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Batman comics what issue#

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Batman comics what issue#

Postby Gianni » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:08 am

Hey peeps,
Long time batman fan and read a lot of the comics like hush year one long haloween ect. Ive wanted to start fron a decent time in the publishing and keep reading from there. I started right at the beginning of golden age batman #1 but its not that thrilling ive heard its not really classed as cannon anyway. So silver age it is What issue should I start from for a more modern legit batman?
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:48 am

Hey Gianni,

First- Welcome to the forums!

Ah Golden Age, it's certainly a bit difficult to read the material sometimes when you compare it to a lot of the more modern works. Golden Age has it's charm but it's certainly not for everyone. There are certain comics that I would suggest reading although you may find them equally difficult to get through as some of it is comparable to Golden Age material but I would still consider important milestones in Batman's history. First, I'd really recommend reading Superman #76. That's the first time Superman and Batman formed a team together. It's not the most exciting comic but it's historically important.

Then there's Detective Comics #327 which is a soft reboot for Batman. They brought in Carmine Infantino to do the art and the stories were decent for their time. You can read on until about the '66 issues. You can pretty much skip everything in-between unless you want the campy Adam West stuff. From this point, you'll want to go with Detective Comics #395 which features amazing artwork by Neal Adams. You can pretty much read anything from that point onward and get some degree of satisfaction from it. I still find those issues highly readable and worth owning for the artwork alone. Especially with the cheap-o "Millennium Edition" reprints they have at LCSes for a buck or less.

Not sure if you like the Teen Titans but if you do, I highly recommend reading Marv Wolfman's 1980s run of the New Teen Titans side by side with the Batman/Detective Comics issues that ran at the same time.
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Gianni » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:34 am

Hey there. I actually have the digital versions of the batman comics. But dont have any superman or detective comics unfortunately. Whats the difference between detective comics and batman issues. I know when reading knightfall it kept swapping between the two.

Havent really gotten into other hero's yet. To me it starts getting too far fetched with space and time travel and stuff. Ive watched all the animated series and justice league felt like a chore.

From the batman issues where should I start?
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Tango X » Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:04 am

Hey man. Detective Comics was just another Batman title they did at the same time that ran a couple of weeks opposite Batman so they could do Batman comics bi-weekly, I think. That’s why it alternates in Knightfall. Acid has good suggestions there and to add to it, just read Batman #200 or newer issues. That’s roughly when they ditched the weird stuff. Neal was doing the art at the time, too, I believe.

Also a tear came to my eye when I saw you couldn’t get into JLU. :batlol:
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Idiot Savant » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:24 am

Not to sound anal retentive (or a jerky know-it-all), but Detective Comics came first in March, 1937 and introduced Slam Bradley as a rough and tough detective who was created by Superman's Two-Dad's; Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Superman's first appearance was in June 1938 in the premiere ish of the newly titled Action Comics.

Batman's first appearance was in May, 1939 in Detective Comics 27 and like Superman and his self-titled book series, followed with his own Bat-title in May 1940; resulting in a bi-monthly Bat-book as Tango-X mentioned.

While its true that modern books are infinitely more relatable than the goofy (sometimes hard to read) Golden or Silver Age books, I still enjoy reading those "funny books" for how simple and innocent the stories are and they are a welcome respite in reading this day and age.
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Gianni » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:32 pm

Yeah I was reading the hugo strange one whete he made monsters. Then abither where batman was fighti g these pygmies to get their giant back. Hs ha. Funny. But batman let peopke die and didn't care. :s

So is detective comics bassed around batman and most issues deal with him? I might get my hands on some. Start from where acid dragon recommended :) and bman #200 onwards
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Tango X » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:41 pm

Oops my bad, Savant. :batblush: Yeah I should have mentioned that Detective Comics came first before Batman got his eponymous series and I think Detective Comics pretty much revolved around Batman mostly from that point and basically was his other comic.
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Gianni » Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:17 pm

Oh interesting. Ill need to get them then :) do they all tie into each other? Like continue from the previous edition chow does it work?

and with the justice league stuff its alright. But Its kind of like when power rangers went to space. First season on earth was awesome....then they went to space. Or tmnt when they went to the future. Even spider man when he started turning into a spider ect ect. Just doesnt do it for me unfortunately. Too out there. I love batman because most of it is clevernesan and simplistic earth/local focus. Hus stood up to make a difference and when he goes global with ras its still him alone making the difference.
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Idiot Savant » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:00 pm


Yep, Detective has been all batty since #27...I don't recall a time where Batman wasn't in any of his books for a length of time (other than his apparent demise), unlike Superman who disappeared from Action in the 80's and 90's for some time, allowing other characters to take over the title for a stint.

DC's been bat-crap crazy since his birth...
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Re: Batman comics what issue#

Postby Gianni » Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:13 am

Interesting. So what is the real diffetence beyween detective and batman. Why run two seperate series? Or are they not really related
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