by Illiasc » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:13 pm
My oh my, talk about DC Show jackpot lately! The crew of writer/producer is interesting, hmm. I truly wonder how it will end up. How dark and serious will it be versus colorful and light. (kind of crazy at least for me to imagine Supergirl in something as gritty and dark as Arrow or Gotham's approach - Also, I doubt CBS would go that way.) I also wonder how many characters they'll throw in. Smallville did quite an amazing job of giving a lot of DC characters at least an episode's appearance, with quite the likeness to their comic counterparts. I've hardly read anything on Supergirl other than her appearances in major stories that weren't centered on her, and mostly just know her from animated shows, so, I'm pretty interested in and new to whatever a Supergirl show might bring me. It being CBS too is pretty interesting as well.