that they're seriously going to hinder important plot and character development. Batman was fine (not really, but it could still work) but every time they add a superhero, my faith in this film dies a little. Seriously, there is such a thing as too much, and I wish DC / WB would figure that out. The Avengers had four or five movies to set everything up and establish the characters on their own before throwing them together as a team. I'm not saying that DC / WB has to follow their template, but cramming this many characters into a sequel to a film with an already-flimsy screenplay? Just seems like the writers have equated "More heroes" to "Better story". Which isn't the case.

Look, maybe I'm wrong and it'll work. But they didn't do a great job developing Superman last time around, so my faith is at a minimum. And the more characters with complex mythology they throw in there, it's more time taken away from developing Superman and cleaning up the open ends left by Man of Steel.
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Re: Green Lantern John Stewart in MoS 2?

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:57 am

You all gave great points with how cluttered BvS is getting, but I also have a problem with that choice just in general terms.
I dont think Denzel Washington is impressive as an actor (at all), and I really dislike John Stewart. I think he is so boring.
If they want to spice it up and get a Black actor, why not Black Lightning. (he lives in Metropolis, doesnt he?)
If they trying to distance themselves from the Green Lantern Movie, maybe they shouldnt have screwed it up so bad in the first place.
Anyways, if thats what happens, HORRIBLE CHOICE, in every aspect.
Other ideas for African American Hero, Firestorm(jason rusch) Vixen, Cyborg. All better choices, imo.
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Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor/Jeremy Irons is Alfred

Postby Skullmaster » Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:53 pm

Jesse Eisenberg confirmed as Lex, also Jeremy Irons confirmed to be Alfred in the upcoming Superman vs. Batman film. Thoughts? ... -superman/
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