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Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Survivor Series Moments!

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Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Survivor Series Moments!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:31 am

I think some of the best ever was in the early 90s and some of My all-time favorite moments was during these! I chose to end the timeline because I feel 95 was the last of classic era of wrestling. I put together all of the pics as a quick reference. Let's talk classic wrestling and share your thoughts & memories   :D

Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Thu Nov 24, 2022 5:54 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:15 am

Hey Packer, I thought let's talk a bit about classic SummerSlam since this is SummerSlam week! I know how your status is with the current WWE product but like usual and always, My mind is on the classic stuff so let's only talk about the first 9 which is 88 - 96. If you know your history dude, what we do is say our thoughts about the actual events and our favorite matches or what we thought were highlights of these events. OK, here we go!

SUMMERSLAM 88: In a toss up with Wrestlemania IV, this was the true pinnacle of how great the WWF was then and that it seems like an actual sport and when things really mattered. In fact 86 - 89 was arguably the most important years when it comes to that factor. I loved it that Super Billy Graham was on commentary! My favorite match was the main event, The Mega Powers vs. The Mega-Bucks and Jesse the Body was the special guest ref!! I felt it was so epic and ideal to happen after all when we seen months prior. Amazing how Miss Liz took her dress off, it was so classy!


SUMMERSLAM 89: This one was great. It was really cool that King Duggan wore face paint with Demolition! I loved how this main event was similar like the previous one in SS 88 with one of My all-time favorites Zeus promoting No Holds Barred!


SUMMERSLAM 1990: Oh boy, things are starting to change in the WWF, you can feel it! Jesse the Body is gone from the WWF just weeks prior and Piper takes his place! Sgt. Slaughter returns on the Brother Love show as a heel! Demolition now has three members and meets the Road Warriors from WCW the hard way though this was unfortunately the beginning of the end for Demolition :roll: Kerry Von Erich wins the IC title! Wow, what an angle with Dusty & Sapphire and Macho King & Sherri and that swerve with the Million Dollar man! A first ever double main event with Hogan & the Warrior! This is one of My favorite SummerSlams of all and IMO is one of the best WWF/WWE events of all-time!


SUMMERSLAM 91: This one was ok, I loved the match with the Dragon and the build for the matches made in hell & heaven were so classic! Amazing how Sid's first WWF PPV appearance was a special guest ref!


SUMMERSLAM 92: My favorite SummerSlam of all! I remember getting the WWF magazine at the time I believe it was either the May, June or July edition and on the back cover of it was Macho man vs. the Warrior (same pic as on the promo event pic) and on TV during WWF programming there was no word about this till later. I showed that to My Grandpa and he couldn't believe it, he's like how and why? It was a mystery as to how this was possible for a while till it developed on TV on Superstars & Prime Time Wrestling. The event was in England! Kamala returned, Repo Man (Smash of Demolition) fought Crush! Nailz destroyed Virgil! Oh yeah, the heel vs. heel match as HBK Shawn Michaels fought "The Model" Rick Martel...I thought this was such a great match and Sherri played her part so well! Oh yeah, the beginning of the Ultimate Maniacs!  For the first time ever the IC title is the main event on PPV with the Hitman and the Bulldog!


SUMMERSLAM 93: This was such a different one. I loved the Jerry Lawler/Doink/Bret Hart stuff. Bittersweet about the Giant Gonzalez :roll: Ludvig Borga's debut! All of the huge build up for Lex Luger and he wins by count-out :roll:


SUMMERSLAM 94: This is one of the most underrated of them all. Who sold out? Tatanka or Luger? Wow the match with Razor & Diesel! Alundra! Owen & Bret in the cage and the Bulldog returns! Oh wow I rememeber talkin' to on eof My friends who was into wrestling, I was telling him that there is going to be a match with 2 Undertakers! he was like what? Are you serious? How is that possible and I was telling believe Me, its gonna happen! The huge build up between The Undertaker vs. The Underfaker (Brian Lee)! The case is CLOSED! This was one of the most successful builds of any feud ever of all-time IMO!    


