So here we are with arguably My fave event of all-time from the WWF/WWE:
The Royal Rumble 
Really it had lost its steam over the past decade with a mixture of disappointing and pleasing entries and many missed opportunities on many multiple different levels. Over the past several months they have fired many top and lesser known names thus basically depleting their roster on all three brands and because of these supposed budget releases they are now bring in former WWE wrestlers, Hall of Famers & Legends to make up for their loss of logic and the lack of a somewhat decent, competitive roster. This was not the case during the years of the original
RRs as each one was exciting. Most of the time you never knew who was coming out next. So as I had previously done with other big WWF events, here is a brief highlight commentary by Me as I talk about My fave moments from 1988 to 1997. Ready
RR 88: This was good but it was a wrestling special on the USA network and not a PPV. It also didn't have the 30 man feature we all know today but rather only 20. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan won after eliminating The One Man Gang. Gang seemed like he always got to the top till he was knocked off

Oh and the Jumping Bomb Angels fought the Glamour Girls. both were classic women's tag teams and this was one of their last appearances in the WWF!
RR 89: Ah, My second fave of the whole event's history! I loved this one, it was so cool seeing it as a 8 year youngster! The Super Posedown with the warrior & Rick Rude was great and funny! I loved it when Ted Dibiase was making deals with Slick with his Twin Towers to take care of Hulk Hogan! The battle of the Kings - Harley Race & Haku was dandy! "Rockin" Robin vs. Judy Martin with Sherri on commentary, one of the last matches in the then WWF's Women's division. I thought is was so awesome that both Ax & Smash drew number 1 & 2 and fought each for a brief time. That was awesome Hogan body-slamming both TTs Big Boss Man & Akeem and this was THE BEGINNING of the implosion of the Mega Powers to Wrestlemania V! It was really surprising that Big John Studd won the event after eliminating Akeem (One Man Gang - shame again) and Dibiase. Studd got nothing in the end however

Oh Hogan didn't win

This was one of the most classic WWF events ever and there would only be a year or so left of classic sports moments like this before the 90s hit.
RR 90: This was a good one, I was surprised that Jacques Rougeau had that thick beard...classic! Wow, one of the greatest moments EVER in wrestling happen when it was just the Warrior and Hogan in the Rumble! Never has there been a time like this before or since! Hogan won this event this time! Oh and this was one of Tony Schiavone's only major WWF appearances as he went back to NWA/WCW shortly thereafter and would remain there till their unfortunate demise and we all know he is in AEW as I write this!
RR 91: One of the most underrated of all the Rumbles. "The Mountie" Jacques Rougeau, Kato and Dustin Rhodes all made their debuts here! I loved that the major heel turncoat Sgt. Slaughter beat the Warrior for the world championship thanks to the Macho King! 90 had such an impressive roster of newcomers. Shane Douglas came running to the ring when he was much slender, I still remember how much I was all for him then! Saba Simba's entry was bittersweet. This was also the Undertaker's first Rumble and Hogan won again! Look at the cool art poster!
RR 92: Like its predecessor, it had that cool art as well. I absolutely loved the WWF in 92, the way everything looked, the WWF magazines and so on. Many of the newcomers that I had previously talked about on the board was in this one (90 & 91 had arguably the best new guys)! This was for the vacate WWF Title (thanks to the Survivor Series & This Tuesday in Texas 91 debacles) that would later trend that the winner would be awarded a championship opportunity at the following Wrestlemania 8. Wow, two former horsemen in Flair & Sid fighting Hogan and Flair wins the title!
RR 93: In visual aspects for a few months still resembled 92! Wow, more returns and new guys! Bam Bam Biglelow returns, HBK is on his own! WCW's Steiner Brothers make their debut! Holy crap! Bobby Heenan unveiled "The Narcissist" Lex Luger! I remember talking to everybody then asking them who is Heenan's mystery man, nobody knew and wow was I surprised it was him...such good times

El Gigante leaves WCW and becomes The Giant Gonzales and attacks The Undertaker! Yokozuna eliminates Macho Man and wins the Rumble! Wow, so many from WCW but Flair would leave after this and head back there where it was just natural for him to be!
RR 94: Good one, this was Owen Harts' moment! The Undertaker was defeated by Yokozuna with the help to over a dozen others! Diesel was a monster! Wow, the Great Kabuki and Tenryu were assassins to stop Lex Luger by Master Fuji!! Oh man the dreaded double elimination of Luger & Bret Hart
RR 95: Yep, 95 was My fave year in wrestling for WWF & WCW! This was the one Pamela Anderson was at + at the following Wrestlemania. HBK won, I really hated the tease of the Bulldog winning it
RR 96: My fave Rumble of all-time! 96 was the last of the great ones and still off the coolness of 95 and still in the heyday of the new generation but the WWF was starting to begin a change as the Monday Night Wars was a happening thus beginning the stages of what would become known as the the Attitude Era! Wow, Goldust debuts with his wife Marlena! So many great moments in this Rumble like Jake the Snake returns, Doug Gilbert & Dory Funk jr. Vader's awesome debut, The Squat Team, I LOVED THEM! Yokozuna and King Mable! Shame King Kong Bundy left by then

I thought it was so incredible that HBK eliminated both Yokozuna & Vader AT THE SAME TIME...see if that will ever happen again in the day and age yet I always hated that HBK won 2 years in a row. At least the feud with him & Bret was good and he actually won the title in an Iron Man match in Sudden Death @ Wrestlemania 12!.
RR 97: This was the last of classics IMO as the WWF was still kinda behind WCW's reign of the true beginnings of the Attitude Era. Shame Sid lost the title, there was such huge fanfare and everything for him then! This was the last appearances of the "Fake" Razor Ramon & Diesel. Stone Cold Steve Austin got eliminated but thanks to officials not witnessing it he snuck back in and won. It was bull IMO. He would win the next Rumble in 1998 too but fair and square that time buy really, it was so bum-steer

Well, that's all for My
Royal Rumble commentaries of the great ones, I hope you liked it