POTF 2: Who was your first?
Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:45 pm
Mine was none other than Boba Fett! I was really, really stoked when I found him in early 1996 at a local Wal-Mart not to mention a new SW series in figure form in about a decade . This was such a great time to be a Star Wars fan before the prequels as I loved the prequels of the future but gosh, the rejuvenation of SW by Galoob's Micro Machines & Hasbro's Power of the Force 2 and the whole Expanded Universe as a whole was just the best times of SW and the absolute best era to be a SW fan IMO. It was before all of this Disney takeover and thus making all of the coolest & best things that I loved like Shadows of the Empire & Dark Forces freakin' LEGENDS!!!!! Ah, I'll just save this rant for a later time. Anyway, here is a few pics I took of Boba Fett!
For comparisons, memory lane for collectors & for noobs who want to get in on the greatness of SW's past, here is Boba with one My favorite versions of 89 Batman & the original Gorilla Alien/Xenomorph, both are from Kenner's great action figure lines (got them in 90 & 92 respectively). I loved Kenner, they made so many great figures during the "true" time of action figures but they were bought-out along with Tonka in 1991 by Hasbro hence the co-maker of the series POTF 2!
I hope you enjoyed this
So, do guys have your first? Share your memory of whom WAS YOUR FIRST POTF 2 figure(s) ans via a pic(s) if possible with your thoughts
For comparisons, memory lane for collectors & for noobs who want to get in on the greatness of SW's past, here is Boba with one My favorite versions of 89 Batman & the original Gorilla Alien/Xenomorph, both are from Kenner's great action figure lines (got them in 90 & 92 respectively). I loved Kenner, they made so many great figures during the "true" time of action figures but they were bought-out along with Tonka in 1991 by Hasbro hence the co-maker of the series POTF 2!
I hope you enjoyed this
So, do guys have your first? Share your memory of whom WAS YOUR FIRST POTF 2 figure(s) ans via a pic(s) if possible with your thoughts