SUMMERSLAM 95: This is one of My most favorite SummerSlams of all. I loved how everything was in 95, I know what people say about how bad it was and all of the stuff but I so beg the differ, IMO it was the best year ever in wrestling and the last of classic old style...I loved the way the WWF looked and the how the roster was...WCW too...just My fave! Skip and Sunny, she was so hot then! Gosh, can you believe Barry Horowitz got an actual PPV match? Undertaker & Kama! The 1-2-3 Kid and Hakushi! The Bul Twins! Issac Yankem DDS' debut...gosh I loved that build up! One of Alundra's last matches ever in the WWF and second last on PPV! Everybody always talks about the first ladder match @ WM X but really this rematch with HBK & Razor Ramon one one of the most underrated matches and is My fave of the two! Diesel legitimately gets hurt by King Mable...I loved King Mable, what a great time! WOW, Lex Luger's interference in this match was his last appearance ever in the WWF...the next week his was on WCW Nitro returning to the company and confronting Hulk Hogan!


SUMMERSLAM 96: WWF was still in the New Generation phase while WCW was truly beginning the attitude era! I loved the earlier stuff in 96 but by this point the Warrior's return was over and certain aspects were looking bleak. This one has always been kinda up in the air for Me. The free for all sucked for Yokozuna :( The New Rockers and how about Sunny! Awesome match between the Undertaker & Mankind in the boiler room but it was quite shocking that Paul Bearer betrayed the taker and damn Vader lost... I absolutely hated that :x  


There's My quick thoughts about classic SummerSlams! I didn't count any more because things were changing so much in wrestling after 96 and doesn't fit in with the classic stuff IMO and because of time. I hope you like this, your thoughts Packer :) :?:
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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Survivor Series Mome

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:15 pm

Well, its really close to Survivor Series time and while this era's SS over the years has been hit & miss, you cannot say that about the original ones in the 80s & 90s most of the time. This particular event is one of My faves and here is some pics of certain moments 1987 thru 1997 - ten years history and look it all changed over that period time!

SS 87 - The first one, wow what teams they were and shame Superstar Billy Graham was injured, it would have been awesome him teaming with Hogan. Oh and the sheer size of Andre's team, I have always loved this one!


SS 88 - This was good and always seemed like it the first one rather the second for Me for some reason. It maybe because its format and the way it was filmed.


SS 89 - Wow, one of My faves, I absolutely loved this one especially 89 in general. I loved the Hulkamaniacs, this was truly THE ONE that sold Me on being a wrestling fan! I loved Demolition & Jake with Hogan and wow Zues as we were still in the phase of No Holds Barred! The King's Court, the list goes on. Shame "The Widow Maker" Barry Windham didn't last all that long in the WWF as he quickly went back to NWA/WCW!


SS 90 - Oh man, the mystery man was The Undertaker! The Gooker hatched! Look at The Warriors and the Perfect Team and The Visionaries! This had first and only handicap with all survivors as the main event, shame that was never done again :roll:


SS 91 - This one was really good, like Windham, shame Big Bully Busick didn't remain there, that team was one of the wackiest but coolest looking teams IMO and The Undertaker beats Hogan thanks to Flair!


This Tuesday in Texas - This was one of the first ever bonus PPVs as it was just a week later after SS 91, gosh this was memorable and in many ways quite crucial!


SS 92 - I always had mixed emotions about this one because the 4 on 4 matches was absent. The Warrior was leaving again and Mr. Perfect joined Macho, shame cause I loved The Ultimate Maniacs, the original Doink was so funny and Yokozuna made his first PPV debut too!


SS 93 - I loved this one! SMW crossed over with WWF, The Knights, The Doinks & the food fight and oh The All-Americans and the Foreign Fanatic's I loved all of this!


SS 94 - This one always seemed so epic and IMO still rivals anything seen to this day IMO!


