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Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

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Re: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Postby 1987olds442 » Tue May 12, 2015 10:59 pm

I saw it opening weekend with my little nephew and we both loved it.
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Re: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Postby Doctor Fate » Wed May 13, 2015 6:53 pm

Saw it for the 2nd time today and loved it even better - Great Action Movie and lots and lots of thrills ... I wished that Ultron was better - I just find James Spader's voice does not fare well and I wished that someone else did the voice of Ultron. That's my only big beef about seeing it for the 2nd time today.
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Re: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Postby Ken Davis » Wed May 13, 2015 8:51 pm

I saw it last week, but then I did not really see it.

Let me explain.

I went to one of the new VIP theatre set-up here in town, with my step-son--$20 a ticket. Very nice modern pre-show lounge. Licensed bar and menu. They have b&w movies prints on the walls with placards. Very classy. The theatres have pre-booked seating, with very nice "lazy-boy"-type lounge chairs, with side tables--there's only about 75-100 seats in each of these new theatres. There's hosts working the room and they bring you anything from the menu until until show time. I sat down and was offered a glass of ice water, gratis. Brought it right to me.
So the facility was first-rate.

It all fell apart when the movie started and I put on the 3D glasses.
Simply put---the gamma was too low on the projection and I couldn't see the footage very well. 3d does that too me some times and it's hit or miss. Last year I saw Godzilla in 3D AVX and it was just grand. No gamma problems at all. This was like watching a Youtube video of someone's cell-phone footage of the movie.
The problem was so bad that I kept getting pulled out of the immersion in the movie, and struggled with trying to just fall asleep or salvage the viewing and make the best of what I could barely see.

Yeah, I'm pretty crushed/pissed about it.
I have two choices: either I find a 2D regular show and risk that, or go with the "sure thing" and wait until the flick comes out on Blu-ray by Christmas.

So 3D is dead to me. I officially hate it, will NEVER spend my money wilfully seeing another movie in that format, ever again.
This means that new VIP theatre complex will probably not see my money again, because all they seem to show are the 3D screenings.

So I've "seen" AoU but I cannot be really sure WHAT I saw of it, so I cannot properly appraise the movie. For me, time will tell....
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Re: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Postby ChangeApproved » Sat May 16, 2015 4:19 am

I loved it as well.

The only problem I had with it, was the editing. It felt like there were a lot of great scenes missing, due to run time restrictions. So I am hoping to see a directors cut on the blu-ray.

But yes it was great. Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye were AWESOME! And Ultron can now be added to the best MCU villains. Which, in my opinion, is the weakest aspect of the MCU.

I need to see it again IMMEDIATELY.
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Re: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Postby Idiot Savant » Sat May 16, 2015 7:13 am

Sorry to hear of your viewing issues Ken; that's the reason why I never want to see a 3-D film, mainly for the view scenes that actually benefit from the tech, it's not worth the price to me. I'll wait until they develop 5-D so I can actually feel like I'm being punched in the face by Hulk; just without the actual pain..

To expand upon my only viewing of AoU, I do agree about some scenes being choppy and missing but my biggest gripe is Ultron. i loved the voice for the most part, especially when he was being all sadistic and stuff; but the part that basically killed it for me was when he'd be talking all tough and then Without a breath, he jumped right to comical and childlike, which took away the direness of the situation...that for me was when I lost some interest in parts - kinda like Iron Man 3's big Mandarin twist (sounds like a good drink, which I couldve used one for that movie...)
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Re: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Postby Ken Davis » Sat May 16, 2015 9:51 am

I've had problems with theatre experiences for years now......they've been hit & miss for me, even while actively avoiding 3D screening. I swore off theatre movies for a while, but I was lured back in by the blockbusters. I've learned my lesson, and I'll stick with an environment and experience I can control: watching the stuff on Blu-ray.
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Re: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron

Postby Doctor Fate » Sun May 17, 2015 10:46 am

I will be seeing it for the 3rd Time today!
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