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PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 9:25 pm
by packerbacker180
I'm pretty excited for this to debut. Stargirl was one of my favorite characters before Didio ruined their entire universe, and with Courtney being based on Geoff Johns sister, and Johns being involved, I'm pretty sure it's going to be pretty accurate to the source material.

Plus, it's the closest thing I'll ever get to a JSA tv show I'm sure. So many cameos in the previews, can't wait for Tuesday!

Re: Stargirl

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:35 am
by AcidDragon
I'm pretty pumped and it'll hopefully be a decent redo after they just did their own version on the Legends of Tomorrow show.

Re: Stargirl

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 11:31 am
by packerbacker180
The characters they've shown in the commercials, costume wise, are very promising. I haven't watched this season of Legends, it's on the DVR but I haven't found the energy since it strays quite from continuity. I even find myself less excited for the Flash this season. The Sunday shows I don't even watch besides the crossover episodes. Hopefully Stargirl can bring some new energy to the universe.

Re: Stargirl

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 12:52 pm
by packerbacker180
So, I thought the premiere was really good. Thought there was a little too much humor with the opening JSA stuff, but the rest was really solid. It did make me sad to think about how much I enjoyed the Justice Society books in the 2000s before Didio and Lee ruined the universe. Now I barely pay attention to most of what's out there. I don't even buy comic books anymore, and it was made so much easier when the things I loved most were removed from the universe and nothing in the past mattered anymore. I can't imagine I was the only one that occurred with. Hopefully all the "new" readers they gained made up for it.

Wasn't really sold on Joel McHale being Starman, and the jury is still out on Luke Wilson, but Stargirl seems to have been perfectly cast. That isn't always the case with these shows.

Re: Stargirl

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:30 pm
by AcidDragon
I haven't seen it yet but I figured with Owen Wilson and Joel McHale, it would at least be frontloaded with a lot of gags. Looking forward to seeing it.

These days, all I'm collecting are collected editions that are pre-New 52 so I'm definitely with you on that.