Of the entire run of the DCUC family (DC SUPERHEROES, Batman and Superman; DCUC; PUBLIC ENEMIES; GREEN LANTERN waves; LEGION; CRIME SYNDICATE OF AMERIKA and DCIE), what is your favorite figure?
For me, I'd have to say that Brainiac from the DC SUPERHEROES/Superman line; similar to the Super Powers Brainiac. DCUC Metamorpho and Plastic Man are my close 2nd and 3rd.
It's a fantastic sculpt using minimal body parts that would end up being reused in different incarnations. The inner details of the face exudes pure hatred for anything organic. The painted details on his shoulders and brain-case are ideal and his 4-digit, clawed hands and has 24 points of articulation.
Not to mention he's downright creepy...
What are your thoughts?