I hope you saw 92 & 93 cause as that was some great stuff so now here's is WWF Survivor Series 94 which was so darn epic, it's as epic now as it was then and really one of the best of the event's entire history and it was in Texas
There's a lot that was on My mind about it but a lot of it i couldn't locate for now. Here's the event promo with Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris was a huge household name already for over a decade by time this event was being anticipated. He was a special guest at WWF Wrestlemania 7 in 1991 (the same one that My Great "Uncle Buck" Cousin Mike recorded for Me straight from PPV that I showcased By this time in 94 his great Walker: Texas Ranger show was already on for it's second season with several wrestles that showed up there with more to follow after it Here's his two great promos plus a little history of why this is happening Oh and I'm hoping he's gonna be a WWE Hall of Famer really soon
The Bad Guys!
Clowns R' Us! Phil Apollo was already Doink for about a year or so.
Tatanka's heel promo!
Bret & Bulldog!
Remember how you said about Backlund just alright Well after he went nuts he beat Bret Hart thanks to Owen to become the new WWF Champion or rather just "regained the belt" and from then on Mr. Bob Backlund went on and put on some of the wildest & craziest promos for well over a year