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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

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Revenge of 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:29 pm

I thought we needed more macabre, so this year we adding a Monster of the Day thread. Now, these monsters could be fictional, or historical, or in Congress. Who knows what creatures lurk within the shadows of our periphery, just beyond the veil of the natural and the supernatural...

So today's monster is...

Spring-heeled Jack! I first heard of these stories late one night on my lunch break, sitting in my car outside of Walmart at 2 AM listening to Coast to Coast AM. So here is his tale...


Spring-heeled Jack was described by people who claimed to have seen him as having a terrifying and frightful appearance, with diabolical physiognomy, clawed hands, and eyes that "resembled red balls of fire". One report claimed that, beneath a black cloak, he wore a helmet and a tight-fitting white garment like an oilskin. Many stories also mention a "Devil-like" aspect. Others said he was tall and thin, with the appearance of a gentleman. Several reports mention that he could breathe out blue and white flames and that he wore sharp metallic claws at his fingertips. At least two people claimed that he was able to speak comprehensible English.


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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:22 am

Wow, I knew pretty much what you said but you pretty much nailed him PB, I love the detail :) This is a great topic and quite apropos as well :blbat:

My Monster of the Day is Godzilla :!: He was really first one I ever knew. I just loved him. My absolute favorite version of him is 1985, I watched it tons of tons when I was a youngster :)

Godzilla 1985 Poster 1.jpg

In fact The Return of Godzilla/Godzilla 1984/Godzilla 1985 IMO is still THE best Godzilla film. I love how dark in nature it is, how he looks, the music and the sound of his roar :!:

My Grandpa went out on business trip in 1986 or so in Kansas City, MO. There was a cool comic shop there, He saw a Imperial Toys Godzilla 1985 Figure there in their window and knew I'd want & love him and bought him for Me. This Godzilla is one of My most prized figures of all and I never could thank My Grandpa PoPo enough :(


You can see the entire showcase here --->
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby AcidDragon » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:01 am

Excellent, my earliest memories of Spring-Heeled Jack were his entries in books I borrowed from the school library and of course Monster In My Pocket.
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:04 am

That's great your participating Acid, keep it up :roll:

Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein was My first Universal Monster experience and I loved it as a youngster. My Mom recorded it on TV for Me cause I saw the commercial so she knew I wanted to see it :roll:

AACMF 1.jpg

So really there's 4 monsters of the day here, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolf Man & The Invisible Man :!: Ever since I was a Universal Monsters fan :blbat: :blww: :blsm: :blmm: :blhal: :blbaf: :blaq:

AACMF 2.jpg

IMPORTANT NOTE: My Grandpa PoPo always told Me how he wanted to see the film when he was ONLY 12 YEARS OLD and there was a line for blocks to see it at the that was anticipation :o
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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:25 am

Godzilla, an underrated choice.

Today's Monster of the Day is....

The Hat Man!


Ugh, why am I doing this? This stuff creeps me out. Sleep with the lights on tonight, kids.

Hatman is a phenomenon in which witnesses report seeing a shadowy entity dressed in an old top hat on some occasions, and on others with a "fedora" type hat (typical detective hat) and sometimes, A layer. The Hat Man acts like a ghost, and is almost always seen just standing there. This form can simply fade until the witness no longer sees it and has no apparent reaction to people.


Unlike a ghost, who might have visible facial features, the Hat Man is a shadow in the dark in its entirety, with no details. Only the shadow. However, it is not always reported to be harmless, the Hat Man has sometimes been mentioned as a distinct entity and many times, witnesses report that they feel utter terror upon seeing it. Many people have reported that this entity feeds on their terror and does not vanish, he simply walks away as any normal person would. This shadow has substance (that is, some people have touched it) and many paranormal researchers believe that this entity should be studied. As a curiosity, this phenomenon is only reported with the Hat Man in the top hat.

Ugh, heebeegeebies!

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:13 am

Oh I've always thought Godzilla was a monster of horror especially when you see Godzilla 85 compared to all seen before and after it, this is even darker than the 54 version!

