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Melissa Coates has died:(

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:10 am
by BrandonDaCollector
Melissa Coates has died :( She was one of My all-time favorite indie women wrestlers. Known as Ms 'Olympia" and "Super Genie" and worked greatly with ECW Legend Sabu. She was also a major body builder and IMO was truly the total package,I found her incredible...I mean she had it all and I just loved her. She was awesome to look at and exciting to watch in the ring and she was truly one of a kind, just so WOW :shock: WWE had her back in the mid 2000s but Unfortunately didn't see anything in her...what bullcrap that was :roll:  :x The wrestling world has lost another great one, rest in peace babe :(


Here's the sad news from HanniblaTV

Melissa' Bio at wikipedia.

Here is two great short matches where she beats up two guys :!: :o :shock: :)