O.G.Trilogy wrote:Very cool idea and perfectly executed! For me personally they are both entirely too large to be comics accurate, but they are really amazing looking and I can't say I wouldn't pick up one if they became available for sale.
Why couldn't they make these to order like Castle Greyskull? Why not offer it as an internet exclusive on a site like Amazon? They could sell them through Diamond to comic shops and specialty stores or at the very least they could sell them as a website exclusive on mattycollector.com I just don't understand why we have to choose between a crappy Subscription or Nothing at all.
Despite what Guru says, I am hoping to see some news next SDCC with some sort of 6 figure sub or something.
I really hate this Total Heroes thing. It just comes off as a way of sweeping our interests under the rug or something. They got our money, now they want to move into something else (and possibly dip into some of our wallets some more for characters we already have).
Yeah yeah, I know, if it doesn't sell it doesn't sell and it's time for something new . . . but it does concern me.