SS 95 - One of the most underrated of all the SS! 95 was such a cool year for wrestling and My fave one at that! Diesel lost his world championship and this was the beginning of his awesome heel turn! Shame Jean-Pierre LaFitte left right before event due to the Kliq :roll: Also, this was one of the first times ever in wrestling there was a wild card match where heels & babyfaces/enemies would be on the same team! I loved this one, arguably My fave of them all!


SS 96 - Yeah, one of the last of the true SS, Rocky Maivia debuted after his stint from the USWA, had some good and unusual looking teams oh and Barry Windham returned as The Stalker!


SS 97 - IMO, the last of the true SS. I loved how the crowd was was in Canada in the the WWF's early heyday of the Attitude era and the gang warfare teams, just loved that! Oh the Montreal Screwjob happen in this one and this was the most controversial match ever in wrestling!

UPDATE NOTE: Today is the WWE Survivor Series: War Games PLE, I just wanted to add that this year 2022 marks the 25th Anniversary of WWF Survivor Series: Gang Rulz from 1997. It was one of the last events that was brought by Hasbro's Karate Fighters. I loved how this was and it's concept. Gosh I miss these times :scbat: :scww: :scsm: :scmm: :schal: :scbaf: :scaq:


That's it, I love the Survivor Series and this Sunday is the 34th annual edition, hard to believe isn't it? So what's your fave moments or memories from the original events? Talk about it :batsmile:
Last edited by BrandonDaCollector on Sat Nov 26, 2022 7:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Survivor Series Mome

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:52 pm

I always dug the Survivor Series when I was a kid, now with the brand split it's just dumb. They just flipped the rosters a few weeks ago and I'm supposed to believe wrestlers care about "brand supremacy"? Meh. They need to rethink it and make it interesting again.
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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Survivor Series Mome

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:03 am

Not anytime soon I'm afraid, ever since the pg era had to happen, they were slowing losing what made the AE & RAE what they were to where we are now with hardly any logic at all and sadly most of everything else is going in a similar fashion :roll: :x
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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Survivor Series Mome

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:33 pm


Merry Christmas! Yep that's Balls Mahoney as The Million Dollar Man's Xanta Klaus! I thought it was good while it lasted in late 95!
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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Great 91 Moments!

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:10 pm

Before the year ends here is some cool and unforgettable moments from 91!

WWF 91

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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Royal Rumble Moments

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:57 am

So here we are with arguably My fave event of all-time from the WWF/WWE: The Royal Rumble :!: Really it had lost its steam over the past decade with a mixture of disappointing and pleasing entries and many missed opportunities on many multiple different levels. Over the past several months they have fired many top and lesser known names thus basically depleting their roster on all three brands and because of these supposed budget releases they are now bring in former WWE wrestlers, Hall of Famers & Legends to make up for their loss of logic and the lack of a somewhat decent, competitive roster. This was not the case during the years of the original RRs as each one was exciting. Most of the time you never knew who was coming out next. So as I had previously done with other big WWF events, here is a brief highlight commentary by Me as I talk about My fave moments from 1988 to 1997. Ready :?:

RR 88: This was good but it was a wrestling special on the USA network and not a PPV. It also didn't have the 30 man feature we all know today but rather only 20. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan won after eliminating The One Man Gang. Gang seemed like he always got to the top till he was knocked off :roll: Oh and the Jumping Bomb Angels fought the Glamour Girls. both were classic women's tag teams and this was one of their last appearances in the WWF!


