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Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

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Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby OneNineSix » Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:29 pm


Okay so I got issues 1 through 3 of Justice League 3000. Just got through the first two. Issue 1, I found it readable but nothing spectacular. A lot of squabbling. A lot of repetitive shtick. It felt like some JLI-style interactions crossed with the animated movie Justice League War, if that makes sense. I hated Justice League War. I loved Justice League International, but the only problem is that Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in this comic act like Guy Gardner crossed with Lobo crossed with the LEGO Superman from LEGO Batman 2 the video game. Also Barry seems to be a combination of Barry and Wally. I even thought it was Wally at first. :smlol:

Okay. Moving forward, the second comic showed some promise despite the repetitive interactions but then the conclusion killed any of that promise... at least for the time being. They snatched away the very elements that actually made the comic likable for me. I'm waiting to read issue 3 and I hope that this is similar to my lukewarm response to the initial Agents of Shield episodes. That is, I'll warm up to it after digesting more. :smhuh:
I really want to like this comic, so I'm going to give it a couple more issues. I will report back with my spoiler free findings. :smwink:
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby Illiasc » Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:38 pm

Thanks for a nice spoiler-free review! I look forward to hearing how the next issues go. It's a bummer to see disappointment in it, but I'm not too surprised I guess. Also, I love seeing the cover art for them. It's still odd for me to imagine the Justice League of any form looking like that. :smgrin:
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby OneNineSix » Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:09 am


Finished with issue #3 and I have to say that I'm actually kind of getting into this now. The story is getting interesting and the characters are starting to flesh out better and I'm seeing Superman more of a supporting character than the usual forefront character and by seeing him this way, I can accept their new archetypes more easily. They've also introduced a new character who's fairly interesting and new relationships are being built between characters to make them less one dimensional. I would definitely recommend giving it a read at least to issue #3 and see how you like it. After a rough first two issues, #3 is starting to find some footing. I'm definitely going to pick up the next three next week and I'll let you guys know how it goes.
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby Illiasc » Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:20 am

Glad to hear it's picking up and getting better. I definitely think that among the comics done in this New 52 era, this is one I actually might want to try!
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby Avalon » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:24 pm

If you get to the next few and it doesn't totally suck I might pick this up to see for myself too. I need something to replace Justice League and JLA now that I decided to drop those a while ago.
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby HectorHall » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:41 pm

I picked up 7, 8, and 9. It didn't suck. It didn't set my world on fire. I am curious enough to fill in 1-6 and try a couple more. I also want to like this. Jury is still out...........
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby OneNineSix » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:27 am

I'm feeling the same way, Hector. The comic isn't bad. It's actually pretty good but it isn't groundbreaking. Ha, I'm going to get 4, 5 and 6 pretty soon. 3 left me curious for sure. I just hope this lands me somewhere. Let me know what you think of 1-3. I'm curious as to what your opinion is on the initial three. 1 was a bumpy ride for sure but it got progressively better for me from thereon in.
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby Avalon » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:39 pm

Damn, I bought issues 7-9 and I kind of wish I didn't. Not because it sucked. Actually liked it a lot more than I thought I would. Problem is that I obviously killed a major plot twist event that the previous six issues probably would have built up a lot more........ I'm going to hunt down the rest and hope that binge drinking during regular season will kill enough brain cells so that I'll forget what I read by the time I get to them.
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby Illiasc » Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:07 pm

Yeah I hear there's some pretty crazy events that happen in the first six. That's a shame to hear. I believe I'm pretty sold on trying out JL3000 though! I'm going to pick up issues 1-9 sometime this week, see how I like it.
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Re: Justice League 3000 Reviews/Thoughts

Postby OneNineSix » Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:28 pm

Ok, I read the last 6 issues and I have to say that I think they're actually really good. I'm actually really pumped for issue #10 which came out yesterday so I still need to pick that up. :smgrin:


Issue #4
This is where they slowed down the pace of the comic and actually began fleshing out the characters to the point where I actually started caring about them. Information was revealed to the big 3 who as I said, I found rather unlikable in previous issues. Their reactions to the news gave their characters more motivation and personality. Hal was also further developed as was his interaction with one of the main antagonists. Then a little surprise at the end. The sugar coated fan service type that I'm a little ashamed to admit that the fanboy inside me went, "Cool!"


Issue #5
This issue was a bit of a break from story development. It was heavy on action. Heavy on big scenes. I liked it because it was a change of pace from the last issue.


Issue #6
Pace change again. This one was extremely heavy on character development which is a good thing. All the major protagonists are further developed and so are all the major antagonists. I'm impressed with how well Giffen and DeMatteis were able to cram so much significant story material in around 20 pages. This one solidifies the main plot for me and gives the heroes clearer motivations. This is my favorite issue so far. :smgrin:

Like I said, I read all 6 issues so I'll probably post my thoughts on the last three soon or maybe the last four if I have time to pick up a copy of #10.
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