by AcidDragon » Tue Jul 30, 2019 12:03 am
I have to admit, I'm super stoked for these. I thought I was done with Mattel's DC Classics but I think I might actually go back and get some of the new ones I missed.
I did get the Justice Buster, Dr. Psycho (with the way too big Cassie Sandsmark), Clayface and King Shark waves but skipped the Lex wave and the Rookie wave and any other wave that came out if there was one. I live in Canada so distribution always sucks on these so it's pretty much Big Bad Toy Store for me and paying the unfortunate import fees that go along with it. The ones I'm most excited for are:
Red Hood
Killer Croc
and I actually like the SDCC Silver Age 4 pack but I don't like what I'm probably going to have to pay to get them. Those Kenner nods are actually kind of neat and I remember those better than I remember the Super Powers line which I was too young for, I think. Looks like I was only 2 when they came out. Still, I wouldn't miss them if they didn't come out if it meant getting other figures. Like wingnut mentioned, where the heck is Gordon? He could easily be a repurpose of the trenchcoat body or god forbid, allow for a retooled more buff trenchcoat/suit buck since they seem to be willing to retool totally new bucks for their send offs.
I hope we're not just getting Batman figs until the end here. Forever People and Highfather would be nice left field figures for me. Some Legion characters that are essential like Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Mon-El, Triplicate Girl and Phantom Girl. The rest of the Fatal Five? Those don't feel like they have a shot in heck now.
I'm wondering if McFarlane can license the bucks like Super7 did for MOTUC or if it'll be more involved? Would anyone even want that? I would, mostly for scale and consistency.
"Finally got all the way through that 'Death of Superman' video Steel. Play Superboy and you're history by level three, right? But Steel..." - Kon-El AKA Superboy