RR 89: Ah, My second fave of the whole event's history! I loved this one, it was so cool seeing it as a 8 year youngster! The Super Posedown with the warrior & Rick Rude was great and funny! I loved it when Ted Dibiase was making deals with Slick with his Twin Towers to take care of Hulk Hogan! The battle of the Kings - Harley Race & Haku was dandy! "Rockin" Robin vs. Judy Martin with Sherri on commentary, one of the last matches in the then WWF's Women's division. I thought is was so awesome that both Ax & Smash drew number 1 & 2 and fought each for a brief time. That was awesome Hogan body-slamming both TTs Big Boss Man & Akeem and this was THE BEGINNING of the implosion of the Mega Powers to Wrestlemania V! It was really surprising that Big John Studd won the event after eliminating Akeem (One Man Gang - shame again) and Dibiase. Studd got nothing in the end however :roll: Oh Hogan didn't win :shock: This was one of the most classic WWF events ever and there would only be a year or so left of classic sports moments like this before the 90s hit.


RR 90: This was a good one, I was surprised that Jacques Rougeau had that thick beard...classic! Wow, one of the greatest moments EVER in wrestling happen when it was just the Warrior and Hogan in the Rumble! Never has there been a time like this before or since! Hogan won this event this time! Oh and this was one of Tony Schiavone's only major WWF appearances as he went back to NWA/WCW shortly thereafter and would remain there till their unfortunate demise and we all know he is in AEW as I write this!


RR 91: One of the most underrated of all the Rumbles. "The Mountie" Jacques Rougeau, Kato and Dustin Rhodes all made their debuts here! I loved that the major heel turncoat Sgt. Slaughter beat the Warrior for the world championship thanks to the Macho King! 90 had such an impressive roster of newcomers. Shane Douglas came running to the ring when he was much slender, I still remember how much I was all for him then! Saba Simba's entry was bittersweet. This was also the Undertaker's first Rumble and Hogan won again! Look at the cool art poster!


RR 92: Like its predecessor, it had that cool art as well. I absolutely loved the WWF in 92, the way everything looked, the WWF magazines and so on. Many of the newcomers that I had previously talked about on the board was in this one (90 & 91 had arguably the best new guys)! This was for the vacate WWF Title (thanks to the Survivor Series & This Tuesday in Texas 91 debacles) that would later trend that the winner would be awarded a championship opportunity at the following Wrestlemania 8. Wow, two former horsemen in Flair & Sid fighting Hogan and Flair wins the title!


RR 93: In visual aspects for a few months still resembled 92! Wow, more returns and new guys! Bam Bam Biglelow returns, HBK is on his own! WCW's Steiner Brothers make their debut! Holy crap! Bobby Heenan unveiled "The Narcissist" Lex Luger! I remember talking to everybody then asking them who is Heenan's mystery man, nobody knew and wow was I surprised it was him...such good times :) El Gigante leaves WCW and becomes The Giant Gonzales and attacks The Undertaker! Yokozuna eliminates Macho Man and wins the Rumble! Wow, so many from WCW but Flair would leave after this and head back there where it was just natural for him to be!


RR 94: Good one, this was Owen Harts' moment! The Undertaker was defeated by Yokozuna with the help to over a dozen others! Diesel was a monster! Wow, the Great Kabuki and Tenryu were assassins to stop Lex Luger by Master Fuji!! Oh man the dreaded double elimination of Luger & Bret Hart :!:


RR 95: Yep, 95 was My fave year in wrestling for WWF & WCW! This was the one Pamela Anderson was at + at the following Wrestlemania. HBK won, I really hated the tease of the Bulldog winning it :roll:


RR 96: My fave Rumble of all-time! 96 was the last of the great ones and still off the coolness of 95 and still in the heyday of the new generation but the WWF was starting to begin a change as the Monday Night Wars was a happening thus beginning the stages of what would become known as the the Attitude Era! Wow, Goldust debuts with his wife Marlena! So many great moments in this Rumble like Jake the Snake returns, Doug Gilbert & Dory Funk jr. Vader's awesome debut, The Squat Team, I LOVED THEM! Yokozuna and King Mable! Shame King Kong Bundy left by then :roll: I thought it was so incredible that HBK eliminated both Yokozuna & Vader AT THE SAME TIME...see if that will ever happen again in the day and age yet I always hated that HBK won 2 years in a row. At least the feud with him & Bret was good and he actually won the title in an Iron Man match in Sudden Death @ Wrestlemania 12!.


