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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition)

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition)

Postby AcidDragon » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:25 pm


Hi guys, just a heads up for you all. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition) arrives today in Blu-Ray + DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy. This version will include Parts 1 and 2 in the form of a full feature plus a BRAND NEW commentary track and a 70 minute exclusive documentary on Frank Miller and the critically acclaimed graphic novel. :batshock:

For you collectors out there, Target is featuring a special steel book edition. Here's hoping that applies to Targets in Canada as well. :batgrin:
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Re: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition)

Postby Avalon » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:42 pm

Ordered mine from Amazon. Not concerned about the steel book edition. :batgrin:
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Re: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition)

Postby Crazy Jetty » Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:10 pm

It's about bloody time. Seriously, DC animated movies are barily more than an hour long. Why couldn't they have just released the whole thing in one go from the start, as a true full length movie?

For that matter, so much wrong could be fixed in most of their animated movies if they were bumped to 90 minutes instead of 70. Wonder Woman and GL: First Flight would have benefitted greately from not having to cram so much into such a short length of time.
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Re: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition)

Postby Idiot Savant » Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:38 pm

All the movies have been in the 70 minute range; that being said, I do agree that some or most should/could be longer and while its true that GL & WW would've been better with more time, GL was infinitely better than the cinema version and that was barely 90 minutes...

Because DC Animated pulled this Bat-crap on TDKR, it's for the suckers out there; like me who'll buy this up like Bat-crazy pills; I will be VERY reluctant to buy a 2-parter separately again...

I did buy the steel book version and the art card inserts are really cool to have, not much else is different from the original releases.
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