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The Mighty Max Thread

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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby AcidDragon » Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:52 am

Yeah this was easily one of my favourite shows as a kid. I think it needs a full DVD release, too. It certainly deserves it.
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:15 am

They seriously got to make a live action movie. I would love it if it was in the a style of The Mummy Returns or Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. This could (if it is handled right) get a trilogy easy IMO!
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:20 am

Yeah or in the style of Percy Jackson or one of those kid hero movies. There were a lot of cool choices from the shows and playsets they could use for inspiration!
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:44 pm

I agree that Mighty max would be perfect for movie adaptation, but I honestly believe Hollywood would completely ruin it, unless it got into the hands of someone who can get stuff done without studios up their @$$. (like a Peter Jackson or Guillermo Del Toro). I can already here in my brain the interviews. Some mercenary for hire director who's credits include a Wrong Turn sequel and a straight to dvd movie based on a fighting game, talking about how "Everyone on the cast and crew respects and loves the source material sooooooooooo much, but HAD to make it contemporary for a modern audience". Thats why Max's hat was changed to a black Kangol, Virgil is CG and voiced by Johnny knoxville, Norman is played by Terry Crews, and SkullMaster is just some dude with a British accent in a 3 piece suit.
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby Tango X » Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:29 pm

Ha, that's exactly how I felt when Jamie Foxx was interviewed about his role as Max Dillon/Electro in the upcoming Spidey flick and he started getting pissed off with the interviewer when he asked if the comics influenced his character. Just another guy casted who couldn't give a bleep about the source material or what it means to fans. I'm lukewarm to Bryan Singer as well. He made some decent films but when he was interviewed about X-Men on the DVD, he basically said he didn't know or care about the comics at all. Does everyone really think they're too good for comic book movies? It's like they think fans should be honored that they're even considering doing something as low brow as comic book movies. Can add Katie Holmes to that list, too. Sorry, rant over. :smwink:
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:18 pm

Oh i totally agree. When jamie foxx and kaitie holmes think they are too good for something, im sure. Robert downey jr is a better actor than both of them combined. And i dont even think Foxx is that bad. Its just like Horror movies. they all stick their nose to it, but when its hot and making more money than anything else, then its cool. If you dont want be in a comicbook movie than dont, but everyone does, cause its makin more money than anything right now. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! I CANT STAND HOLLYWOOD!!!!!!

But yea, Mighty Max is probably better just staying where it is, I just want the series on DVD, that would be nice. Season 1 and Season 2. None of that 'volumes' crap like they did for tmnt.
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:26 am

Now a nice two hour long animated movie, I would be all about that.
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby AcidDragon » Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:02 pm

Yeah, what was the deal with all those TMNT volumes? There were like 6 or 7 separate volume DVDs before we got to proper seasons. Anyhoo, yeah, I'd be all over those Mighty Max DVDs. Or digitally remastered Blu-Rays.
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:22 am

Tmnt dvds were such a drag. But, at least they're out in some form.

Mighty Max would be really cool, if say Pixar did it. Im not huge on CG animation, but I dont hate it. Pixar usually does good work, so that would be cool.

Digitally remastered Blu ray complete series, omg. :smgrin:
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Re: The Mighty Max Thread

Postby Barbecue17 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:17 am

I love Mighty Max! I've decided that Max is the vintage line I'm going to focus on collecting and completing this year (we'll see how it goes). I have most of my childhood collection still and have just recently picked up the four sets that somehow got sold off or traded over the years and quite a few sets I never had.

I've started something on my website called Micro Monday where I plan to review a Microfigure set every Monday. For the near future, this is all going to be Mighty Max. So far I've had two installments:

Palace of Poison:

Mighty Max Challenges Lava Beast:
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