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Stay Tooned!!!--The End!?????

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Stay Tooned!!!--The End!?????

Postby packerbacker180 » Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:13 pm

Man, I grew up in the mid to late 80's when Saturday Morning Cartoons were still a thing on every channel (there weren't that many) and the USA Cartoon Express rolled on with lots of older shows. Plus you had your He-Man and GI Joe and other shows that aired weekdays. So for the heck of it, let's reminisce on old cartoons. Can be anything from the 60's to today, let's just talk toons. Two things I always loved as a kid were, one, seeing ads in comics for Saturday morning cartoons, and two, the networks used to air a half hour program that would showcase the new season of Saturday morning cartoons.

So this thread can be about anything. A cartoon you loved. A cartoon you hated. One you thought was odd. A cartoon you just can't recall the name of. Theme songs. Anything toon related!

Hell, let's start with a little game called Name That Toon, a No Prize for everyone you get right! And feel free to post more yourself!

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Re: Cartoons

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:01 am

Good topic dude. Yeah, I miss those days of "REAL" cartoons. 80s and and 90s had'em. the 2000s was just trying to bring it back but IMO it never worked just like everything else from then on. Out of the pics you showed I only recognized The Centurions. I'll tell ya what, I will do this, I will post some good ones and My faves of the 80s and some I thought was good in the 90s and a bit in the 2000s as a sweet bonus in pics like you did but there's really a lot on My mind so here we go :batsmile:

The Fleisher Superman was My Grandpa's favorite, he introduced Me to this cartoon and I thought it was great!

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Re: Cartoons

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:02 am


He-Man is My fave of all-time!

I loved Bravestarr too!
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Re: Cartoons

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:06 am

The Past isn't a Wilderness of Horrors - We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing - DTA - If it's been done in a movie, then most likely it's already been done in Real Life - ALWAYS Watch the Skies - Question Everything, FTW! = Me + Various <-->
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Re: Cartoons

Postby BrandonDaCollector » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:08 am

I loved the reboots, I did dig the more realistic approach to them!

OK, WOW, that was a lot :lol: There is a tone we could talk about here but really this is just a sample of these shows and times/eras. Let's keep this topic gonin' and you first Packer :batsmile:
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Re: Cartoons

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:47 am

Yep, a lot of great shows. I remember a little about Bravestar but Blackstar is a show I don't recall ever seeing. I know of the toys of course, but never really saw the show. That's the fun thing I'd like to think about this topic, there are 1000's of shows, and depending on where you lived, they may have aired at a different time or day. It's funny, I don't always remember relatives' birthdays, but I can tell you what time a cartoon was on, what channel, give a good guess on the years, and probably know a good majority of the theme songs still.

I was what they called a Latch Key Kid. I grew up on the southside of Buffalo and my parents both worked 9 to 5 jobs. My sister was a year older than me, and we lived about five city blocks from our elementary school. It's crazy to think about in now, but at the age of 7, 8, 9, we walked home from school unsupervised. I mean, I don't even like letting my kids walk down the block to a friends house all alone these days, but back then, '85 or so, schools were like, "Out you go, make sure you come back tomorrow!" and we would walk in small groups, alone, home. Then it was inside, lock the door and flip on the tube.

So I remember in those days it was He-Man at 3 PM on channel 2 (NBC), followed by She-Ra. Then GI Joe and Transformers were on 29 (eventually became Fox, not sure what it was back then), followed by SuperFriends reruns or eventually Ducktales and Rescue Rangers came around. I was like so many, as they would say, raised by TV.

But I remeber if we want to my grandma's, she had a TV you could mess around with the antenna, and it would pick up some random stations I couldn't get at home and I could see some cartoons I never saw like Go-Bots, the newer Super Powers Galactic Guardians show. I think it was a station out of NYC or Canada, I know, but I'm not even sure. Still, it was a treat to see shows like that.

But I digress.

Anyway, show #1 was Fantastic Max. I wouldn't say it was a favorite or anything. I remember it being on weekday mornings in the late 80s on ch 29 at 9 AM. If I stayed home from school that day, or if it was summer vacation, it was on. By then there were more channels, so you had Nickolodeon to choose from as well and USA aired locally by then with the Cartoon Express, but it was a show I sometimes watched, enough at least that I still remember the theme. Looking at it's wikipedia page, it aired from 88-90. It was about a baby boy who would travel into space via a literal bottle rocket (oh, the puns!) with his doll that was an alien from another planet, and a robot made of building blocks. His catchphrase was, of course, "Dirty diapers!" to express shock or whatever during his adventures.

I think I'll try to do one of these shows each day down the list, and maybe I'll just keep going after that Again, it'd be great if anyone else wants to chime in. Miles may vary, we all grew up in different parts of the country at different times, and this was before satellite tv so show times were probably different for many of us, especially weekdays. I'd love to hear memories anyone else has on shows, any show, even Wait Til Your Father Gets Home, which was, one of the weirder shows I remember seeing (since it was originally a prime time adult cartoon--not that kind of "adult"!)
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Re: Cartoons

Postby packerbacker180 » Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:59 am

Oh, I loved Garfield and Friends! Well, at least Garfield, I was always a little disappointed when USAcres came on. But funny thing, my son woke me up a few months ago in the middle of the night because he didnt feel good, and we wound up flipping channels on the couch, and Garfield and Friends was on Boomerang at some ungodly hour, 3 or 4 AM, and we watched a couple episodes and he was really into it. So much so that I DVR'd a few more episodes for us to watch together. Here's the cool synchronicty of it, I looked it up online and Garfield and Friends originally aired first in 1988 (Saturday mornings on CBS of course) which would've been when I was 10. And my son, at that the time we watched it together, was also 10. I thought that was a cool kind of moment of the universe winking at me. But watching it now, USAcres wasn't half bad. I guess it needed to be decent for the show to last seven seasons!

I still sometims tell my kids I'm going to ship them off to Abu Dhabi, ala Garfield and Nermal.

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Re: Let's Talk Toons!!!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:42 pm

Funny, I actually never got to see BraveStarr. I knew of it because of the toy commercials but the show didn't air on any channel here that I know of. And then the opposite is true with Blackstar. I used to watch Blackstar a LOT, not because it was necessarily any good but because it was the only cartoon on at the time on YTV here in Canada. I do actually remember it fondly, though. I watched a ton of Garfield and Friends and similar to you, I preferred the actual Garfield segments to the "and Friends" portion. That hippie sheep bothered me. The chick and Sheldon were pretty cute, though.
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Re: Let's Talk Toons!!!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:48 pm

Don't forget FILMATION'S Ghostbusters. :smlol:

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Re: Let's Talk Toons!!!!!

Postby AcidDragon » Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:51 pm

Haha Eek! the Cat. That takes me back... Remember Sonic the Hedgehog with Urkel doing the voice?

I believe Jaleel did the voice for both but they were completely different shows. I liked them both but the first one had a kickin' opener. :smgrin: :batgrin: :wwgrin:
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