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My DC Movie Masters Collection + BONUES!

Discuss the ever popular character comprehensive line "DC Universe Classics" here! This also includes DC Superheroes, DC Universe Classics, DC Unlimited, Batman Unlimited, Club Infinite Earths, Movie Masters, 1966 Batman TV Series, Club Black Freighter, Total Heroes and any other DC figure line utilizing the 6" scale.

Re: My DC Movie Masters Collection + BONUES!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Feb 16, 2025 8:17 am

Yes, it was a tremendous series indeed. That & the MOTUC were some of THE BEST. Well, like I said before about Mattel years ago and in recent times, it's amazing what billions of dollars can do for you...the DCUC should still be going on as I type this :roll: :batsmh: :wwsmh: :smsmh: I hope you like My small Collection. This is a DC Board after-all so I wanted to showcase it as good possible then before I evolved My style. I have other DC showcases as well to check out. Thanks for the reply IS :)
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Re: My DC Movie Masters Collection + BONUES!

Postby OneNineSix » Tue Feb 18, 2025 7:56 pm

Idiot Savant wrote:DC Universe Classics: the best 6” scale action figure line ever…wish it would’ve continued, because I’d still be all in

Those McFarlane figs look great too but the scale doesn't work for me unless it's the bigger guys who have funny scales. I miss this line a lot.
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Re: My DC Movie Masters Collection + BONUES!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Feb 20, 2025 8:08 am

The McFarlane versions looks good but as I've said before time & time again on various topics, their just another line that's been done so many times before :roll: Sure, there's a few things here & there that might be newer or whatever but how many variants of Batman do we need :?: I know all about the "what sells" crap. I've heard enough from ToyGuru over the decades too but I've never been like that, I've always been for the rare, obscure, overlooked, never been done before out. If you've been faithful and read My showcases and seen all of the hard work I've done here throughout the board (I'm one of the last people on the planet that does what I do) then you know what I'm all about. The stuff in the past is just cooler IMO, you can get a lot of great vintage stuff that has a lot more history than the modern stuff that is just as cheap and the Mattel DC stuff from the 2000s has a bit of history. Always look back for content that you missed and to the past, greatness is already there :)

Now, let's get on track of what this great topic of Mine is actually about and it's what I showcases nearly four years ago :batshock: There's so much to talk about here as well as My other DC Collection Topics not to mention all of other great Topics. There's a couple things right off that bat. Do you have or own any of these that I have showcased within My Topic :?: If so, did you get some of them from like I did :?: What do you think of them and so forth.
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