The central catch all topic for your collections! Share all of your awesome collections/display setups that you've built and see what others have put together!
Thanks. idk if you mean what cover is it from or where did I get it, so ill just answer both. Its the cover of Batman 251 (jokers five way revenge) and i actually think I scored it from Kmart.
Heres Talon, from the recent DCC wave. Ive been thirsting for him for a while. Hes definitely cool, the court of owls mask is a nice touch, just not sure what to do with it.
He'll be going in my random DC direct/random new 52 DCC shelf in the front room.
heres what I got on the DCUC/marvel legends front. Mole man was a definite impulse buy, but I think he was like 10. For someone who is not really into FF, I keep ending up with their figures. Spider girl was nice, cause I really love her character, and was sad when they cancelled her book. Bizarro and Commander Steel came packaged, so thats two to check off the list. I also got two more Manhunter robots, but forgot to put them in the pic. I dont think they'll be missed.
Heres comics I picked up. I really wasnt in the mood to search at the con, idk... just didnt feel like digging. The paul pope trade was pretty good, and I was glad about empowered, but wish it was a lower volume. I only had 1 and 2. This is 7, i believe.
I had more, Godfather, Venis, Taker, and Vader, but gave them to a friend. Idk, these just have a charm to me. They're so goofy, and anyone that collected them knows about the quirks to each figure. Like Faarooq's leg being shorter than the other. Now, as for playability, hands down the best. Not that I would have a wrestling match with them right now........