by wally2974 » Wed Aug 24, 2016 8:08 pm
You can make some of these effects, yourself. I bought some thin, white-coated wire at a local craft store. Determine an estimated length of how long you want to make the web effect. So, if you want an approximately 8" web effect, cut a piece of wire about 24". Measure out the first 8" of wire, then twist a loop in the wire, that will wind-up hidden in the wrist joint. Wrap the remaining wire around the 8" length of wire, varying the the amount of wraps and distance between them. Sometimes one wrap, two wraps, or 3 wraps. Then it mimics the way Todd McFarlane used to draw Spidey's webs. You can use some kind of sculpting material, at the end of the web. Also, you can do a grey or black wash over the web effect, to bring out the depth. And paint the loop, that goes around the wrist, black, so it blends into the wrist joint.