Star Wars Episode VII (Warning!!! Spoilers Ahead!!)

Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:42 pm
by Rattrap96
Overall, I thought that it was a good movie. There were a few scenes that were funny, like when Finn gave a thumb up to BB-88 & BB-88 responds by the flame thing that comes out of him. There's another scene where Han asks Chewie if he can borrow his bow gun. But I was totally shocked that Han was killed, didn't expect that. The minute that Rey held Luke's light saber, I knew she was Luke's daughter. Can't believe that the entire movie came down to a 3 minute scene between Luke & his daughter & didn't say anything, WTF? Really? All that getting into shape for 3 minute cameo? And the fact that Luke didn't even say anything, just held his hand trying to get his saber back. Well, at least he'll have more of a role in the next movie (which is only a year & half away). Still want to know they're going to use Harrison Ford for the next movie, now that Han is dead.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII (Warning!!! Spoilers Ahead!!)

Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:12 pm
by Webslinger
Whoa hold on wait a minute!!! You mean to tell me that Rey is Luke's daughter? Just because she held him father's (Vader) lightsaber doesn't make her a relation. Besides aren't Jedi supposed to not have relationships if I am correct? I don't like how they rushed Rey's use of the force so quickly INCLUDING the Jedi mind trick annnd she knew how to fix/fly the Falcon and knows about Luke and Han and the Falcon. The only one she knew nothing of was Chewbacca, that damn wookie gets snubbed in almost every film LOL. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie, just picking at little things...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII (Warning!!! Spoilers Ahead!!)

Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:12 pm
by Rattrap96
Then why was Rey drawn to Luke's lightsaber? Hmmm...?

Besides Leia's & Han's son was a Jedi, right?

Re: Star Wars Episode VII (Warning!!! Spoilers Ahead!!)

Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:08 am
by Webslinger
Why was Luke drawn to the cave on Dagobah, the Force resides in everything... maybe it was calling to her knowing she was force sensitive...