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Ring of Honor: The end of an era?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:53 am
by packerbacker180
I meant to post this a few days ago when the news came out, but Ring of Honor is going on hiatus after their December PPV and all talents have or will be released from their contracts at the end of the year and will be free to work else where. ROH released a statement:

"Throughout the pandemic, our top priority was to keep everyone healthy and safe, and despite not producing any live events over 18 months, we were able to keep everyone fully contracted. We now find ourselves at a time where we need to make changes to our business operations and are planning a pivot for Ring of Honor, with a new mission and strategy. The year will culminate with a Final Battle in December, and we will be taking the first quarter of 2022 to work internally to reimagine ROH. ROH has the most dedicated fans in the industry, and we appreciate their loyalty and patience as we reconceptualize ROH. We anticipate returning to live events in April for the Super Card of Honor with a new fan-focused product and provide a unique experience for wrestling fans."

This was kind of surprising, I mean, I always enjoyed an ROH house show, but their product was often difficult to follow since there was never a set time or date for when their weekly show aired. I'd just randomly stumble upon it at odd hours on random channels and could never tell if the episode was new or old.

There were a few times over the years, most recently when Cody and the Bucks were around, that ROH seemed to be on the cusp of breaking through only to fall short in the end. As much flack as TNA/Impact has taken over the years, they've still have had a weekly product you knew when and where to watch even in the lean times.

I've no idea if ROH will actually come back or in what capacity. It sad to some degree as ROH was NXT before there was an NXT for Vince to mishandle. I looked at the ROH roster, and to be honest, over 50% of the names I'm not even familiar with anymore, but it'll be interesting to see who winds up going where. This is probably great news for Impact, NWA, MLW, as they can really fill in their rosters more. Who might the WWE and AEW be interested in? I don't know. Danhuasen and Brody King have already been linked to AEW and they'd be very cool, very nice, very evil additions, but who else? The Briscoes have been around forever and would be great additions to either tag team division.


Re: Ring of Honor: The end of an era?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:03 am
by BrandonDaCollector
I saw this news earlier too and I surprised. To be honest, I haven't kept up with ROH in years since WWE got most of their roster after Owens & Styles. Also one would think ROH would have been a bigger promotion but I understand they wanted it to be that way. I did make an exception when PCO was on top, that was awesome. However, I absolutely loved it when S.C.U.M. was a stable and Kevin Owens fought Steve Corino in one of the most insane hardcore ladder matches of all-time IMO. As for the time, I don't know in recent years but in the early to mid 2010s, ROH was on late like 1 AM on ABC on Saturdays. It was kinda cool really during that era as I always like that real late night wrestling when WWF & WCW did that in the early/mid 90s for their smaller shows like Superstars & Woldwide. With all of that being said, I always think about ROH's past with many great moments, I hope it all works out for them and all of the wrestlers.

Oh by the way, I would love to see the Briscoes go to either big fed and be a top team there as I think they have done enough on the indie scene.

Re: Ring of Honor: The end of an era?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:56 am
by packerbacker180
Danhausen apparently just broke his leg which is incredibly awful timing. I'd love for Jay Lethal to get a legit run in either AEW, WWE, or even NWA but at 5'10" not sure the WWE would bite. And the Briscoes. Nobody else really strikes me as big names.

Re: Ring of Honor: The end of an era?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:27 pm
by BrandonDaCollector
Yeah, shame. Oh, Jay almost signed a deal with the WWE to be in NXT several years ago but decided not to and went back to ROH & Japan. Well, the Briscoes are one of the best teams ever IMO that has never been in the big ones. Maybe one day soon?