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Best Actor/Actresses in ComicBook Movies

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Re: Best Actor/Actresses in ComicBook Movies

Postby Caleb » Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:32 pm

Honestly, it's really annoying that unfair comparisons to The Raid (the movies are similar in baseline framing device alone), a crowded release stable, and general audiences thinking Dredd was a remake of the crummy Stallone film kind of killed Dredd's business. It should have been a sleeper hit. The quality was certainly there.

Lionsgate's been pretty mum on sequel talk. There's a petition, and the HV market has been pretty kind to Dredd. Anyone interested should check out the new Dredd: Underbelly comics, which continue the world of the film. And sign the petition, obviously.
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Re: Best Actor/Actresses in ComicBook Movies

Postby Bo-rilla Grodd » Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:40 pm

See, I heard that the movie did real good on dvd, so based on that, they were gonna go with a sequel. Coulda just been a rumor. There is like a small similarity between the two (i think the Raid is a better movie, but thats not taking anything away from Dredd). Its okay to have two movies with a similar plot. Thats like saying Escape from Alcatraz and the Great Escape are the same movie.
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Re: Best Actor/Actresses in ComicBook Movies

Postby Muthasucka » Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:12 pm

I tend put these actors/performances into categories:

1) Transcendant:
Heath Ledger, The Joker, "The Dark Knight"
He not only transformed himself and lost himself in the role, and made it totally his own and unique, but he was absolutely mesmerizing every moment he was on screen. Easily the best Comic Book performance and totally deserving of an Oscar. Amazing.

2) Definitive:
Christopher Reeve, Superman/Clark Kent, "Superman The Movie"
He WAS Superman in that movie, he perfectly personified his calm demeanor and his aloof superiority without being boring or condescending. And the scream when Lois dies still gives me chills. His Clark is totally brilliant as well, and he made it (almost) totally believable that no one would figure out he was Superman. Really captured the Golden Age Superman who got a laugh out of fooling people with the few times he lets the audience know they're in on the joke.

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man/Tony Stark, "Iron Man"
While not a transformative performance, he totally owned this and made the character his own, or, rather, made the character HIM. Like Reeve, it'll be hard to imagine anyone else in the role. Completely enjoyable and charming depiction through and through.

3) Exceptional:
Now we get into the larger groups. This one is for great, standout performances that either nailed the characters or lifted the quality of the film due to their presence.

Gary Oldman, Jim Gordon; Tom Hiddleston, Loki; Michelle Pfeiffer, Catwoman/Selina Kyle; Chris Evans, Captain America/Steve Rogers; Hugh Jackman, Wolverine/Logan; Ian McKellan, Magneto/Eric Lensherr; Ron Perlman, Hellboy; Jackie Earle Haley, Rorschach/Walter Kovacks.

4) Solid:
This category is for good, solid performances that, while not necessary standouts, help to anchor their respective movies and sell the believability.

Christian Bale, Batman/Bruce Wayne; Chris Hemsworth, Thor; Anne Hathaway, Selina Kyle; Patrick Stewart, Professor X; Clark Gregg, Agent Coulson; Gene Hackman, Lex Luthor; Tom Hardy, Bane; Liam Neeson, Ra's al Ghul; Henry Cavill, Superman/Clark Kent; Diane Lane, Martha Kent; Morgan Freeman, Lucius Fox; Michael Fassbender, Magneto/Eric Lensherr; Anthony Hopkins, Odin; Gwynneth Paltrow, Pepper Potts; Tommy Lee Jones, Colonel Phillips; Glenn Ford, Jonathan Kent.

Special Mention - Great performances in terrible movies!
Mark Strong, Sinestro, "Green Lantern"; Jon Favreau, Foggy Nelson, "Daredevil."
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Re: Best Actor/Actresses in ComicBook Movies

Postby Skullmaster » Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:27 am

Muthasucka wrote:Special Mention - Great performances in terrible movies!
Mark Strong, Sinestro, "Green Lantern"; Jon Favreau, Foggy Nelson, "Daredevil."

That's because Jon Favreau is a fantastically gifted/underrated actor. :smwink:
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