1987olds442 wrote:You know it is too bad that with all the years Mattel was making the DCUC figures they never designed a new suit body.
Mattel DID design a new suit body and first used it with the Question and ever since, aside from the Two-Face repaint. The early suit body had the weird split molded tie that only worked well with Two-Face; The newer suit body doesn't have a molded tie, different arms, a different crotch piece, different legs, but it does use the same shoes/feet as the Clark and Two-Face. If we count the John Constantine body as a suit body (used only once and he's only wearing a tie and jacket), that's a brand new torso to duplicate a wrinkled shirt, but it uses the same arms, crotch, legs, and pants as Question, Sandman, Black Mask, Phantom Stranger, and Ra's.