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The Story of How Batzarrow Made His Way Into the Sub.

Discuss the ever popular character comprehensive line "DC Universe Classics" here! This also includes DC Superheroes, DC Universe Classics, DC Unlimited, Batman Unlimited, Club Infinite Earths, Movie Masters, 1966 Batman TV Series, Club Black Freighter, Total Heroes and any other DC figure line utilizing the 6" scale.

The Story of How Batzarrow Made His Way Into the Sub.

Postby Havok1891 » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:27 am

Anyone wish they could see how that discussion went down?

I think we can all agree that he was slated for retail. I'd like to see the "shot callers" get a look of the figure when he was ready to be mass produced. Someone was probably like "he looks like Batman but made improperly." Like customers may not buy him or try to return him or something because he looks defective.

Oh, just noticed that the paints on mine are bad just above the boots. I've been fortunate to have very little, if any, bad paint applications. This, to me, just comes off as "toss it at them before we sink the ship" like so many other events in the journey.
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Re: The Story of How Batzarrow Made His Way Into the Sub.

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:48 am

I remember someone saying "well there hasnt been a batman figure since the sub started" I have 3 opinions on that.

1. Like there isnt 100 mattel batman figures to already choose from.
2. Like that negates the fact there has been at least 4 batman characters in the sub, all figures that could of easily gone to retail.
3. Not only was the sub for collector oriented choices, but they have had 2 failed attempts at batman lines, in just as many years. that tells me B-Zro was just leftovers that couldnt even cut it in a line that had Planet X batman in it.

Hey, Im just stating my beliefs on the subject, this isnt sour grapes. Ive come to closure on the DCUC/DCIE subject.
And, if anyone is excited about B-Zro in their collection, more power to them, I aint rainin on the parade. But, I think to most people, Batzarro is proof that the Dc brand at Mattel was mismanaged,Lazily, half assed effort to make quick cash from the collector based community.
Merry Christmas Mattel, You can kiss my butt. :mrgreen: jk Mattel, Bo loves you (but not really).
"He Got What He Came to Him"
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