Worst looking figure for me off hand:
5) This will probably be controversial but I will go with 90s Superboy. Sure, they did a nice job making him look like he should. But he is so era specific (and for an era with bad fashion taste) that the figure itself looks horrible, like it should.
4) Starman (the late 90s version). He looks way too big and not quite DCUC. Looks closer to DC Super Heroes or something. As far as the figures on this list go, he may be the "ugliest."
3) Kamandi. He is made well, resembles what he should, but come on . . . it looks like Axel Rose without a shirt and torn jean shorts. Where is the fun in that look for a DC super heroes display? It's no wonder he didn't sell. Combine that with his obscurity (and a few episodes on Brave & the Bold doesn't counter that) and you have a peg warmer.
2) Kid Flash. He by himself is ok, but with any other DC figures, especially Teen Titans figures . . . he looks really bad. He looks like he is from another toy line.
1) Cyclotron. All things aside like he being a "Super Powers" redo only figure, this thing looks ugly. I literally saw him in a Kmart yesterday at $16. I think I'd have trouble buying him for $5 if offered for that.
Note, I am not putting Jemm or Omac on this list because there issue is obscurity and not nec. being ugly. I should mention that the 4 figures I do own on this list, all are either hidden in the back of the shelf or not even on the shelf (Kamandi).