RR 97: This was the last of classics IMO as the WWF was still kinda behind WCW's reign of the true beginnings of the Attitude Era. Shame Sid lost the title, there was such huge fanfare and everything for him then! This was the last appearances of the "Fake" Razor Ramon & Diesel. Stone Cold Steve Austin got eliminated but thanks to officials not witnessing it he snuck back in and won. It was bull IMO. He would win the next Rumble in 1998 too but fair and square that time buy really, it was so bum-steer :roll:


Well, that's all for My Royal Rumble commentaries of the great ones, I hope you liked it :)
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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Wrestlemania Moments

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:39 am

So as an apparent tradition as I have covered all of the WWF's best moments of their main, original & currently ongoing PPVs as I have covered SummerSlam, Survivor Series, The Royal Rumble and since it's Wrestlemania season and it's Wrestlemania week as I speak, it's time now to do Wrestlemania moments showcase and this is gonna be a bit bigger than usual as I will expand a little further than previously seen. So here we go :batsmile:

NOTE: These pics are from various sources, all rights go to them!

Wrestlemania 1 - 1985: This is the one that started it all. Vinnie Mac may have made the PPV what it is today but NWA was first with the events with their Starrcade 83 with Flair & Race! So it was extremely old school. There were many celebrity guests that would trend throughout the events entire tenor including Mr. T as a tag partner with the new face of the company Hulk Hogan. There were many matches of different proportions. The former WWWF actually had a women's division and this is when the Rock'n Roll connection was ongoing with Wendi Richter & Cyndi Lauper. King Kong Bundy made a record that would stand for decades. The event was at Madison Square Garden which was basically the home of WWF events at the time. The PPV was extremely grand but that fun World Wrestling Federation feel, sound & look wouldn't appear till at least a couple years later!


NOTE: Whenever I was at Mr. T's video store which was owned by Verna whom was My Grandma MiMi's friend and did a lot of wrestling stuff for Me back in the day, I would look at the VHS box of Wrestlemania all the time and just admire how it looked, in fact I did that a lot over at our great local movie rental outlets especially when she & Movie Mogul had the WWF Royal Rumble 89, Survivor Series 89 and No Holds Barred!


Wrestlemania 2: This is actually one of the most different of the whole series. It was actually at 3 different locations which was the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, the Rosemont Horizon in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois, and the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California in 1986. Bundy got his match with Hogan in the cage which has become a very familiar match you see now and then. This is the one that the legendary "Fridge" Perry was in the battle royal. Mr. T was a competitor again this time in an boxing match against "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. This was pretty good but kinda on lower standings on My favorite list.


Wrestlemania III: Thsi one was at the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan in 1987. This would be the beginning of the feel of the classic WWF that we'd get used to over the course of several years plus this was truly the start of Hulkamania as he and Andre the Giant fought each other for the first time ever in the WWF (they fought each other before in the AWA and he even slammed him then but it did not have the magnitude it would here!) and this was the time when Andre became heel and would remain the company's biggest heel for years literally & figuratively! This match is always played in highlights and recaps even to this day on current WWE programming and is still one of the most epic collisions of all-time! Macho Man & Ricky Steamboat would have their classic match as well. This is kinda high on My list.


NOTE: Another one from 1987 that I loved was the WWF Survivor Series, I only remember Schnucks (the original building) on Loughborough having it, that was another fun one I used to pick up and look!


