What the heck? We've got one for music. Next up is TV!
Anyway, the thread's in the title. Seen a movie lately that you loved? Seen one you hated? Watched something that scared the beejesus out of you? Rented / Netflixed something you think everyone needs to see? Want to save us $1.20 on Redbox by telling us NOT to rent that crummy looking snake movie? Or just want to wax on about what movies you think are the best / worst / most overrated / most underrated / sexiest of all time? Gone to a repertory showing / festival you're psyched out of your mind about? Fire away, folks!
We've got a DC Film / TV thread, so let's try to keep the debates about (spoilers) Superman going all Super-Killer at the end of Man of Steel on that thread. But, hey, if you just loooooooved Swamp-Thing and want the world to know, this is the place!