I'm really not familiar with The Hatman, now he is spooky lookin :shock:

So My monster today is Bigfoot :!:

Bigfoot-Sasquatch 1.jpg

I have talked a lot about the legendary and real creature. I say real because I've seen one so I know for a fact that they exist though I cannot say what they truly are. I'm not joking, I'm a very serious person. You can see My sighting plus a whole lot more here --->

Now I have explained many things in My topics so I'll just be brief here. My first knowing about Bigfoot was when I was a youngster. Me & My Grandma were at the great Woolworth on Cherokee Street. I saw these great looking coloring books that really grabbed My attention. One was called Modern Monsters and I thought this was so fun :) From then on My attention was expanding beyond stuff of like Godzilla, Universal Monsters, He-Man, Star Wars etc. You can see the whole 3-Part showcase that was such a special time for Me made here --->


So not long after that in 1987, My Grandma found Me the VHS over at Annie Burke's Daughter's Movie Mogul whom I greatly showcased in My all crucial Odds & Ends ---> This VHS was of a movie called Harry and the Hendersons cause she knew I'd like it and that My curiosity was growing and from then on I've studied Cryptozoology, loved animals and always aware looking outside for anything that I don't recognize and/or that isn't classified!


I would see tons of Bigfoot & Sasquatch documentaries & movies over the years. Still the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin sighting is My favorite and I believe most ideal. So many special effects artists say that it's authentic and that bodysuits and tech like that didn't exist till later. I mean the creature is huge, at least the size of Andre the Giant and it has boobs meaning it is a female thus why she is called Patty :wwwink:

Patty 1.jpg

NOTE: When you people are bored with nothing to do, take about an hour or so a day outside day & night and look for nature because you can't see unknown animals if your inside all day and also always watch the skies too and I'm not kidding, I've seen stuff and I know what I'm talking about and it was be cool if people do this, see stuff they can't explain and talk to Me about it ;)

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:25 pm

Today's Monster of the Day might just be a relative of Bigfoot, for when he's around, things tend to disappear. He's horrifying. Terrifying. Crumbifying? He's...

The Cookie Monster!


The Cookie Monster was originally designed as one of three monsters for a General Mills cereal commercial that never actually aired. But fortunately, everything is on the internet! (except Jeffrey Epstein's client list(

The Cookie monster would appear in the very first episode of Sesame Street, but it wasn't until later in the season that he actually received a name and would debut the classic "C is for Cookie"

And cookies everywhere have never been safe again.


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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:26 am

The Cookie Monster, interesting choice there PB ;)

Mine will be simple today. I love Moby Dick, the story and all that. One major reason is because the Sperm Whale is unstoppable. I hate Whaling and all that and as a side note that's one of the reasons why Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is arguably My favorite of the franchise. Also the name whale...what does it mean :? Well it has a few meaning but in Hebrew it means MONSTER :o

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby packerbacker180 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:49 am

Thar she blows!

Today's Monster of the Day gives us some spicy latin flavor!


That's right, the Chupacabra!


Physical descriptions of the creature vary. In Puerto Rico and in Hispanic America it is generally described as a heavy creature, reptilian and alien-like, roughly the size of a small bear, and with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail, while in the Southwestern United States it is depicted as more dog-like.

Initial sightings and accompanying descriptions first occurred in Puerto Rico in 1995. The creature has since been reported as far north as Maine, as far south as Chile, and even outside the Americas in countries like Russia and Philippines. All of the reports are anecdotal and have been disregarded as uncorroborated or lacking evidence. Sightings in northern Mexico and the southern United States have been verified as canids afflicted by mange

Alien? Monster? Hillary Clinton in disguise? Well, if it starts attacking small children...maybe....

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Re: 31 Days of Halloween: Monster of the Day

Postby AcidDragon » Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:55 pm

Man, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Abbott and Costello flick. It really stood the test of time. It's one of my all-time favourite monster flicks and the crossover madness is on point.
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