Wreslemania IV: Ah, now we're talkin'. This is one of My most favorite of all and I feel it's one of the best ever. This was in 1988 at Trump Plaza and this was the first time I saw Donald Trump. The WWF feel was in full force and was during a time when sports was fun to watch to engage yourself in and keep up with it and had a great sporty look to them and that it actually felt like it mattered. The huge world title tournament would happen due to the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase buying the twin Hebner refs and Andre the Giant's newly won championship from Hogan on The Main Event, this was one of the greatest episodes of all-time IMO and was one of the greatest moments ever seen in any federation regardless of era. It wouldn't stand long thus creating a spectacle of matches of top contenders including The Macho Man, The One Man Gang, Butch Reed, "The Original" & "REAL" Rock Don Muraco, Dino Bravo and more. It was amazing that Andre & Hogan went to a double DQ, it was one of the first times something like that happen then in the federation. TOMG would get a buy and fall to the Macho Man and TMDM would meet up against Savage and Macho beat him to become champ for the first time in his career! Once again, TOMG & TMDM come close but nothing to show for it. This was such a huge event!


NOTE: Oh this is another one that I loved to look at the video stores, Mr. T's had it and I loved picking up that VHS box as it was a double video cassette set, it was so cool to see Andre & Hogan on the cover, it was like the best they looked :!:


Wrestlmania V: This was actually a great one too and it was literally like a sequel or sorts because it was also at trump Plaza, yep, two years in a row :o This is the one the Mega Powers Explode! Extraordinary that Macho won the title there as a babyface, kept the title for a whole year, became a tweener, breaking up the team, becoming a major heel and lost it to Hogan the same place he won it :shock: It was an epic main event of two personalities like never before nor since that the WWE tries make happen again & again for over a decade but never can do it (why bother, you can't beat the classics & originals) and arguably this one had even bigger implications than Hogan & Andre IMO :o This was Owen Hart's debut as the Blue Blazer and he lost to Mr. Perfect. Honky Tonk Man & Hammer Valentine would team up as a mishmash team because of Jimmy Hart. The Twin Towers had a great match against The Rockers!


NOTE: I loved looking at the 1989 Royal Rumble VHS at Mr. T's and Blockbuster and renting it all the time!

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Re: Wrestling: WWF & WCW - 1990 - 1995: Wrestlemania Moments

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:41 am

Wrestlemania VI: Oh heck yes! As I had talked about in My "Is WM 38 more STUPENDOUS than THIS?" topic. 1990 was a huge year for Me in wrestling, movies, comics, video games, action figures among other things. This was the most epic of them all! I said before, My Grandpa PoPo loved it, like Me he loved the Ultimate Warrior and just the whole set up for him & Hogan from the great 1990 Royal Rumble all the way till the end of WM6! In no way shape or form does the current WWE product even come close to being as exciting, huge or anything as great this, I mean IMO this even beat Hogan vs. Andre & Macho combined :shock: I mean this was the first of it's kind where two major babyfaces of the company collide and that Hogan actually lost in a grueling, 30 minute war of grandeur :smgasp: :wwshock: :batgrin: There was nothing like it before and there will be nothing like it ever again and it definitely will not be anything this epic during this coming WM 38 :!: The rest of the card was great too. Honky & Hammer would actually become a big team and debut as Rhythm & Blues this time with a very young DDP driving their Cadillac. Earthquake would prove to be a dominate force beating "The Mighty" Hercules. Andre would turn babyface again and so much more!


Wrestlemania 7: Oh boy this one. 1991 would really become a year of cool stuff everywhere but really the last year of the classic WWF atmosphere as it would become different the next year. Sgt. Slaughter betrayed the USA in 90, beat the Warrior at the 91 RR thanks to the Macho King to be the Federation's top heel for a long while. It was Hogan once again challenging him and he won and Hogan was champ for the 4th time. It was a great match with a great build up. The Warrior & Macho King match was dandy and emotional. Demolition would sadly be on their way out after losing to the debuting Japanese duo Tenryu & Kitao and it would be one of the last times they would be mentioned in the WWF/WWE as it has been forbidden to talk about them within the company. The Blindfold Match with "The Model" Rick Martel & Jake the Snake was great. This was The Undertaker's first WM and his first victim was Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka!

NOTE: This is a VERY important event for Me because My great cousin Mike (I called him Uncle Buck because he looked like John Candy) actually RECORDED THIS FOR ME ON PPV and gave Me HIS VHS TAPE. I was so thankful and glad about it. Remember I was talking about that he had a classic Atari system but I never got to play with him :?: Well, he got very bad sick, I hardly seen him and not too much longer he passed away, I was so sad that I couldn't have had more time with him :cry:


Wrestlemania 8: 1992, 30 years ago THIS YEAR :o You could tell by this time things were changing within the company by the matches and especially visually. Hogan's last match against Sid where Papa Shango made his bittersweet debut and The Ultimate Warrior returned! Macho beat Flair in a very emotional match. Lex Luger makes his debut via satellite for the WBF (I featured that greatly earlier in the WWF Edition of Yo, Do You Remember Topic), Chris Chavis (who I saw in person if you saw My WWF Live 91 House Show Event topic) made his debut being repackaged as Tatanka and this was The Undertaker's first WM as a babyface against Jake the Snake! This also had a huge, long isle as well! Overall it was a really good WM.


Wrestlemania 9: This was 1993 and while it was kinda left over from 92 like every new year has a bit of the same from the previous one. This was at Caesar's Palace as it was a huge deal when he & Cleopatra were at the RR 93. Hogan returned much different with a black eye with Beefcake and challenged Money Inc. Bret lost to Yokozuna and I knew he would, I loved Yoko! Master Fuji issued the challenge and Hogan accepted! This was the first time ever on a PPV match like this! Hogan quickly beat him and got the title for a 5th reign! Yoko would get it back however at the following KOTR 93! This was the Giant Gonzales' only WM as he fought the Undertaker, I loved him, he was My fave giant. I always hated it when some jerk spit in his face and the Giant just stood there all disgusted and wiped it off, I find that so awful and sad :( This was Lex Luger's PPV in ring debut as "the Narcissist" against Mr. Perfect of all people. Oh there was double vision with Doink against Kona Crush, I loved that :batsmile: This was JIM ROSS' debut! This was a great WM and a very underrated one. I liked how it was outside, it was so different from all of the ones seen previously!


Wrestlemania X: This was the 10th anniversary of the event and return to Madison Square Garden. Since The Great Kabuki & Tenryu failed to assassinate "the now", "All American Original" Lex Luger and after the double elimination of Luger & Bret at the 94 RR, they were forced to be in a double main event. Luger would lose to Yokozuna for the world title but Bret would win even though he lost to his brother Owen just a little while before the same night (I always thought Owen was way better) and while Yoko lost the title, he was still awesome! Shawn Michales & Razor Ramon would have their iconic IC title match ladder match that you always see clips of. There was a ton of great spots there. This was a good WM.


Wrestlemania 11: This was also good and it was in 1995. This is the one with Pamela Anderson & Jenny McCarthey :batsmile: The Undertaker fought King Kong Bundy. L.T. fought Bam Bam Bigelow and Diesel fought HBK, it was pretty good.


Wrestlemania 12: This is arguably the best WM of all-time as it was in 1996. It was huge, Jake the Snake returned at the RR 96, joined Yoko & Ahmed Johnson against Owen & The Bulldog and Vader, The Warrior returned and fought HHH, Piper & Goldust in the hardcore Hollywood Backlot match, The Undertaker vs. Diesel which had such a great build-up and so was the Bret vs. HBK in the 60 minute Iron Man match where Shawn finally won the big one, I mean it was all superb. I was always disappointed that the Billionaire Ted stuff never happen like it was supposed to though it was still a tremendous event!


Wrestlemania 13: 25 years ago this year in 1997 :o This was the last of the classic WM style as the New Generation was ending in order to truly compete against WCW who really spawned the true beginnings of the Attitude era with their nWo a year prior. The match with Bret & Austin was great and it was amazing Rocky Maivia fought his cryptic cousin in The Sultan. The Undertaker finally had his moment by defeating Sycho Sid for the world championship!

The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
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